
"Revelation Nausea" (2001)
1. Revelation Nausea 2. The Corpsegrinder Experience 3. Beneath the Soil 4. Under Clouds of Blood 5. The Art of War 6. When Silence Conquers 7. Chapter of Pain 8. The Holocaust 9. Exhaling Life 10. 9mm Salvation
1. Revelation Nausea
Deceived, by the light, now I'm blind
Descending, into the void, misguided souls
Worship, turned to lunacy, and wrath
Killing spree, in the kingdom, of Christ
If you see the faces, the fear, the anger
Turned into oppressive lies
Ridden with disease, despise, and hatred
Enter the realm of revelation nausea
To bear the cross, to tell the lies
A rape of Christ, is your demise
The purest soul, beyond the sky
So kneel for me, or you'll die
Another carcass, on a cross, decomposing
Rise above, to resurrect, I'm Christ
If you see the faces, the fear, the anger
Turned into oppressive lies
Ridden with disease, despite, and hatred
Revelation nausea
2. The Corpsegrinder Experience
Walking through blood and guts, scattered bodies
Butchered human remains, a sweet smell of bowels and blood
A morbid legion, with a hunger for flesh
I see them coming in a trail of death
The undead invades, bringer of death
They show no mercy when they hunt for flesh
Carnal, carnage, increasing, bloodthirst
Relentless, gluttony, driven, by flesh
Troops of decomposing creatures, prepare for war
Forward through, the field of death
Crushing spines with an axe, chainsaw decapitation
A dagger through the eye, maiming of the enemies
Harvest with your axe again, split their brains in half
Cut up their infected veins, send them back to their graves
The undead invades, bringer of death
They show no mercy when they hunt for flesh
3. Beneath the Soil
Beyond redemption lost in lunacy
A world in chaos, pain control your thoughts
Self control dwells in a distant reality
Suffer for your last breath
Blood forces through your veins
Thoughts shattered into incomprehensible
Air supply slowly languish away
Panic grasp the soul with fear
The final sleep approach, do you see the light
That cleanse for your soul, I am your master above
Awake but not completely conscious
Where darkness suffocates your soul
The mental strain cause of the cardiac death
Slowly descending on the voyage beneath the soil
The final sleep approach, do you see the light
That cleanse for your soul, I am your master above
4. Under Clouds of Blood
From time bygone, until the end of now
Without conscious, a journey through blood
No compassion, death a consistent reality
March through blood, no end in sight
No mercy left, a nightmare for the affected ones
Mind unconscious, like predators hunger for blood
Soldiers, march towards battle
They invade, when napalm falls like burning rain
Like vultures, from above
The battlefield, covered in blood
When napalm, fills their lungs
A morbid taste, of reality
Their chemical massive attack, to exterminate
A stench of death, that will never disappear
Critical, a word that can not describe
Under clouds of blood, they died
5. The Art of War
Putrefied corpse, aftermath of war from time immorial
Cadaverous odour rapes through every breath mankind's sympathy
Perpetrators grow rapidly without pity
Armies projected, brainwashed, thoroughly gone through from birth
Tools against enemy alliances
Troops in thousands fire at will
Troops in thousands charge
Carcass in fire screams uninterruptedly in silence
Napalm falls, burns all in sight, enemies' death all that counts
Suffocated mutilated remains, exterminated through fire
They stop breathing, screams for mercy one last time
Tools against enemy alliances
Troops in thousands fire at will
Troops in thousands
Extinction, the art of war
Through war, discriminatory declarations against enemies' ideal
Against dissident opponents' assessments tanks will strike
In the darkest of darkness, will the remains,
Of the enemies putrefied corpse in silence rest
6. When Silence Conquers
Echoes of cannons, fading away, silence finally conquers
Field in red, consuming life, where death took command
Covered in remains of scattered companions, aftermath of war
Blinded by victory, a battle defeated, where is the honour
Soldiers scream for mercy, when they are trapped
In machinegun massacre
Soldiers path, filled with blood, casualties, of war
Charge against the enemy through a bullet rain
Soldiers defleshed in a massive attack
Decapitated bodies, soldiers torn apart
Mourning the loss, in a bloodbath
Soldiers path, filled with blood, casualties, of war
7. Chapter of Pain
Ancient past in reverse, the future dies through renewal
Evil grows back again, unaffected by time
Far from the light, behind the shadows
Through the ashes of hate
Cycles divine or cursed by mankind
Genetic disease a mental slavery
A chapter of pain
The immense darkness suffocates the narrow light of hope
Unleashing a malevolent creation made by mankind
An endless apocalypse a symphony of melancholy
Accompanied by forces of chaos, the creation of the end
Future disappears in darkness, hate kills hate
In an explosion of rage, darkness destroys itself
Far from the light, behind the shadows
Through the ashes of hate
Cycles divine or cursed by mankind
Genetic disease a mental slavery
A chapter of pain
8. The Holocaust
Silence, only silence is real
Ashes leaves a trace of something that once were
The end of a new beginning
The last and final chapter of humans' history erased
No sounds no movements
There's no evidence of existence
From threat of extermination
To a total wipe out, mankind has forever died
The holocaust
Scentless trails fills the emptiness with invisible presence
A new beginning without origin a future without hope
Emptiness and darkness surrounds everything
Voices of lost soul's the only sound
The last sign of civilisation
Like shades disguised in darkness
When their resurrection has been denied
Godless they slowly being erased
When darkness encloses the beginning
When darkness encloses the end
The end of a new beginning
The last and final chapter of humans' history erased
The holocaust
9. Exhaling Life
Global fear, infected minds will obey
They follow every command, contradictory must die
In carnage, they baptise enemy souls
A war's been declared, fleshless victims left behind
Pain, created from persecution
As a consequence of violence against their own
Persuasion, threats beyond human understanding
Ignorance, a decision for others to make
Inheritance, from father to son
Engraved in their souls, engraved in their hearts
There is an utter threat ahead and it still breathes
Prepare for war, prepare for death
A thousand humans cries in anger
Divided voices united to one
Blindly obey every command
Determined future they create
Reign of terror from far way back
Scaremongering through generations
Blood born new blood
10. 9mm Salvation
Depressed emotions lost, inanimate searching
For the past obscure state of disease
Contagious disagreeable senses
Must get discharge through outrage against the carrier
Lunacy bites once again, existence prospects fades away
Scent of death fills the nostrils, 9 mm salvation
In self defence against lunacy
A stream of hot desire fills the nerves with faith
Insanity has escaped, overcome by concentration
A shattered souls last breath
Misty dreams like realistic episodes
A tranquil mind glance anxious through a terrifying abyss
Erased by forces unlike the calm dreams
Everything get crushed in a neverending hell of chaos
Lunacy bites once again, existence prospects fades away
Scent of death fills the nostrils, 9 mm salvation