
"Gospel of the Insane" (2006)
1. Tyrant of Hells Land 2. Hell's Vociferation 3. Father In Heaven 4. The Ecstasy of Holocaust 5. Selfdestructive Salvation 6. Out From The Cold - Straight To Hell 7. Black Metal Slaughter 8. The Punishment of Pure Hellpain 9. Satan's Devilsaw 10. Domesticator 11. Slut - Fuck - Cult 12. Morbid Chainsaw Extermination 13. Sledgehammer Sacrifice (LP bonus track)
1. Tyrant of Hells Land
Across the blackened skyWith lightening as their prideThunder claps from hooves of mightApocalyptic Riders are in sightUpon clouds of Death they ridePitch-black steeds side by sideHooded Horsemen omen of DoomWielding scythe bring forth the GloomArmageddon drawing closeEvil win and mortals looseTime to fight and time to dieTo make a stand for the glory of the DamnedLightening strikes and earth it quakesClashing fight and body achesWield the Banner - Flag of HateFight for Satan - Hell awaitsSee the Magus cast their spellsThey unleash this force from HellSee the Demons breaking freeIt is you against meArmageddon now is hereSatan take what mortals fearTime to fight and time to dieTime to make a stand for the Tyrant of Hells land
2. Hell's Vociferation
Hells vociferationYour manifestationPajasuorExhortAnd there it wasThe howling of the abyssAn abysmal pandemoniumRaging distortion stormThe roaring of the depthsA screaming shrapnel windFucked up razor blastRight into your faceHells vociferationYour manifestationExecute and killFire at fucking willSodomy virgin goatTormented razor fuckGet down on your kneesStart to my penis suckChainsaw engine roarUnholy necro spellMother marys noseInhale the carcass smellNow let them bleedThe inferior fucking raceSmash their ugly mugAnd show them no remorseThe final war commenceGasmask breed for deathCrushing down your headB-52 from HellHells vociferationYour manifestationAnti-Music ReignGospel for the Insane!!!
3. Father In Heaven
Father in heavenHallowed be thy cuntSadistic shit, blood and hellUnholy monasteries, corpses spellBlack candles burnOpen the graveInfant sacrificesVoices from the deepest depths of hellNow father in heavenIt's time for you to burnNocturnal blasphemiesPiss in the funeral urnDie!Sodomy in BethlehemDeath's head prevailTwisted black ritualDecapitation and salvationFucking into daybreakBloodstained dawnChainsaw executionDeep in evil possessionSpiritual darknessEngulf eternityPestilence and warNow father in heaven die!Sodomy in BethlehemDeath's head prevailTwisted black ritual
4. The Ecstasy of Holocaust
Agony shreds the weakHeavens walls are fallingCommand of Satan for warHeavens walls are fallingA ritual of blood and deathA neverending warDamnation is the breath of hellRealm of Satan aroseHoly assholes is now rapedThe throne of the king is sinHolocaust ecstasy is reachedGlory and slaughterHolocaust ecstasyOrgy of deathPain and diseaseAgony shreds the weakHeavens walls are fallingCommand of Satan for warHeavens walls are fallingA ritual of blood and deathA neverending war
5. Selfdestructive Salvation
Hypocritical foolsLying to yourselvesWhy spite the hands that feeds youWhy hurt the ones you loveAs an Ouroborous encircling your soulThe downward spiral to HellReaching for salvationIn terms of ecstasyCan't live with the painCan't live without dyingPiecy by piece, drop by dropSelfdestructive salvationInhale and exhaleDancing on a razorBackstab and betrayLiving just to dieTired of being boredBored of yourselfPissed to be aliveSo you slowly fade awayWhen all hope is lostAnd nothing means a thingYou get the final kickThe poison now sets inCan't live with the painCan't live without dyingPiecy by piece, breath by breathSelfdestructive salvationWhen the streetlights fades awayYour wings begin to burnA broken phoenix fallingAnd you enjoy this rideThe morning afterNo phoenix risesThe morning afterAll angels cryThe morning afterThere is no tomorrowThe morning afterThis time you diedNo poison can resurrect youNo one can save you nowNo hope for salvationNo light beyond all lightsSelfdestructive salvationThe souls pines for restBut a restless urge awakenedCan't live without the poisonCan't live with the painCan't live without dyingBreath by breath, lie by lieSelfdestructive salvationAs you go down in flames!
