
"Twilight On Humanity" (2002)
1. Warlords of Steel 2. The Champion 3. A Hero's Quest 4. Lord of Thunder 5. Immortal Realms 6. Delusions 7. Eternal Love 8. Sunrise 9. The Cycle 10. Twilight On Humanity
1. Warlords of Steel
Our hearts race with every beat, a thunderous roar fills the air
The majesty and grandeur coursing through our veins
The war is far from over, our enemies must beware
We’ll show them that out power forever remains.
We must all stand together and show them we won’t fall
Cry out and tell the world once and for all
Our strength cannot be stopped we can’t be pushed away
Our power is growing stronger and it is here to stay.
Warlords of steel bringing our strength to you
Keeping true to out faith
Now we reveal the power we know is true
Warriors here to stay supreme we will reign.
Fight on forever to survive, we must not give up our dreams
Stand proud and show them all that we will not give in
Be true to your hearts, hold tight what you believe
With our strength and power we will win.
No one has the right to decide your fate for you
They’ll you otherwise but inside you know it’s true
We will not tolerate this oppressive state we’re in
We’ll fight with all out hearts, the power lies within.
Out of the shadows of night we will rise unleashing the power foretold
The power and valour lives on in our hearts and with it we’ll never grow old
With fists held high we’ll lead the fight
And crush them all with our never ending might.
Scream loud let your voice be heard, let the whole world hear your cry
A monstrous shout that echoes well into the night
We will never surrender, they can’t gold us down
With valour in our hearts, don’t give up the fight.
With out battle cry we’ll chill them to the bone
We’ll make them run and hide under every rock and stone
They cannot hold us down; the power is in our hearts
And if they try to stop up we’ll tear them all apart.
2. The Champion
In another place and time
A young man on a quest for knowledge
Travelled far a wide all across the land
But the road ahead was full of danger
He never dreamed of the risks he’d find
As he travelled this road of earth and sand.
Now he fights on
Struggles to survive day by day
Eternal champion
To the gods of chaos doeth he pray.
Warrior from a race of evil
Savoir is what he wants to be
Wanderer he travels on forever
Tries to find that which he doeth seek.
He gets so close but still too far
Always fall short of his goal
Determination drives him on and on
From a magic blade he gets his power
As it drink the souls of his enemies
Longs to return to a home that’s so fat gone.
Always travelling
Hoping that one day he’ll see his home
Self banished emperor
For how much longer must he roam.
Warrior from a race of evil
Savoir is what he wants to be
Wanderer he travels on forever
Tries to find that which he doeth seek.
He left his love behind
His cousin rules his land
As he faces death everywhere he turns
He tries to find the answers
That he has yet to find
The flame of conviction in his soul burns.
Warrior from a race of evil
Savoir is what he wants to be
Wanderer he travels on forever
Tries to find that which he doeth seek.
3. A Hero's Quest
I’ve journey for so long to fulfil my quest
Surrounded by danger I’m put to the test
Through darkness and fire been tempted by sin
Just sin back and listen as my tale begins.
The winter could cut through me as I travelled through the night
As lost soul in the darkness to find the holy light
When suddenly from nowhere a sight befell my eyes
What was it that I saw there I did not realize?
A demon from the pit of hell I must fight to survive
The quest goes on.
That was just the beginning more challenges ahead
The next one that I faced was a goddess in her bed
Her beauty was astounding seduction in her eyes
But underneath that beauty her evil secret lies.
Had I not beat the succubus I surely would have died
The quest goes on.
I felt like I would never locate that which I sought
My trek felt life forever though valiantly I fought
When finally the day came where right before these eyes
I found what I’ve been seeking my ever treasured prize.
Little did I know back then that it was just a lie
The quest goes on.
And so ends my story my quest has yet to end
Continue on my journey the road my only friend
So now I take my leave and I will be on my way
In hopes that I will complete my quest some other day.
4. Lord of Thunder
Out of the shadows
On a stallion black as night
To face any danger I am prepared
Full leather armor
Enchanted sword in hand
Cold determination in my stare.
Spirits of vengeance they call
I’ll reign supreme never fall.
Armies will rise
None will prevail
I’ll crush them all
Until no one remains
Face me and die
Send you to hell
Destiny calls
Lord of thunder is my name.
Undying power
Comes from within
No turning back must go on
Fate stands before me
Face it with pride
Battle their armies till you’re gone.
Enemies blood stains my sword
Rush in to battle the hoard.
Armies will rise
None will prevail
I’ll crush them all
Until no one remains
Face me and die
Send you to hell
Destiny calls
Lord of thunder in my name.
Eternal honor and majesty
Fear has no place in my soul
I journey on for I can’t be delayed from my goal
Undying flame burns inside of me
Taking control of my blade
Taking revenge on those from whom I have been betrayed.
Armies will rise
None will prevail
I’ll crush them all
Until no one remains
Face me and die
Send you to hell
Destiny calls
Lord of thunder is my name.
5. Immortal Realms
Welcome to a land where fairies dwell and mighty dragons fly
Where dwarven smiths make swords of steel and castles touch the sky
The elves they move with utmost grace while Giants stand so tall
And sailors become mesmerized by the siren’s call.
Dryads and nymphs they can be found if you look hard enough
In the immortal realms.
