
"Get Off The Road Ya Farkin Poofta Bastard!" (1999)
1. Eating Dead Shelia`s Cunt 2. Driller Killer 3. Lying In Wait 4. Annoying Shit 5. Blood Seeps 6. Gay Mardi Grass Massacre 7. Pooey Pants 8. Constable Kickarse 9. Bitch Slappin 10. Flemo Markets 11. Gook Off 12. Grease Lightning 13. Sod Off 14. Pissed Cunt 15. Dimension 16. Monga 17. 666 18. Monga`s Revenge
1. Eating Dead Shelia`s Cunt
A rotting corpse I see
It looks yummy... I'm Hungry
Now I'll eat it up
Yum yum yum in my tum
Tastes so nice to me
I want to wear the Dolmio Grin
Time for cuntylingus
Tastes good like it should
Now I'll eat it, Breakfast, Lunch and Tea
It's good. So good. Im sure you'll agree
I'll growl you out and cut you up
Your on the ground all fucked up
I'll cut your throat and fuck your neck
All because... What the heck
Looks like pork. Tastes like Chicken.
Smells like fish. I'll give you a fisting
Yum yum eat more beef
I'll use your pubes to floss my teeth
Eating dead sheila's cunt
Sheila's cunt!
Eating dead sheila's cunt
Not any sheila's cunt!
Eating dead sheila's cunt
One special cunt in particular!
Eating dead sheila's cunt
Grandma's cunt!
2. Driller Killer
3. Lying In Wait
A stab in the heart as I lay down to die
It's over and I'm dead, now there be no more
Why this ever happened I'll never know why
But now is your turn your turn to die... you turn to die
No way Back
Something's coming over me, release my soul
And let me be free I tried to fly
With broken wings. I'm down in the dirt I feel so hurt
Your lied you cheated you fucked me over and I
can't take this anymore
I'll kill you
Lying in wait - I'm watching you
Lying in wait - I'm here with you now
Lying in wait - I'm coming with you
I'll kill you then myself
As it seems it was just a dream. I'm your lover
Now you'll die with me
It should never end this way. It should never
End like this
Feel- the- wind- a cold chill- its time- to go-
its time to kill
Can't keep living - life this way with broken
Dreams of yesterday
4. Annoying Shit
5. Blood Seeps
6. Gay Mardi Grass Massacre
You stand up and have your say
You're so proud your fuckin' gay
You always say the worlds not fair
Listen Faggot - I don't fuckin' care
You think its natural - You think it's right
"well" why the fuck is my arsehole tight!
How the fuck do you say no to a chick
But yes to shit on your dick
Fuck you fuck you fuck your bum
Fuck you fuck you with my gun
You fuck you fuck you fuck some arse
Im not a fuckin' homo and i don't shove shit
Up my arse - I don't root no poo shooter
But you have the nerve to ask
You say I've got no heart but at least I can
Fuckin' fart [and not follow through]
Your sexual sickness is a disgrace
That's why I hate your fuckin' race!
7. Pooey Pants
8. Constable Kickarse
9. Bitch Slappin
10. Flemo Markets
11. Gook Off
12. Grease Lightning
13. Sod Off
14. Pissed Cunt
15. Dimension
Woo woo - woo right down
Woo woo - woo right down and down and down
And what the fuck - is going on
And what the fuck - is goin on and on and on
Slowly isn't they way to die
Falling from the sky way up high
I never get by - never get by
Hello hello can anybody hear me?
Hello hello is anybody out there
Now my demon's have taken me away
All my life is washed away
Look into my reflection
What is my dimension
How did I get here
Everything unclear
Lost in an internet tube
Slide inside a rubbix cube
How did I get here - everything unclear
How do I come down - and walk upon the ground
Idle hands steel the soul
Human life without a heart
Embedded in a wall of lies
Sucked into a world of black
Suffering within the mind
Confort the facts to save one's face
Take a stab and and twist the knife
Twist the knife oh so slowly
Hands turn to claws and
Rip my fucking heart out
Tears and intestines
Out of my body sprouted
You infest my fears and
Suck the life right out of me
Yesterday decays
Eaten from the inside out
I'm swimming in the sky
I'm flying in the sea
Soon you'll see me 3 dimensionally
The 1st dimension takes it toll
The 2nd is set free out of the black
The 3rd misery upon me
16. Monga
17. 666
18. Monga`s Revenge