
"Throne of Uncreation" (2006)
1. Ice of Peace 2. Throne of Uncreation 3. Denied Trinity 4. Domination 5. Increasing Madness 6. Fire Hearts 7. The Dawn Of The Battle 8. Eternal Scream 9. Final Ritual 10. Elficidium
1. Ice of Peace
As the freezing waters flow
We can only see the glow
Running through the green fields
Sunshine in your eyes
Feel the breeze in your face
Look for the sky a mirror
No window to god
Look at the sky
A mirror
You are your own god
Towards the next door
Sell at your price
Live with your rules
Plant what you'll eat
Live with your power
In the dark forest
A shining village
A pagan world
In a religious universe
Jesus has lost his throne
Our job now are done
2. Throne of Uncreation
Chaos bring peace
Demons are create to angels be adore
Sins keep the people in line
Slaves and simple-minded brains
Living for the unknown
Blind faith in ancient and empty words
Make your valley of tears here on earth
To be in eternal happiness in the kingdom of god
Where only the followers of Christ
Will pass in the purgatory
Accept this or die in shame
Engraved eternity
Engraved Christ
Enthroned majesty
Enthroned death
(Death) is the only reason for you to live
Celebrate the miracle of death
Power generated by fear
Recognition by war
The dialectic that rules the world
Is installed the throne of hypocrisy
The throne of uncreation
Pater noster, Qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomem tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panen nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostri.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
Power generated by fear
Recognition by war
The dialectic that rules the world
Is installed the throne of hypocrisy
The throne of uncreation
3. Denied Trinity
The altar is placed and the bell tolls
Silence reign
While the priest summoning the infernal names
The shine of the candles reflect on sword
All the Princes of Hell now are called
Baphomet, with the power of darkness the Trinity is denied
Lust, desire for the pleasures of the flesh
Compassion, the feeling of charity
�Save Satan�
Destruction, the spell of anger and hate
Satanic magic for the human emotions
�Save Satan�
The Left Hand Path grow how a opposition of the system
No matter witch name is called, in both sides rituals keep going on
Like a mirror, they seems to be the opposite
but are two sides of the same coin
4. Domination
The Dark Times of the Catholicism came and destroyed the pagan culture
The paradisiacal views of the green valleys
The fields where once our ancestral built our society
The villages and peoples
All now dominate by the tyrannical power of Religion
Churches were built in our lands
Creating holy places for then but profanation ours
To adore a God that is unknown in this country
Then the real community of these lands is excluded
Labeled by �unfaith�, even been the more faithful
Then I ask
Why their religion is superior?
They idolater a coward that choose die instead face the menace to their people
A simple and weak man that teach their people to be weak and accept the domination
That teaches their people to live without honor just waiting the dead, in the hope of a better life after death
But we say
Live your life now
When dead comes is the end
And the only tough when the sharpen blade of the scythe get in our throat is �I lived my life, and lived it well, I�m a honor man and I did the best I could�
5. Increasing Madness
A village of pagans in your own territory
A menace to our supreme religion
Something must be done
This plage must be gone
I recieved a sign of god
A answer for what be done
�Recruit all your mans
A new war will now begin
Strenght is a prouve of faith
Eliminate and be canonized�
Enraged by the wonderfull fields
With a sword in one hand
Yes... A Execution will begin
Yes... A punish divine for all the unfaiths
No... There�s no misericordy
No... There�s no salvation for the unfaiths
The power to kill
With no brain in their heads
No power to think
Blindfolded by lies
A lifetime lie
The primal lie
Gealous about their weakness
Their god closed their eyes
The power to kill
With no brain in their heads
No power to think
Blindfolded by lies
A lifetime lie
The primal lie
A god can see
Only if he is really up there
Massacre will begin
Pagans, you will know our rage
We are the servents of God
And he orders your death
There�s nothing to do
To stop this Increasing Madness
Yes... A Execution will begin
Yes... A punish divine for all the unfaiths
No... There�s no misericordy
No... There�s no salvation for the unfaiths
6. Fire Hearts
Against the wind they were...
The flames were fighting to keep burning
As they were fighing to survive
Knowing about the upcoming day
The pagans chose their way
Fire hearts...burning...
Fire hearts...lighting the forest...