6. Out From The Cold - Straight To Hell
Armed with a force so divine and strongWe march out for warTo forever destroy beliefs of higher powersChurches burn and religion fallsFrom the ashes a stronger race ariseWelded together by lost ideals and mutual hateA phoenix with an eternal flameForever burning so bright and redFreedom of choice our only beliefYour holy society now turned into shitOut from the cold, straight to HellA chaosfury annihilates the human raceFuckWhen the Final War comesEveryone shall payPain, suffering, fear and DeathNone will escape our WrathGasclouds surrounds our desolate earthOur goal is near, Armageddon closes inA shattered world with no more godsThe Final Slaughter, to Hell we rideFreedom of choice our only beliefYour holy society now turned into shitOut from the cold, straight to HellA chaosfury annihilates the human raceFuck
7. Black Metal Slaughter
Burn the bibleChurches - set aflameEvil prayersSlaying - heavens childDarkness formingSummon - the Great BeastArmageddonComing - Time to dieUnholy... Black Metal SlaughterMetal stormingBlood drenched - winter groundThousand demonsHowling - sacrificeDawn of evilSatans - eternal reichBlood is rainingWe are - here to stayUnholy... Black Metal SlaughterFeel the wrath of EvilAtomic darkness descendsKing of Blackness risingEarth is turning to hellBurn the bibleChurches - set aflameEvil prayersSlaying - heavens childDarkness formingSummon - the Great BeastArmageddonComing - Time to dieBurn the bibleChurches - set aflameEvil prayersSlaying - heavens childDarkness formingSummon - the Great BeastArmageddonComing - Time to dieUnholy... Black Metal Slaughter
8. The Punishment of Pure Hellpain
Evil, Satan, the crushers of heavenMasturbating war-hellslaughter of the ChainsawPiles of naked burning bodiesEverlasting pain of the anus musclesDeeds of the Chainsaw of PunishingTorture tombs of Damnations thornsHellcrushers mangles, the world of hypocritical fools! Yeah!The Chainsaw of pure Hate and Bestial pervertingBlood feasts strikes with evil Hellwars back!Bitch them with a Hellhorn in anus!Evil, Satan, the crushers of heavenMasturbating war-hellslaughter of the ChainsawPiles of naked burning bodiesEverlasting pain of the anus muscles
9. Satan's Devilsaw
Oil injectedBlade securedFire engine roarChain is sharpenedGas is pumpingBeast is now unleashedCunt shreddingCorpse molestingThe wimp slayingSatans DevilsawFumes of HellHear the bellVisions filled with goreSlaying lifeDefying the lawBestial setting the scoreChainsaw commandDeath is at handThe poser huntingSatans Devilsaw
10. Domesticator
Summoned pains of HellIn evil machineryEngines of DeathRoars the lust of SatanFlaming fluids runThrough living machinesEvil spirits ridesThe rotating bladesAncient dark prevailThe suffering of soulsDemon-goat InfernalPajasuor, the Twisted BlackOnly one can tame the sawDomesticator PajasuorInfernal supremacyOn Satan's right handChambers in the deepest pits of HellThe ancient lair of painHorrific blasphemies unfoldImpure chainsaw orgyTurn the crossDown to HellSacrificeFeel the rotting smellPajasuor - Domesticator supremeDamned to HellThe master of sufferingPajasuor - Domesticator supremePajasuor - DomesticatorOnly one can tame the sawDomesticator Pajasuor
11. Slut - Fuck - Cult
Coven gathered, Satan's hereGoats and women fuckBitches craving more and moreDevils penis suckBeat the bitches, rape 'til deathAncient rite of HellSadistic souls of morbid lustsGet high on pussy smellSlut-Fuck-CultCoven gathered, Satan's hereGoats and women fuckBitches craving more and moreDevils penis suckBeat the bitches, rape 'til deathAncient rite of HellSadistic souls of morbid lustsGet high on pussy smellChant reversed massJetblack blasphemyCrucify the whoresEvil from the deepest abyss
12. Morbid Chainsaw Extermination
War, the final solutionDeath is hungry this nightHate, blacker than everWith the Horsemen we fightThe final blowWe strike you outHell sufferingWe taught you rightTotal AnnihilationMorbid Chainsaw ExterminationHell, the gates are openBehold Satan's revengeBlack, the legions of warthat are slaughtering the souls of lightThe final blowWe strike you outHell sufferingWe taught you rightTotal AnnihilationMorbid Chainsaw Extermination
13. Sledgehammer Sacrifice (LP bonus track)
Marching through bloodred snowBarbarians of the evil hordeWe crush your skull with easeRide into battle for the LordI molest my enemies 'til there's nothing leftWading in blood, I attack the packSurrounding death, we are of HellAgonized screams and the battlecries yellManiac warriors spreading deathI smile as I impaled your skullFields of slaughter and the stench of bloodSledgehammer sacrifice, heads rollCrushing fucking evil onslaughtI smash your fucking headWe rage forth, withouth meaning you foughtBut now you are fucking deadOutburned churches with crucified priestsHeadless christians in the Devils feastThe flames won't cease, we ride on to future warDon't try to stop us, we have opened Hell's doorManiac warriors spreading deathI smile as I impale your skullFields of slaughter and the stench of bloodSledgehammer sacrifice, heads roll