An ageless time when magic reigned and honor ruled the land
Where kings and queens control the nations across the seas and sands
Where wizards cast their deadly spells while prophets tell one’s fate
And evil monsters terrorize full of anger and hate.
Goblins, orcs and trolls spread fear and terror in the land
Of the immortal realms.
Immortal realms.
Come take my hand
Let go of all your hate and anger
Open your eyes and your mind
You’re in my world
And I can be your guide through it
Leave all your fears behind.
Cast your doubts away and give in to your dreams
Not everything that you see is as it seems
For every evil there’s a hero prepared to die
Accept these words from me and do now question why.
Immortal realms.
6. Delusions
Fire burning inside
Blinded by your hate you do not see
Actions based on ego
Swimming in a pool of vanity
You think you’re the greatest
If only you would open up your eyes
Delusions of grandeur
Now’s the time to make you realize.
Down on your knees you will see
Our ultimate power
Beg and plead all you want
Before us you will cover
Never more will you feel
That you’re above everyone
You will see what greatness is
Cause our time has come.
Wake up you are dreaming
Living in a world of fantasy
What makes you think so highly
Of yourself come back to reality
Talking full of hot air.
You are fooling no one but yourself
Suffering from delusions
Your problem lies within your mental health.
Down on your knees you will see
Our ultimate power
Beg and plead all you want
Before us you will cover
Never more will you feel
That you’re above everyone
You will see what greatness is
Cause our time has come.
I’ve come to show you who has the might
You’ll see that I’m right
Now you can’t deny it
Before me you will bow down low
And now that you know
You just cannot fight it.
Down on your knees you will see
Our ultimate power
Beg and plead all you want
Before is you will cover
Never more will you feel
That you’re above everyone
You will see what greatness is
Cause our time has come.
7. Eternal Love
Heavens, it seems so close when you’re by my side
When we’re together it’s paradise
There’s nothing in this world that brings me greater joy
As when I look into your eyes.
I never wanted anyone so much before.
I call you up just so I could hear your voice
Your laughter is music to my ears
You gentle touch sends shivers down my spine
My passion soars when you are near.
My love for you grows stronger day by day
My heart belongs to you, believe me when I say.
My life means nothing without you
I feel such joy when we’re together
With all my heart I cherish you
I want to make your mine forever my love
To kiss your tender lips and feel your warm embrace
When you’re upset, to make you smile
To whisper in your ear and take you by the hand
I’d travel for one million miles.
The thought of losing you is just too much to bear
Just hear these words and you will see how much I care.
My life means nothing without you
I feel such joy when we’re together
With all my heart I cherish you
I want to make you mine forever my love.
8. Sunrise
9. The Cycle
We’re born in this world and we live out lives
For how long we do not know
We do what we can, we can do no more
Cause sooner or later we’ll go
When will it end, how much time is left
Will I know when my time is near?
Will there be a tunnel with a light at the end
Or will darkness fill my soul with fear.
Oh no, I see it coming
The end is getting closer for us all
There is no use denying
From any height we’ll all soon fall.
One we go
And on we go
How long
For how long we do not know
Till the end
Until the end
When darkness is our only friend.
Can’t take any more, I just want to know
Will I die alone and in pain?
Or will I go on while my friends pass away
I think that would drive me insane
To be born to die is senseless to me
A logic that I cannot see
To know your existence is governed by time
Can drive you to insanity
Oh no, I see it coming
The end is getting closer for us all
There is no use denying
From any height we’ll all soon fall.
On we go
And on we go
How long
For how long we do not know
Till the end
Until the end
When darkness is our only friend.
Living in this daydream
Wondering when it will end
Now I run away into the night
Can’t escape my fears as they fill me with fright
I must accept the truth of how things are
And hope the cycle’s end for me is still quite far.
Oh no I see it coming
The end is getting closer for us all
There is no use denying
From any height we’ll all soon fall.
On we go
And on we go
How long
Fro how long we do not know
Till the end
Until the end
When darkness is our only friend.
10. Twilight On Humanity
Day by day we follow our routines
Not much changed in our lives
With every dawn another sunrise
A never ending cycle in our minds.
Never once did we stop to think
What if this all came to an end?
If everything we knew was gone
If reality became pretend.
But you carry on as if nothing will change
Nothing is out of place, nothing new or strange
Familiarity has become part of you
It rules your judgement on what is false or true.
Did you ever wonder why it is this way?
Did you ever ask if other worlds exist?
Could it be that we’re the only ones
Or are there others hiding in the mist.
What if there was a world that we did not know of
Where creatures lurk below and dragons soar above
And what if that world began to enter ours
Would it enter quietly or with devastating power?
It started subtly, unseen by all
Thought as insanity, the common man would just ignore
In shadows they did hide until the time
When they’d break free and ride, but now they just wait for the sign.
The gate has opened up between the worlds
And now the change it comes for men and women of this earth
The dark is on it’s way to claim our lands
No matter how we try it can’t be stopped by mortal hands.
So few have seen the change and how they try
To warn everyone before they die
But they are not believed, they’re thought insane
They’re hunted down like gods, captured and then locked away.
The darkness soon spread far, the time was near
The demons would soon rise and fill the world with pain and fear
The death toll then increased each passing day
The evil hunt began the humans has become the prey.
Then it was too late, the time had come
An evil killing spree already begun
There mission to destroy the human race
Technology was lost, man would fight with sword and mace.