
"Doubt of Conscience" (2006 Demo)
1. Sweet Desire 2. On Dim Paths 3. Man In The Box
1. Sweet Desire
Never knew
Always blind for those things
Never felt like this before
Never knew
I did not expect this to be true
This to be true
My desire grew
From time to time
My desire woke me up
in the middle of the night
my inescapable desire
inescapable, indisputable,
loved and contemptuous
In search of you
You, my sweet desire
Every decision
Everyone a big disappointment
In search of you
You, my inescapable desire
In my despair
I`m doing everything
To satisfy you
You, my horrible desire
2. On Dim Paths
I´m walking trough the streets
A try with an disguised/hired countentance/visage
To find their unused mind
I don´t see a light at the end of the tunnel
it seems like i would wade through the water
lonely I´m swimming against the flow
but I don´t give up and dive into the dark wave
before I go down my will saves me
now I´m disguiseing to survive and i recognize
my mind is just boxed into a body
paralyzing pain, falling hope
tears are flowing under my scalp
now they see you
watch out nailed jesus
they steal your wooden cross
to nail the next one
on dim paths I´m strolling thruogh an illusion
a dark chamber where my singularity
makes me coltish and seems like I´m almighty,
I´m afraid of lonelyness
3. Man In The Box
You are living in this world
The time is beating you
Running forward with fear
Watch out!
The time is nearly catching you
No chance to think
No chance to do the right things
Incomplete life with manipulated decisions
Your enemy stops
Time to take a deep breath
Time to think back
But you would like to think further
The time is beating you
The time is nearly touching you
No chance to think
No chance to do the right things
Incomplete life with fatal decisions
What you´re seeing makes you sad
Sick just because of thinking
Why do your loved friends not doubt
Your own doubt is killing you
A little mountain on your path
You fall down
the last thing you see is the time
deep pain
a cold hand pushes the blood out of your vanes
just look on yourself
piece of helpless shit
your brain is full of memories
not able to think
locked in a box
not able to stop the time
yes, the time, your great enemy
normaly you would try to kill him
but you are blind again
the time wasn’t your enemy
locked in a box