"Well-rooted in the popular tradition of black metal but distinct for an uncannily classicist sense of melody, Sammath continue the black metal spirit in violent but populist tradition." - anus.com
Sammath was formed in 1994 by Jan Kruitwagen. Inspired by the new wave of black metal and the thrash death formations of the eighties. Growing up in Australia raw fast metal left its mark on Kruitwagen. As well as other local aussie acts. Moving to Europe in 1989 the European metal scene was discovered. Connections in the underground were made after Kruitwagen worked for cult underground magazines such as Violent Moshground and Hell Razor. Within a year the first promo tape "Visions upon winter lands" was recorded. Soon after this tape, Kruitwagen got in contact with M.Gertsen. Gertsen played only a small roll within Sammath, dealing with the recording. The following demo "Zwaardbroeders bij de bergengte" (Brothers of the sword at the mountain pass) was released in 1996 and sold over 650 copies, thanks to great help from the underground. From the first demo several tracks appeared on complication tapes worldwide.
The next year the promo tape "De ruïnes fluisteren" (the ruins whisper) was released. The reactions were positive and this finally led to a cd deal with Folter records in 1997. Gertsen was forced to leave the band due to a lack of interest and vision about black metal. The first CD "Strijd" 1999 (Battle) was recorded on 16 tracks. All lyrics, music and instruments were recorded by Kruitwagen. Numerous tracks were released on complication tapes/cds like the "Encyclopedia Pestilentia" complication CD. The CD gained good reviews in the Dutch and European press and a interview in Holland's largest mainstream music magazine "Oor".
The new Sammath CD "Verwoesting/Devastation" showed a more violent and unconventional way of combining black and death metal. In 2002 Sammath performed at the Under the black sun festival and did some gigs in the Netherlands with some great acts like, Master, Benediction, Divine Empire and Folter act Salacious Gods. The live line up was Ruud Nillesen, bass, Cor van Maris, vocals, Koos Bos, drums and Jan Kruitwagen, guitar. In 2002 Macabre Operetta productions from Holland released the first album "Strijd" on LP under licence from Folter. After the recording of the album the idea was born to search for bandmembers, but Kruitwagen works best alone . Koos Bos was hired to replace the drumcomputer, his maniac fast and original drumstyle in combination with the right attitude made him a easy choice. Kruitwagen decided to record all instruments by himself again, leaving the drums to the expertise of Koos Bos.
Sammath is now a two piece outfit. Signing on with Folter Records for three albums.
The new album "Dodengang" has turned out to be a furious black metal cd. More mature then al other recordings, songwriting still in the Sammath way but with a professional sound. The combination of deadly guitars and the pounding drums combined with melody and sweeping song structures will surprise the listener. Prepare to be blown away.
SAMMATH LYRICAL THEMES Devil, satanism, war, death
SAMMATH ORIGIN Netherlands (Nijmegen), formed in 1994
J.Kruitwagen - Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Ruud Nillesen - Live Bass (Skylla, Shadowlord (Hol))
Cor van Maris - Live Vocals (Shadowlord (Hol), Diabolic Vomit)
Hanna van den Berg - Guitars
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