The history of the band begins on January, 8th, 2004.
The first rehearsal with Tatjana Mykhaylova (vocals) then took place. The rest staff was already organized.
The debut band’s concert occurred in april 2004. In summer 2004 the band works on musical material and settles their own rehearsalhouse in garage. At the beginning of autumn Malinconia prepared musical program and was completely ready to perform it. At that time Vitaliy Derevyankin (bass) leaved for England for 6 months. He was replaced by Vladimir Shulga (guitar) successfully. In September - October the band gave a number of concerts in Kiev: at Te Deum’s birthday party in club “Store 205”, gothic-metal party in club “Zapping” with GrimFaith and Inferno, in club “Shulyavka” with Idol and GrimFaith again. In December the band recorded a song “Feelings are gone” (the 1st demo version).
In January 2005 Malinconia was invited to participate in concert “54 tons”. At that time a conflict was brewing among the musicians. As a result, soon Yury Homenko (guitar) and Alexander Eine (kayboars) left the band for psychological and professional reasons. The new staff was gathered almost right away (by then Vitaliy (bass) had already returned from England). Elena Chebanenko had occupied a place of the keyboard player, Vladimir Shulga became new guitarist. It was decided to take one more guitarist Yury Politko. New Malinconia staff had some rehearsals before the concert in club “Barvy” in the end of February. Musical material of the band became more saturated, technical performance had improved. At the beginning of April Malinconia gave concert in club ”Oriyana” in Kiev. After that the band went on a mini-tour across Ukraine (May – June 2005). The band performed in Illichevsk in club “2 Kapitana”, in Vinnitsa on “Terorraiser Fest” and in Chernigov at festival “Wind of Change”. Also Malinconia took part in session in club “Torba” in June. In August demo “Insanity” was recorded. Demo consists of 4 songs: My Insanity – The Dark Side of the Doom, Lost in Heaven, Feelings are Gone, Forever Yours. An official site of the band (http://malinconia.kiev.ua/) was created. By the end of August Malinconia took part in two concerts: as a support of polish band Darzamat in club “Maydan” and at the big festival “Smashed Ground Fest”.
In October, 29th Malinconia participated in Halloween gothic-party “All Damned’s Eve” in Kharkov, club “Fort”.
The 12 of November Malinconia had acted as a support of a world-known band Apocalyptica in Palace of Sports in Kiev.
The band had taken part in the final competition of “Premjera Veka” fest in Kherson in winter 2005.
In march a new member came to Malinconia. Nikolay Lyhoded – growl vocalist.
In April 2006 Malinconia visited Illichevsk again and performed together with moldavian gothic-metal band Offertorium in night club “Zolotoy Lev”.
Malinconia took part in grate spring festival “Rock-Sich” on Truhanov island in Kiev. Participation and the fest itself left a lot of positive impressions.
In May, 28th Malinconia performed in Lutsk in club “Maydan”.
In August, 19th the band acted in another great two-days festival “Prorock” in Krolovets. Malinconia’s special thanks to organizers.
By the autumn the band accumulated musical material for an album.
MALINCONIA ORIGIN Ukraine (Kyyiv), formed in 2004
MALINCONIA CURRENT LINE-UP Tatjana Mykhaylova (Òàòüÿíà Ìèõàéëîâà) - vocals
Nikolay Lyhoded - Vocals
Yury Politko (Þðèé Ïîëèòüêî) - guitar
Vladimir Shulga (Âëàäèìèð Øóëüãà) - guitar
Vitaliy Derevyankin (Âèòàëèé Äåðåâÿíêèí) - bass
Elena Chebanenko (Åëåíà ×åáàíåíêî) - keys
Anton Goncharov (Àíòîí Ãîí÷àðîâ) – drums
MALINCONIA PREVIOUS LINE-UP Juriy Homenko (Þðèé Õîìåíêî) - guitar
Alexander Aine (Àëåêñàíäð Ýéíå) - keys
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