
"Ecollapse" (1992 Demo)
1. Dead City 2. Man-Maggots 3. The Loser 4. Sold Your Soul (For Making Dough) 5. Obscene Machine 6. Eco-Dominoes 7. Great God Greed 8. Children Of The Night 9. Acid 10. Bedtime Prayer 11. Anthem 12. Iconoclast 13. Further Out
1. Dead City
The city's dying heartbeat
a hungry, haunthing chime
rides along the rhythm
of the Cozmic Crime
I feel a chilling willing touch
of cruelty sublime
coming out the Spoiler's dream
brings tomorrow to the end of time...
A gassy glaze on the midnite moon
burns my tearing eyes
blurring out the starlite pool
blowing in the lies
a siren whirls into winding scream
and flaunts it's haunted mirth
the defiant yell of a dying dream
seeks the last of our wounded Earth...
I smell a ghastly dooming gust
of worry worn winds
The mountain moving quakes
of a billion fleets begin
Now your vile, violent vibes
busting down the door
The heartbeat of the city dies
it's life of lies falling to the floor
The heartbeatof the city dies
I hear a billion ancient cries
crying "save our wounded Earth"
Save our wounded Earth
2. Man-Maggots
The man-maggots of aborted mythologic taste
Pathologically pursuing pearls of idiotic ideologic paste,
Cast in corruption's slime waste...
Willingly wallow in the vile-stench slime,
Immersed in vomit-greed they become this in time,
As all life absorbs its medium.
The Great God Greed regurgitates again
I gasp for air
I grasp for air that is not there
And my eyes weep in horror
Inflamed by fumes and fury
3. The Loser
See him dying there alone
this king yet unknown
His blood upon the carnal throng below
Hear him crying there above
the festive carnival show
Crying on high to the thundering sky
"Oh father why"
And only recalled today
Because opportune archetypals called disciples
Come and rolled away
With a stealthy tread-the tombing stone
Stole a body dead-left not a bone
Then they went awhispering: -
"See he has risen from life's prison"
Turned his words ablaze to absurd paraphrase:
"Thru birth and life we go in sin-only with death do we begin"
Turned his glories and allegories innocent
to witless stories of literal incident
4. Sold Your Soul (For Making Dough)
The beasts of Rock 'n Roll
Once flew, but now they crawl
Into the nites of burning fame
They live by the fuck
And die by the buck
Dead minds once alive with youthful flame
The stars in their eyes
Have turned to dollar signs
You know such loss is a shame
I see the "artists" lie
They say art will not die
As they buy into the money game
The demons of Rock 'n Roll
Have blown it, they sold it all
To the man from which they thought they'd run away
And now see the golden strings
Tangled in the devil's wings
Tied to the man he has to pay
Into the nites of burning flame
Dead minds once alive with fame
For those who sell the song remains the same
You sold the flame for fame
So sad, but true
The "artists" lie as they buy
Into the money game
For fame they sell the flame
They sold their souls for making gold
They sold their souls for making dough
5. Obscene Machine
Obcene Machine
of martyr's pain
of prophet's time
deadly reign
The godded fool
carries the cross
of guilty loss
iron nailed
jailed, impaled
Now, his son deceased
their wails increased
they shrewdly cried:
For your sins he died
upon our guilt
the temples were built
Obscene Machine
Upon life they did feast
and named themselves appointed priests
in white and wealth of gold
But crimson bleeds through
this blood will do
Obscene Machine
(repeat first verse)
6. Eco-Dominoes
Yes we were maimed and our wilderness tamed
and our minds framed
In trivia and frivolity till Reality
we could not see...
For we were taught and we were caught in the Cosumer's undertow
tied to the Economy's status quo
Estranged to the cosmic show-
Too dangerous to know
that the air has changed
and as things are now arranged to go
the lid's about to blow...
I've seen each tableau of life-symbiotics arranged
interweaving in a long and intricate row
each aligned like a precisely placed eco-domino
I've watched them tumble faster faster faster
how swift it does go
For we must stop the economic dynamo
and set the dominoes aright again-
it's the only way to win
We must hang in till the last hallowed hall
of Corporate power does fall
and we've taken it all
and erased the Spoiler's sin...
It's the only way to win
7. Great God Greed
I see the Great God Greed
crouching over the city, regurgitating...
And it's vomit fills the gutterous street canals
it is corruption's rising tides
rising tides of poison pestilence
oozing up the hillsides-
I see the Great God Greed emptying itself
Convulsively doubled and writhing
Spewing it's vile villainous bile
over the City...
The City of the Angels
8. Children Of The Night
Tho your mind's been styled
By schools for fools
Children of the night-
Tho your breath's defiled
By cities-filthy pities
Children of the night-
Tho your soul's beguiled
By clergy simples-fabling in temples
Children of the night-
Your spirit is free
Like the wind and the sea.
Children of the night-
Just be
Like the wind and the sea
Just be
Children of the night.
Children of the night-
Tho your mind has been styled,
Your breath defiled,
Your soul beguiled
Children of the night-
Your spirit is free
Like the wind and the sea.
Just be
Children of the night-
Just be
For we are the children
Of the new destiny
9. Acid
Won't count the things I've tasted,
How far I've been wasted,
Seeking my own self.
Acid flowing in the wind
Cross the wild blue lake.
What will a man do
How much will he stake-What will he take
To know what's true?
Acid flowing in the wind
Thru the tall knowing pine-I bend to it's glory.
Yes, far from my weary city story.
I kneel weeping and yessing
To an all knowing shrine:
This aged tree-eternal design
And know this once I too am free-
And I cry in godlike high:
We were young you and I
And mountain summer rain,
Thru green willing branches,
Whispers gentle upon my face...
Whispers: "Forget the race-
Life itself is the only grace."
Acid flowing in the wind
Cross the blue lake.
Acid...Acid...Acid...in the wind.
10. Bedtime Prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take
The Loser
How they laid us down like sheep
To pay their lord with souls bought cheap
That we must die ere to heaven awake-
Is a lie we do forsake
'Tis of the drama that is Life we partake
11. Anthem
Listen to the Word...
It sings along the strands of the Tantric Web...
It sings from infinity to infinity...
It sings of a Warrior's Crusade
To save our wounded world...
The Word is an Anthem
of strange rhythms, and rash discords...
For we are the estranged and trashed discards
of this heedless, corrupt, and crumbling age...
Our Lives we attune in the Cozmic commune
And raise the Word up o'er our wounded World...
Up up toward the darkening Sun...
Up up echoing cross the sorrowing night...
Up up o'er the city's din...
For Humankind has failed in sin...
of corruption...
Yet the Word goes on...
For we are Warriors of Zendikian Revolution...
Listen to the Word.
12. Iconoclast
I walked the jungles of the mind
Toppling idols-toppling idols
Searched Atlantis & cross its eternal roll
I defied the Soul of the Sea
I huffed puffed thru cities of ancient mythology
Blew down the walls of cathedral and state
Laughed the sanctified books out
Laughed them out
Denounced each Moses, Christ and Mohammed
Believers all, nothing more...
And then I stood and viewed the havoc I had wrought
And I was alone
Alone midst the rubble and ashes
And thin climbing lines of smoke
All that remained of doctrine and dogma
And, laughter boomed...
Boomed hollow...boomed mocking
Thru desolation
Twas mine...twas mine...
Ah yes I denounced the myths-remember
I spat into the heaven-remember
I was alone
I walked the jungles of the mind
I spat into the heaven-remember
13. Further Out