Welcome to the crushing world of Silent Civilian. The band is Jonny Santos (guitar and vocals), Chris Mora (drums), Henno (bass and back-up vocals), and Tim Mankowski (guitar). This quartet is based out of Los Angeles, Ca. and is a rising force in the world of Extreme Metal. The band was started by Jonny Santos who is best known for his work as a vocalist/song writer in the Grammy nominated band "Spineshank". Shortly after Jonny's departure from SS in January of '04, Jonny felt the need to resurface in another band to feed his appetite for brutal metal. Being a veteran of the music industry and understanding the pressure to be commercially accepted, he decided to go back to his metal roots, and create a monster that would have no boundaries or restrictions when it came to the music. This band is not to be taken lightly nor should it be confused with another bubble gum radio band. This band is true to its art and will not compromise its integrity to satisfy the next generation of pop teeny boppers.
This is metal.
Joining forces with Jonny is a list of very talented and experienced musicians with the drive and hunger to fuel the fire of this machine. On the drum kit is Chris Mora formerly of "The Burning Tree Project". At the age of 22, Mora has the talent and experience that most could hope for in a life time. With 12 years of playing under his belt and previous recording and touring experience, he was the perfect candidate for the job. His performance is vicious and skilled at the same time. His live presence is challenging to others to say the least. Taking care of the bass duties is Aussie import "Henno", of Cryogenic fame. After a very successful career in Australia, His former band took a chance on the states only to dismember after a couple of years. Being a bass player with 15 years experience of playing, recording and touring in an extremely heavy band made Henno a very sought after person on the local L.A. scene. An acquaintance of Santos' at the time, he decided to take the offer and hop aboard. Not only is he extremely talented, he has the live energy that could be compared to the likes of a tornado. After first guitarist Ryan Ready decided to back out just months into the bands conception, he was quickly replaced by guitarist Tim Mankowski. Tim is a long time friend of Santos’ and spent 2 years in a band with Santos prior to Spineshank called "Basic Enigma". The two friends had not played together in years but took only minutes for them to rediscover the chemistry they shared as guitar players in their previous band. Tim is a highly talented and skilled guitar player. Being heavily influenced by people like Dimebag, Satriani, and Hamett, he has absorbed what it is to be a true guitar player. With over 15 years of experience his shredding is reminiscent to that of the missed days of metal prior to grunge and pop punk. He is going to remind us all of those days and leave onlookers with their jaws on the ground. Finally, the man who started it all, Jonny Santos, He has proven himself with his resume of being able to captivate live audiences and instigate chaos. He has sold hundreds of thousands of records here in the states and hundreds of thousands more Worldwide. He is going back to his roots of playing guitar and singing while delivering the goods in his most brutal project to date. His vocals are undeniable. The anger and emotion in his screaming, to the heartfelt energy in his melodies will demand your attention. Being a guitar player since the age of seven, he can shred with the best of them. Many people are unaware of his guitar talents and have known him only as a vocalist up until now. He decided to change that. The decision to do so was because this band is based on the music, not the image. Having felt the pressure for radio songs and the "front man" image in his prior band, he has allowed no room for that when it comes to this band. Musicianship is key, and will not be sacrificed for the sake of pop culture. Jonny Santos will deliver once again.
The band touches on many subjects lyrically. They support and promote free thinking and self awareness. They address political and world issues and support positive thinking in the minds of our youth. Gone are the days of self hate and depression when it comes to the lyrics of Santos. As a young father of two children still in his 20's, he is very concerned with the future being handed to the world’s youth. With a voice of positivity and reason, this band plans on doing their part to promote confidence, and awareness to its listeners. This band believes that independence is key. They believe in questioning authority and uncovering the problems that plague our nation such as social uplift and health issues. They are words with meaning and hope.
Production comes by way of Logan Mader (Machine Head and Soulfly). Logan was quick to see the talent that the band possessed and immediately got them into the studio to produce three tracks. He has signed on to produce the entire record with co-production by Jonny Santos himself. The debut album entitled “Rebirth of the Temple" will be nothing short of a brutal, intense, emotion filled rollercoaster ride through the world of Silent Civilian. This band is nothing short of crushing live. The energy that these four put out on stage is a force to be reckoned with. With each member being touring veterans, you can expect some mayhem.
The world is about to witness a band whose music will be challenged by few and matched by none. We have not even begun to comprehend what this band is capable of, and before long ... we will be forced to understand it.
SILENT CIVILIAN GENRES Melodic Death/Groove Metal/Metalcore
SILENT CIVILIAN LYRICAL THEMES Politics, Social Issues, Anti-Fascism, Anti-War
SILENT CIVILIAN ORIGIN United States of America (Los Angeles, California), formed in 2005
SILENT CIVILIAN CURRENT LINE-UP Jonny Santos: Vocals, Guitar (ex-Spineshank)
Rudy "Fyto" Perez: Guitar
Daylen "Disco" Elsey: Bass (ex-Bleed The Sky)
Chris Mora: Drums
David De La Cruz
Tim Mankowski
Ryan Ready
Marcus Rafferty
Kyle Moorman (2006 fill in, ex-Bleed the Sky)
Stan Derby
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