The seeds were planted in late 2001. Four kindred souls coming from different sides of the music spectrum converged, in London, UK, to discover a common disillusionment with a local Metal underground ecosystem that seemed to operate on mundanity, technicality, brutality for its own sake and 'scene points' rather than nurturing artistic individuality, atmosphere and imagination.
Several evening-time meetings (both intoxicated, and intoxicating) and extensive talks about conceptual interests, visual art and music in its many guises, all revealed a common attraction to the palpable atmosphere of old-school Thrash, Black, Doom and Heavy Metal, and the unsung heroes of genuine, European-styled Death Metal (long before its current 'revival'), as well as the ambience created by experimental leftfield artists. This was paired with a fascination with the human psyche and music's enormous potential to reach the utmost recesses of the imagination, and a willingness to create recordings that were respecful to the traditions of Rock and Metal yet unafraid to step into the unknown in order to transport the listener to a very dark place indeed. Indesinence had come into existence.
Indesinence have released the "Ecstatic Lethargy" demo in late 2002, followed by the "Neptunian" mini-album in late 2005 and the "Noctambulism" full-length in 2006. Throughout the composition and recording of all three, they worked on their own deadline-free schedule, never closing a chapter until the material was believed to be developed enough in terms of power, flow and emotional content. The band applies the same restraint to the frequency of their live performaces, believing that more does not necessarily equal better, and accepting offers only when the conditions are optimal for an effective impact and communication with those present. They have, over the last few years, shared the stage in the UK and abroad with artists such as Esoteric, Dam, Moss, Gallhammer, Ataraxie, Pantheist, Deströyer 666, Avulsed, Salute, Imindain, The River, Orodruin, While Heaven Wept, Atavist and Centurions Ghost.
More sonic darkness to come in due course. Grimnity is good, and grimnity can't stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to.
Only deaf is real!
Ecstatic Lethargy - demo (Released 2003)
1. Sempiternal Vortex
2. Catalepsy
3. Aura
Neptunian - EP (Released 2006)
1. Neptunian
2. Garlands (Cocteau Twins cover)
3. Sempiternal Vortex
4. Catalepsy
5. Aura
Noctambulism - Album (Released 2006)
1. Oniric Conspiracy
2. Dusk Towering Forth
3. Inertia
4. Lull
5. Flooding
6. Ignis Fatuus
7. Vernal Trance
INDESINENCE LYRICAL THEMES Sleep, Insomnia, Dreams, Natural Disasters
INDESINENCE ORIGIN United Kingdom (London), formed in 2002
INDESINENCE CURRENT LINE-UP Ilia - Vocals / Guitar (Pantheist)
Chris - Guitar
John - Bass
Dani - Drums (Adorior, Goat Molestör)
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