
"Immemorial Atlantic Veneration" (1996 EP)
1. Immemorial Atlantic Veneration 2. The Triumph That Will Give Birth To The Uprising Golden Era (The Ultimate Reign Rises) 3. Poderes 4. In Diabolical Posse I'm Carried By The Stellar Storms 5. The Unheard Dismal Cry Of A Self-Abnegated Monarch
1. Immemorial Atlantic Veneration
My influence made itself feel in the Basque Provinces
Honourable participant of invocations of my honour
I presided the witches' covenant at the Salazar's Valley
I passed from generation to generation
Accepted as Father and Patriarch
Of whole families and clans
In the Galician coast line too
The forest and the sea are loyal to me
Immemorial Atlantic Veneration
The oceanic breeze
Wets our unpure and naked bodies
In the nocturnal congregation
I furnished knowledge, wisdom and approvals to the meigas
I stuned the inner equilibrium
Of those who crossed their path with the Santa Compaña
The blood of black beasts, virgins and babies
Was shed on my honour and that made me strong
I infected the christian being
Of the whole Hispania
And the Rome's legacy shook upon my pagan tyranny
Immemorial Atlantic Veneration
The oceanic breeze
Wets our unpure and naked bodies
In the nocturnal congregation
I spreaded ignorance between those
Who denied My whispers
Nobility, common herd and villeins
Attended to me in view of their dejection
But whoever they are
They are involved with Me
The scourge of My Presence
Painted the history of this land on black red
2. The Triumph That Will Give Birth To The Uprising Golden Era (The Ultimate Reign Rises)
My fingers split the image
Of the paganist upon my face
Last night we sealed the pact in the forgotten tongue
An unholy eucharist of aberrant cruelty
Prelude of the evidence to come
Paying tribute to Thy Eminence
In a polytheistic courtship
Unshakeable binomial of unearthly deities
And human worshipers
An orgy of forbidden singings
A sea of unpronunceable blasphemies
Intone a march
That exalt the letargic instinct
Of the darknessbringer crusaders
Shadowing this side of the hill
Hail, Hail, Hail Victory
We will give form to the landmark
Birth to the embryo which has been growing
For two milleniums which have been aeons
The aborted glory of the former centuries
To perish on the Ultimate Battle
Without hail our sure victory
Will be enough pride
If the deathbed on which I die
Is shaped by rivers of vulgar blood
Paying tribute to Thy Eminence
In a polytheistic courtship
Unshakeable binomial of unearthly deities
And human worshipers
An orgy of forbidden singings
A sea of unpronunceable blasphemies
Intone a march
That exalt the letargic instinct
Of the darknessbringer crusaders
Shadowing this side of the hill
Hail, Hail, Hail Victory
3. Poderes
Oh noche poderosa ya han entrado tus ojes
Ya puedes ser madura como un dolor perfecto
Oh lamento perdido ya han entrado tus reyes
Al pie de las anómimas y enfermas oquedades
Sí mi noche sí quiero maldecir de tí misma
Porque pareces casa y sin embargo es aire
El viento y torbellino mi corazó y el tuyo
Oh podereso envio de limbicas regiones
Estos son mis poderes oh mística alma mia
Para ti no parece la noche sino tumba
Mi lápiz y mi mano se gastan en la noche
En la noche se gastan los ladrides del mundo
Te da dolor poner in espejo en este invierno
Y a mi me da dolor parecerme al invierno
Porque un hombre es lo mismo que el dolor cuando habla
Y sabe que la noche trasladada se exprime
Sobre todo yo canto yo unifico la noche
Yo la nombro y repito su gran señal de duelo
Me va pesando el alma y me va dando alma
El triste triste nombre que encierran mis poderes
4. In Diabolical Posse I'm Carried By The Stellar Storms
(I'm a) solitary astral body
In movement breaking through the sky
And paint a canvas
Of dantesque barbarity
I fly in unholy solitude
Carried by the stellar storms
Look at my igneous vortex!
In the vast limbical regions
Gleams my silver falcata
In diabolical posse
You can see my trail of cosmic warrior
Trail of sulphur and fire
Old's dragon warrior
I'm the angel who announce
The end of times
The bugle call resounds
Over the seas of misfortune
We are the spiritual hosts
Of Cosmic Evil
You can see my trail of cosmic warrior
Trail of sulphur and fire
Over the immensity space
There is no fire around me
And everything is very cold and very blue
5. The Unheard Dismal Cry Of A Self-Abnegated Monarch
In an unheard dismal cry
I rip my throat
A source of royal blood
Unmistakable witness of my anger
Ruled the throne and crowned the emperor
Owner of almighty supremacy
I taste the bitter of anguish
I die in a consuming silence
A cruel imposed phase
I have to share with a race
To which I doubt to belong
And the language of signs
That my sceptre evokes
Is a synonymous of my intolerance
In which my equal me vents itself
In form of tyranny
The stars are with me
Time is my longest allied
And the most cringing betrayer
Miserable is my earthly stage
The wind that strokes
The fair of my inner controversy
Drowning my last trace of patience
In a sea of confused feelings
In an unheard dismal cry
I rip my throat
A source of royal blood
Unmistakable witness of my anger
Ruled the throne and crowned the emperor
Owner of almighty supremacy
I taste the bitter of anguish
I die in a consuming silence
A cruel imposed phase
I have to share with a race
To which I doubt to belong
I join my forces to the other monarchs
Decorated by a grim ugliness