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The Incapable Carrion

Album: ''The Incapable Carrion'' (1994 Demo)
1. Jesus Christ
2. The Bond to God
3. Expansion of the Church
4. Awakening in Death
5. Holy War
6. Creation


Album: ''Barbarians'' (1995)
1. Barbarians
2. Catheclasm
3. Svatý otec
4. Peklo
5. Druhé stvoøení
6. Legenda z poèátku vìku...aneb mesiášùv konec


Album: ''Lucan-Antikrist'' (1996)
1. Zrada
2. Pùlnoèní øíše
3. Luèané
4. Žatecký hrad
5. Poslední bitva
6. Soudný den


Album: ''Krvestreb'' (1997)
1. Vládce modré oblohy
2. Oèi obìti
3. Píseò èerných vran
4. Smrt nepravým
5. Poslední varování
6. Krvestøeb

Cerná Krev

Album: ''Cerná Krev'' (1998)
1. Lùza okolní, chátra všeobecná, jakož i veškerá chamraï nepotøebná
2. Rada užiteèná, kterak stáøí dožíti, a taktéž doporuèení vhodné pro život a pøežitíVhodne Pro Zivot A Preziti
3. Šílený Øezník, rovnìž znám jako Maniac Butcher v jazyce Englickém
4. Intermezzo
5. Žíznìní po krvi, však všeobecnì známému vampyrismu ne zcela podobné
6. Pøání nezvyklé až prapodivné, jehož naplnìním následkùch neobvyklých lze docíliti
7. Nesmrtelnost i vìènost, zpùsobeny prolitím i následným požitím znaèného množství lidské krve


Album: ''Invaze'' (1999)
1. Všehomír Veškerý, Øíší Smrti I Polem Bitevním Od Samých Vìkùch Poèátkùch
2. Bídná Smrt Neslavná Èi Sláva Nesmrtelná, Volba To Jest Veskrze Jednoznaèná
3. Myšlenky Krvelaèné, I Jiné Potøebnosti Všeliké, Pro Zdárný Prùbìh Bitvy Výhodné
4. Bìsnìní Bitevní Právì Poèíná, Neb V Tomto Okamžení Hodina Pùlnoèní Odbývá
5. Øemeslo Váleèné, To Jest Mi Chlebem Všedním I Taktéž Kratochvílí Sváteèní
6. Invaze Všenièící, Pøinášející Slávu Nehynoucí Vítìzùm I Smrt Nezvratnou Poraženým
7. Invaze (Agressor Cover)

Epitaph - The Final Onslaught of Maniac Butcher

Album: ''Epitaph - The Final Onslaught of Maniac Butcher'' (2000)
1. Co dobré pro mne, dobrým jest - to pravidlem nemìnným provázejíc konání mé životem mým povšechným
2. Bitva rozhodující v krvi ouspìšnì vybojována jest, a tím i toto tažení vojnové zakonèení zdárného dosahuje
3. Ve stínu Hor Krušných, na bøezích øeky Oharky, v kraji v tom, nech po tøi dny následující medovina proudem prolévána jest v oslavu našeho vítìzství slavného
4. Znaèní mordové se dìjí lidu žebravému v kraji Žateckém, nebolièto jednomu každému státi se tak, nehyhnutelným zdá se být
5. Zkušenost i nauèení závìreèné, výhodné k dojití uplatnìní pøede všemi u králùch, vladaøùch, vojvodùch i druhých panovníkùch všelikerých

The Best of / A Tribute to Maniac Butcher

Album: ''The Best of / A Tribute to Maniac Butcher'' (2002 Best of/Compilation)
1. The Beast Of Hell
2. Barbarians
3. Vsehomir veskery...
4. Dva tisice let
5. Ve stinu hor Krusnych...
6. Luza okolni...
7. Procitnuti v smrti
8. Pulnocni rise
9. Dva tisice let
10. Pisen cernych vran
11. Co dobre pro mne, dobrym jest...
12. Rada uzitecna...
13. Pulnocni rise
14. Besneni bitevni...
15. Sileny Reznik...

