
"Demo # 2 - Cremations" (2005 Demo)
1. Prologue (pt. 1) - The Abyss 2. Prologue (pt. 2) - Lethe 3. Cremations Theme 4. Feeding the Behemoth 5. Nameless/Detune 6. A Hymn to Ma'ath 7. Avicenna 8. War of Worms 9. MMIV (2004)
1. Prologue (pt. 1) - The Abyss
2. Prologue (pt. 2) - Lethe
3. Cremations Theme
Anomalies of The Great Deceiver
Cage of Skull, Bones as Bars
And a bitter taste of defeat
I am Sky
I am Sky
No more than a cloud of smoke
Mistaken for a cloud of rain
A desperate soul that is beyond redemption
A breeze as strong as the Fire
Closing it's jaws - beware!
I am Sky
I am Sky
No more than a cloud of smoke
Mistaken for a cloud of rain
Once a man of strength, now
I am just a weak wraith
Transparent as a dream,
As Nothing
Nothing I become
And Nothing I remain
I am void with no name
My spirit will never cease to haunt
My likeness will remain your nightmare
And you'll recall the ones you've torched
Recall the ones you've torched
4. Feeding the Behemoth
Here I halt
Here I lay the bricks
Here I place the scaffold,
The Mecca for the mad
Here, where waves of tears
Shatter and Collide
Here, where one treads once
And treads no more and nowhere else
Fire is my Deity
Life's Blood is my Slave
And your suffering feeds
My Gaping Maw
I acknowledge
Only mean to prevail:
Shedding rains of blood
On boot-trampled soil
The Ghost of War
The Rules of Fist
The Ghost of War
The Rules of Fist
Deny Present
For Future is to fear of;
Man is nothing
But a Beast
Rebirth Rebuild Explode Implode
Pursue Destroy Chase and Erase
The contorted, pulsating mass that is Time
Gave birth to a new God, so small
He's cradled in a slug
And here was Heaven once again
5. Nameless/Detune
6. A Hymn to Ma'ath
From within the lap of hand made perdition
Created by one to breed his inner wounds
This hymn is carried, behind it's every word
A soul is wilting
Hear me now.
Collection of fears
Abundance of tears
This mortal curse,
Few carry with pride
...And Justice I claim
Were we, statues of clay,
Shall return to dust
In suffering?
Aspiring to gain more,
One just kept losing more;
As the poorest, the illest he prays
To see the light of a better day;
He tears out his heart to feed
The Glutton, Envious and Proud
Unjust, even if it IS his fate -
To suffer, to disintegrate.
A dreadful road
He chose to march on
Yet He ever held his Deity within
He never ceased to walk
Through entanglements unseen
Through bushes, set in flames
He ever held his pace
Towards his Final
This path he throde, to reach his own perdition
This path we all are forced to walk
Some with smile, others with unbearable wails
Yet we'll see no Justice but Demise
Tears feed the waves
Of the Sea of Lies
All good and just is long dead,
Eaten by the Fire of Despise
...This world
Quite at last
Spare your tears, it seems
Ma'at will die after us.
7. Avicenna
A path, painted white
Leads through the spirals of time
No one sees it nor walks it but me
Immortal is my soul
And Immortality is what I bring with me
Within my veins I haul a deity
From a farther Universe
As by a torch we guided by
The serene air vibrations
As One whispers our name -
Our united entity -
Manipulation of an Ill Time
We are the Cure,
The Pharmacy
Alas, remain cursed are we;
Future is as water for us
And when we look through it
We see The Dawn
There lies a great sepulchre
And an inscription on the mud
That reads:
Can not cure Death
Know no remedy against Insanity
You are no God
A path, painted white
Leads through the spirals of time
No one sees it nor walks it but me
Immortal is my Soul
And forever we will walk this road;
A Deity, hauled in the veins of a man
From a farther Universe
As by a torch we guided by
The heart tearing wailings
As One whispers our name -
Our united entity -
Manipulation of an Ill Time
We are the Cure,
The Pharmacy
Alas, remain cursed are we;
Future is as water for us
And when we look through it
We see The Dawn
There lies a great sepulchre
And an inscription written in blood:
You are no God.
8. War of Worms
Remove all skin-made patches
Discover the Abyss Within,
A soul, physically undamaged
Yet mentally dead;
Remnants of a battle
A war one could not witness or bear
I struggles I
And slithering as worm
A fortress
I built
A shell of chipped bones
I won Death
The Mind breeds Creatures, Grotesque and Surreal
No victory would ever hide
This glazed stare
This war would ever leave
A shadow of oneself
Ones memory will ever recall
Recall the smothering scent
Of a war one can't witness or bear
A war one would never win
A fortress
I built
A shell of chipped bones
I won Death
A fortress
I built
A wall of vertebrae
I lost all
Eyes caught in a whirlwind
Of rain and thunderstorms
These eyes will never witness
The raging war of worms
The Mind breeds Creatures, Grotesque and Surreal
The Mind paints Suns whose light I would never feel
Remove all skin-made patches
Reveal the inner self
A soul that struggled bravely
Until it's miserable doom
A war it lost
A war one avoids to maintain
I struggled I
And slithering as Eden's Snake
Eyes caught in a whirlwind
Of rain and thunderstorms
These eyes will never witness
The raging war of worms
9. MMIV (2004)