There are two bands with this name:
(1) LORD is a heavy metal band based in Wollongong, Australia.
LORD began as the solo project of Dungeon’s singer/guitarist and founding member "Lord Tim" Grose. During his time with Dungeon, Grose felt that some of his compositions were either too personal to submit to the band or inappropriate for its style. Eventually these songs made their way on to the appropriately named album A Personal Journey in 2003.
At the end of 2005, Dungeon came to an end and LORD became a bona fide band featuring Grose and drummer Tim Yatras of Dungeon, along with guitarist Mav Stevens and bass player Andrew Dowling from Brisbane metal band Sedition. A Personal Journey was re-mastered and released to mark the occasion.
LORD performed their first show on 31 March 2006. The group launched a national tour within months and supported QueensrĂżche, Nevermore, Gamma Ray, Leaves Eyes, Atrocity, Skinless and appeared at the final Metal For The Brain festival all before the end of 2006.
On 23 December, 2006 it was announced that guitarist Maverick Stevens would be leaving the band for personal reasons and would be relocating to the United Kingdom. Shane Linfoot of Sydney band Transcending Mortality filled in as a live guitarist in early 2007 but due to both bands' hectic schedules, LORD agreed it was unfair on Shane to continue to work together, and he was replaced by FROMBEYOND guitarist, Mark Furtner.
LORD has recently completed a full length album, Ascendence, due for release in August, 2007.
Band members
* Lord Tim - Lead Vocals / Guitars / Keyboards (2005 - )
* Andrew Dowling - Bass / Backing Vocals (2005 - )
* Tim Yatras - Drums / Backing Vocals (2005 - )
* Mark Furtner - Guitar (Live Only)
Past members
* Mav Stevens - Guitars / Backing Vocals (2005 - 2006)
* Shane Linfoot - Guitar (Live Only, 2007)
Official websites:
Official Homepage - www.lord.net.au
MySpace - www.myspace.com/lordaus
(2) Lord is a hard rock band formed in 1972, Szombathely, Hungary.
Current lineup:
Mihály Pohl - vocals
Attila Erős - guitar
Károly Apró - bass
Lajos Gyurik - drums
Attila gidĂłfalvy - keyboards
Website: http://www.lordzenekar.hu
LORD GENRES 80's Metal
LORD LYRICAL THEMES Life, emotions, rock,
LORD ORIGIN Hungary (Szombathely), formed in 1972
LORD CURRENT LINE-UP Mihály Pohl - Vocals
Attila Erös - Guitars, Vocals
Ferenc Vida - Bass
Attila Gidófalvy - Keyboards, Vocals
László Hollósi - Drums
Bújtás Ervin
Csorba Tibor
Erõs Attila
Gidófalvy Attila
Gyurik Lajos
Harangozó Gyula
Hollósi László
Keszei Tamás
Mészáros Gábor
Nádas Károly
Németh Zoltán
Paksi János
Papp László
Pohl Mihály
Sipõcz Ernõ
Sütõ István
Szántai Gyula
Török József
Vida Ferenc
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