
"Demo I: Vril Metal" (2000 Demo)
1. Predicción 2. He Spirit 3. Rain of Lights 4. To Forget You 5. CrossRoads
1. Predicción
En un espectro de tinieblas
Donde en una noche él se acerca
Abriendo paso la gran bestia
Poniendo a prueba tus creencias
El demonio vestirá confianza
Como un ángel que te abraza
Mientras la tierra se enmudece
En un infierno de rarezas
Falsos profetas escaparán
Sólo los fieles vivirán
Pero la predicción se acercará coro
Como un rugido que acecha
El viento y la tempestad
Entre fuego y cadenas morirán
Ven, ven acércate y no dudes más
Que hoy estalla el tiempo del metal.
Falsos profetas escaparán
Solo los fieles vivirán
Pero la predicción se acercará coro
Como un rugido que acecha
Hasta los infiernos escucharán el sonido de mi metal
Desde las cenizas renacerá el poder de Vril Metal.
2. He Spirit
I see now, he is comino back to the life in the night
He will never surrender, never give up in the fight
Enraged spirit, feedin g with blood in his hands
Will never surrender, he is gonna ride to the life
He will never let you go
He will never let you go alive coro 1
He will take your life..
I see the way he is back to the life in the night
He will never surrender, he is gonna ride to the life
Enraged spirit feeding with blood in his hands
Will never surrender. Never give up in the fight
He will never let you go
He will never let you go alive coro 1
He will take your life…
The soul of the warrior is living in me coro 2
I will get you and take you to the other side
I will get you and take you to the other side
The devil will take you to the other side
Hell you, possess you to the other side.
Riding to the life
Riding in the night
Reborning to the life
Riding in the wind
He will never let you go coro 1
The soul of the warrior is living in me coro 2
3. Rain of Lights
4. To Forget You
5. CrossRoads
Being so tired looking for something…
Something what is …it never comes
Desperate decision to change my soul
For glory and fame
But the devil´s got two faces
And I saw my mistake too late
In the cross of the roads
I can find him
And change my soul for my dream
Cos´ there is a price for everything
But he with a hand gives you something
And with a biggest smile takes you all from you
In the cross of the roads
We can find him
Change your soul for another dream
Make my soul comeback to me
At the voodoo circle
The time to revenge has come
In the cross of the roads
I can find him now
Change my soul for my dream
There is a price for everything
At the voodoo circle
Somebody calls my name
In the cross of the roads
Make my soul comeback to me
At the voodoo circle
They feel the fear inside of me
Now I can see their eyes
Looking and damning
Change my soul, another dream
Make my soul comeback to me
You can be anything that you wanna be(the devil says)
Do you got something to sacrifice for me? coro