Monstrum is a Polish heavy metal band formed in 1994 in the city of RzeszĂłw by Mariusz Waltos (vocals), Waclaw Dudek (guitar), Tomasz Maternowski (bass) and Piotr Kubas (drums). During this line-up they haven't released any materials
In 1996 Tomasz Maternowski left the band and he was replaced by the vocalist. Also Pawel Guzek joined as a second guitarist.
In 1997 Piotr Kubas left and was replaced by Wojciech Bartnik. During this year, the band performed during the Dedal Rock Festival in Mielec. A year later, they released the first demo because of the money award from the festival and it was titled "demo 98".
In 1999, thanks to the local radio station, the band played before the performance of the band Quo Vadis. Also that year they participated in the Dedal Rock Festival again and achieved the first place. A year later Wojciech Bartnik left and was replaced by Szymon Antkowicz. In the beginning of 2001 Pawel Guzek also left and Marcin Habaj filled his place.
In this line-up, the band released "Demo 2002" that had 3 songs recorded. Szymon Antkowicz left the band during this year and was replaced by Przemyslaw Rzeszutek. In september 2003, because of winning an award in the "Podkarpacie musicians festival", the band made a new song called "Wolnosci Smak" which had a videoclip recorded for it. Everything was released in 2004 as a single bearing the same title.
In 2004 when Damian Zajac became the third guitarist, the band began working on their debut called "Za Horyzontem Ciszy" which was finished in May. On the 6th of november during that year in the Rzeszowian club "Rejs" Monstrum performed a gig that was a celebration for the band because they played for 10 years and it was a premiere of their first LP.
In 2005 Waclaw Dudek resigns from the group, and is replaced by Milosz Kosciolek. Mariusz Waltos also stops playing the bass to concentrate more on the vocals. Tomasz Guzek, the brother of the former guitarist Pawel Guzek becomes the new bassist. After some months Waclaw Dudek came back to the band.
Monstrums most recent album, VIII Dzien Tygodnia, was released on January 5th, 2007
MONSTRUM ORIGIN Poland (Rzeszów), formed in 1994
MONSTRUM CURRENT LINE-UP Mariusz ``Kundi`` Waltoś - vocals (occasionally also bass) (Astarot (Pol))
Marcin ``Habek`` Habaj - guitar (Sagittarius (Pol), Dimension (Pol))
Damian ``Ślimak`` Zaj¹c - guitar
Wac³aw ``Wacek`` Dudek - guitar
Kamil Śliwiñski - bass
Przemys³aw ``Sutek`` Rzeszutek - drums
MONSTRUM PREVIOUS LINE-UP Mi³osz Kośció³ek - guitar
Pawe³ Guzek - guitar
Tomasz ``Góra`` Guzek - bass (Holy Aim)
Wojciech Bartnik - drums
Szymon Antkowicz - drums
Piotr Kubas - drums
Tomasz ``Ritu`` Trzpis - bass (ex-Banisher, Necropsy (Pol), Cerebrum (Pol), Misanthropia (Pol))
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