The year of 1995 two mentally distorted persons, Master Motorsåg and Warslaughter, got to know each other and eventually they understood that something had to be done to unleash their mental illness.
Bestial Mockery was formed as a wicked idea, but more soldiers were needed before battles could be won and Master knew two sickos that would fit perfectly; a drug addict named Jocke Christcrusher and a huge metalpunk named Micke Doomanfanger. But that that was too evil to be true and it was. Christcrusher left both Sweden and Bestial Mockery before they could record their Battle Promo 96, thats why it only includes guitar, vocals and drums. Anyhow since most avoided them as the plague they also had to record their first demo called Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw as a three-piece band.
It was not until the fall of 97 and by the way just two weeks before their first gig, that Master during a conversation concerning rape understood that Anti-fred-rik would be a perfect session-member. So he stayed with them for three gigs and then quitted. During this time they also composed the track Possessed with Erection and opened for their goatpals Lord Belial.
Replacing Anti-fred-rik was the pale and skinny Fjant Sodomizer, an old brother of drunkenness who stayed with them in the trenches for half a year. In early 98 they were told that it actually existed someone stupid enough to be willing to play bass with them, namely Sir Torment. With him they recorded their second demo in spring 98 called Chainsaw Demons Return, played two gigs in the fall of 98 and one in spring 99.
Summer 99: Bestial was contacted by Max Varnier (RIP) from the French label Impaler of Trendies that were willing to unleash their next cassette effort, a six track called WAR : The Final Solution as well as a split-live-tape with Canadas LUST called Live for Violence. Sir Torment was charged for treason at their war tribunal and had to leave. So once again they had problems within the bass-ranks.
Mid December 99: 2 hours before their seventh gig Rob Devilpig showed up and played that gig with them. Then in the nuclear distorted beginning of 2000 they finally recorded their long awaited W.A.R. : The Final Solution and the Nuclear Goat split 7 with Suicidal Winds. Now the live-split tape was also unleashed. With these onslaughts Bestial Mockery were prepared for fucken War. So in May they launched an attack on the eastern front at the Hell Gates festival in Tallinn, Estonia.
August 2001: No rest are given to the wicked, Sombre records in Germany released a 16 track LP called Chainsaw Execution containing tracks from all their releases so far as well as a unreleased studio track and some live shit. In October they hit Holland and Belgium for some gigs with Maniac Butcher, Driller Killer, Lugubre, Botulistum and Wiu Drakh, for this unholy crusade they also recruited the serial killer Ted Bundy on second guitar. In November they again played in Gothenburg with their goatpals Lord Belial and the triumph was a fact. During spring 2002 they did several gigs with Kill, Watain, Necroplasma, Scurvy, Birdflesh and Massaker among other.
In May 2002 their album Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw was unleashed by Metal Blood Music both as CD and limited LP to 500 copies, the same month was a hard blow for all wimps since a second lightning strike was launched in form of the new 7 A sign of Satanic Victory released by Warlord records, Italy limited to 1000 copies. They are currently working on their next vinyl attack a split 7 with Unholy Massacre and their long awaited LP/CD entitled Evoke the Desecrator. But for now they have ammo enough to be well prepared to hit Europe this autumn with Gospel of the Horns for yet another merciless onslaught tour to promote their new releases and display their violence and insanity live. So once again they are ready to face fires of Hell, the question is, are you ready to face the madness that is Bestial Mockery ?
BESTIAL MOCKERY LYRICAL THEMES Death, Mayhem, Slaughter, Chainsaws...
BESTIAL MOCKERY ORIGIN Sweden (Uddevalla), formed in 1995
BESTIAL MOCKERY CURRENT LINE-UP Carl Warslaughter - Drums (ex-Sons of Satan (Swe), Kill, Zyclone System)
Master Motorsåg - Vocals (ex-Sadistic Grimness, Sons of Satan (Swe))
Micke Doomfanger - Guitars (Zyclone System, ex-Conspiracy (Swe))
DevilPig - Bass (Zyclone System, Misär, Örjans Orkester, Rawhide)
Fjant Sodomizer - Bass
Anti-Fred-Rik - Bass
Jocke Christcrusher - Bass
Ted Bundy - Guitars (Psychomantum, Mastema (Swe))
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