
"Conclusion" (2006)
1. The Institution 2. Terra Ultimatum 3. Crescent Moon 4. Mind Awakening 5. Sentinels of Pain 6. Apoapsis Mentis 7. Judgement of the Amenti 8. Lunar Eclipse 9. Sycophant Gods 10. End Game
1. The Institution
The bleakest of days
a messenger from outer space
Yet the messenger bears no hope:
a destructive form of an allotrope
Brace yourself for the demise
Feel free to awaken
this institution built for
anti-collide prediction
and now, has failed
Red dwarves form
a celestial storm
meteors collide
and life will no longer thrive
Voices from the voids
The moon has fallen
Flames cover the sky
Universal defcon 5
Nihilists enthralled
2. Terra Ultimatum
Momentary paralysis
superseded by reflex
Evade being crushed
By a meteor rain
A comet flies right by
The collapse of the universe
Planets collide and skies burst in flames
Helpless despair and acceptance
Witness our final moments with a tear on your cheek
Perplexion of our future
Ultimatum ab orbis terrarum
Inevitability of destruction
Per eversio fatalis
Implosion of the universe
the sky turns an evil red
No salvation waits in reserve
The outcome can only be death
3. Crescent Moon
Three days later
an uncertain contact
Reaches out for survivors
A species beyond known space
We came here to propose an offer
You'll give us all and your own planet
And in turn, we'll save you from utter extinction
Is this what it has come to
Are we truly lost
This offer our only hope
the terms severely out of scope
Four more hours
They contemplate the offer
An offer which is clearly absurd
Do we have another choice?
The moon is full of questions
Salvation at what cost
The fate of humankind
the Scales of Prevailment
Left to us for to control
We have no need for you
Disposable creatures are what we crave
Something we wish to bereave
Your fate in our hands is the future
and the hope of your survival
Six hours more
And clearly this is not the answer
We'll have to find another way to the world
We won't accept your terms
We will prevail
We shall discuss no more
We are
The collective humankind
Is now determined to be
Here for many moons to pass
4. Mind Awakening
Puppeteer your mind
An endeavour to the world inside
After all you've seen
Is there a return to reality?
Voyeurs of self
the secrets lie within
Created for you
By You
The mind is awakening
Can it be contained?
One-way journey
selfwilling loss of sanity
Stuck inside
entrapment of a third kind
unmarked glyphs hold all that's buried by time
But now they are set free
"The causes of such a disaster are presently unknown. We have
determined it to have started as a mass destabilization of
oscillating black holes, which caused turbulence within the
containing galaxy. However, the turbulence was so massive, it
couldn't contain and it set off a series of implosions that
at present have destroyed an estimate of 85% of the entire
universe, with no stop expected. We are truly doomed."
5. Sentinels of Pain
Beyond they lie in wait
Threshold of withstanding
Eternal slumber
The sentinels awake
Sentinels of pain
Wreaking havoc in the skies
Grand sky of skullclouds
Bring an end to us all
A new end
Illusion of undoing
"In visions of the dark night
Ah! What is not a dream by day
That world was chiding
A lonely spirit guiding
What through that light, thro' storm and night"
- (Excerpts from "A Dream" (1827) by Edgar Allan Poe)
6. Apoapsis Mentis
7. Judgement of the Amenti
In death, what have we achieved
A final judgement shall be by them
Undoing hopelessly late
An issue open for grand debate
Cash on the scale holds no weight
Greed, death, money, schemes: corporate fools
Help, aid, welfare, charity: wasted tools
Rot, pus, goo, stink: exotic ghouls
Impact, burn, flame, frost: natural joules
War, guns, oil, bombs: money rules
All of the above: they all...
Burn in the pits
The amenti have spoken
Brace yourself for demise
in the soulburning device
Their destiny laid out by themselves
The only ones to blame are within
Money burns your soul - Condemned
Funny turns of fate - Alive
Flames burn your mind - Forever
Eternity of time to - Resent
8. Lunar Eclipse
Threshold of extinction
Witness the new masters
The clank of steel walking forward to assume control of this plane of mortal drama
The less the sun shines, the more is lost
Out of sight, just below the horizon
A new race to rule arising
From the ashes of a world laid waste
Crumbling grounds shaping anew
Entities from beyond
A bloodred sky
Grinding echoes hiss piston movement erecting assemblies of plate chaos
9. Sycophant Gods
The gods are there
watching over the mayhemic destruction
Straggling survivors plead for mercy
Handouts are given - Just so that men will praise their lords
All in vain - The gods just want a better standing
Secluded laughter
a divine deception
Unbeknownst betrayal
Praise the names unwitnessed
The universe - their morbid playground
10. End Game