With fire hearts...fighting for freedom
Eternal internal power
For the life
Of their souls
As the day comes
The flame grows
Till a point of no return
7. The Dawn Of The Battle
Part I - The Will of the Pagans
At the presage of a imminent battle
Families are separed, hearts are broken
Only with courage and hope mans leaves their homes.
A fatal destiny, a fatal tragedy
There�s no choice, is fight or die
A fight to survive, to protect what is ours
In this senseless war
Now prepare yourself (Courage and hope)
No one is there for help (Nowhere to hide)
Fight until the end (Sharpe your blade)
And be prepared to die (Raise up your sword)
Blood in your hands
Their blood in your hands
Your blood in their hands
Then protect your people (show your value)
Protect you culture (your final task)
Protect your believes (your final sacrifice)
Protect your freedom (your final sentence)
Blood in your hands
Their blood in your hands
Your blood in their hands
Don�t ever turn away
Don�t ever give up
Prouve your strengh
Don�t ever sucumb
Don�t ever be weak
Defeat your enemy
Don�t lose your courage
Don�t lose your hope
And show your will
Our reasons and believes
Against the tyranny of the enemies
Part II - The Uncertainty of the Christians
Legions of warriors
That�s the Christian Army
They are the chosen of God
To protect this world
They will bring justice
Aniquliating your enemys
A village of pagans
A menace to freedom
They will bring justice
By bringing death
That�s the way
We bring decay
That�s how they
Will to paradise
Thousands of deaths
Is the key to heaven
The Inquisition will begun (why I have to do that?)
Abomination is just starting (what�s the reason to do that?)
Is time to Inquisition (why I have to do that?)
The massacre is near (what�s the sense of that?)
This is the God�s will
I no more understand
The clemency and pardon
Don�t ever turn away
Don�t ever give up
Prouve your strength
Don�t ever sucumb
Don�t ever be weak
Defeat your enemy
Don�t lose your courage
Don�t lose your hope
Show your will
No more questions here
Everything is very clear
The drum roar, the trumpet sound
The bell tolls and the horses trots
It�s the announce of war
It�s the will of the pagans against the uncertainty of the Christians
The until green valleys become red
Despair and suffering everywhere
By the flames the hope goes away
It�s the will of the pagans against the uncertainty of the Christians
Part III � Glory and Failure
Now the battle is over. Few men survive, but feeling happiness and sadness at the same time, the people of the village made the Christian army succumbs.
One more time will be peace and joins, and for the defeated ones only sorrow and repentance.
Mighty warriors of Christ, you follow your faith
You killed your own kind, to reach paradise
How could you be so blind?
Only now you discovered that heaven�s a lie
Is too late now, precious warriors of Christ
You lived in a lie for so much time
You follow the truth that leads to eternal life
And only now you discovered that it�s a lie
Thousands of bodies lay on the floor
Wasted lifes, wasted souls
A fatal destiny, a fatal tragedy
Is always dark before the dawn
Is time for a new beginning, a new life.
The invasiors failure, for the village was glory
But for what price?
8. Eternal Scream
Finally the reason triumphed against the dogmas of faith
A mark of victory
An example to be followed
Someone throw down the empire of the Christians
And now others will be encouraged to do so
Come on legions of pagans warriors
It is our time to show the light for the world
To propagate our knowledge and wisdom
The Good news now are coming
It�s a new age that begins
Where no more lies will impede the advance of the human kind
So much time was already lost
Too many years of pure illusion
Illusion that already coasted so many lives
There�s no what to fear
Together we will keep fighting
Is time to give our last and eternal
Wake up today with pride
We are warriors that fought for our ideas
And this is only the beginning
All the populace under domination will do your eternal scream of freedom
Take your weapons and go fight
Die whit honor, no more in shame.
9. Final Ritual
10. Elficidium
Silva gravida est uligine sicut frons elforum qui
Percipiunt obscuram presentiam, statim murmur
Foliarum aperit veritatem : duodecim hominum
Horribilium sine deo.
Terror serpit inter perturbatos elfos, qui non
Habent tempus fugiendi.
Monstra in iugula candida impetum faciunt
Laminis aspersis sanguinem concreto, stuprant
Honestas virgines ante earum filios, lacernat
Ventres elforum.
Igitur evanescunt cum strepitu inter arbores
Percussas pavore cum tropaeis funebribus :
Auriculis elficis.