Immortal Death / The Incapable Carrion

Album: ''Immortal Death / The Incapable Carrion'' (2003 Best of/Compilation)
1. Twenty Centuries
2. Immortal Death
3. Fight of Faith with the Church
4. Church Murders I
5. Church Murders II
6. The Ten Commandments
7. Belief in God
8. The Eleventh Key
9. Jesus Christ
10. The Bond to God
11. Expansion of the Church
12. Awakening in Death
13. Holy War
14. Creation

maniac butcher


One of the Czech Republic’s foremost and notorious Black Metal acts. As their name implies Maniac Butcher deal in raw and unadulterated Metal with no concessions keyboards or female vocals. Indeed, the band state quite candidly ‘We use the mouths of girls for totally different activities’!

Although the band first emerged with the 1993 demo ‘Immortal Death’ Maniac Butcher can trace their history as far back as 1988. The debuting line up comprised of vocalist Barbarud Hrom, guitarist Vlad Blasphemer, bassist Thomas and drummer Michael.

The 1994 session ‘The Incapable Carrion’ saw Thomas being superseded by Jorg on bass. Maniac Butcher had their 1996 ‘Black Hordes Of Saaz’ single shared with Dark Storm. Following the band’s debut full length album Jorg decamped.

Second album ‘Lucan- Antikrist’ saw the inclusion of second guitarist Lord Unclean. This outing included a rendition of Master's Hammer's 'Hell Abyss'. Line up troubles afflicted the band further when Michael left the fold, to found yet another uncompromising act Agmen, followed by Lord Unclean. By this stage Maniac Butcher was down to the pairing of Vlad Blasphemer and Barbarud Hrom for the ‘Cerna Krev’ outing.

1999 had session players Ramus on guitar and Butcher on drums filling the vacant positions for a split album shared with Inferno and Sezarbil. A full length effort ‘Invaze’, which included a cover version of a track by the same name originally recorded by Assessor, was also released the same year. Meantime the ‘Cerna Krev’ album was re-released on the Brazilian Mega Therion label with extra tracks and retitled ‘Sangue Negro’.

Maniac Butcher achieved quite a coup in 2000 when the esteemed Akhenaten of noted American Black Metal project Judas Iscariot was inducted into the band on bass. However, following European gigs that year the band announced they were to fold. Recordings from these dates would surface posthumously in March of 2003 as the 'Live In Germany' album through the From Beyond Productions label.

Both Blasphemer and Hrom also operate the side band Nhaavah issuing the album ‘Kings Of Czech Black Metal’ and split a EP with Katharsis. Also in 2003 the Brazilian Mutilation label re-issued 'Barbarians' in limited vinyl formats and combined the two demos ' Immortal Death' and 'The Incapable Carrion' for CD release.

As a member of Detonator 666 Vlad Blasphemer, in the guitar role, released the album 'At The Dawn Of Sadistioc Infernal Holocaust' in April 2004. The Dutch label Displeased Records re-issued 'Live In Open Hell' on vinyl format in December of 2004.

In 2005 released a DVD entitled ' Dead But Live - '92-01' and in 2007 released a EP called 'The Beast / Dva tisice let' which the album cover was pianted by Quorthon of Bathory also it is the first studio album in nearly 7 years.

Black Metal

Battles, Satanism, Victory

Czech Republic (Zatec), formed in 1992

Slava Satan Records


Barbarud Hrom - Vocals (ex-Dark Storm, Nhaavah, Gottlos, Iron Fist (Cze), ex-Tundra (Ita))
Vlad Blasphemer - Guitar/Drums (ex-Agmen, Dark Storm, Nhaavah, Detonator666, Zlo (Cze), Krvavá Práce)

Butcher - Drums (Nargaroth, Krieg, ex-Dark Storm)
Ramus (Hamus Kápak) - Session Live Guitars (Avenger (Cze), Black Rain (Cze))
Michal - Drums (Agmen, Detonator666)
Forgotten - Guitars, Bass
Akhenaten - Session Live Bass (Judas Iscariot, Weltmacht, Sarcophagus (US), Jesus Fucking Christ, Flagellator (US), Krieg (live gigs), ex-Nargaroth (live gigs), Debauchery (US), ex-Seeds of Hate, ex-Desolation Hymn)
Petr "Lord Unclean" Èejka - guitar (Unclean, ex-Hell (Cze), ex-Mistrovo Kladivo, Wyrm (Cze), Pussy Pumpers, ex-Detonator666, Agmen)
Jorg - Guitar,Bass


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