
"Deathridicon" (2000)
1. Let's Break My Will 2. The Truth Of My Madness 3. Free Journey 4. Shined By Tinsel 5. At Anger 6. The Philosophy Of Loneliness 7. World Of Weakers 8. Otrok Chernyh Vod
1. Let's Break My Will
The Gravity you are chains of my soul
The Earth you are my prison
In Sky, in immense ether
My Eyes looks for your sign.
The Water, stream in my veins,
In it, poison of the rage.
The Air, liquids my soul
And the Frost, creates foundation's stone
I'm await, and will not be nowhere
The Power!
To broke my will, to crash my fate.
I'm await, and will not be nowhere
The Power!
To stop the might, to hide the sign!
My Soul, it's stroner.
From blasphemy, to the blasphemy!
My tolerance, my soul's deepness,
My deepness...
Let's break my will!
2. The Truth Of My Madness
Over the edge, edge of the Earth,
Over deep dark waters...
From high lands, named Hyperboreys,
Where somber sky gave us the might,
Where chill nature sewer our souls
From where we're bring the War.
For weakers,
For liers,
For betrayers,
In your eyes crimson sunrise.
In your eyes crimson decline.
3. Free Journey
Over stage, never come back,
Over rules.
With the passion, fever in life,
With the gill.
Live or die, your item choose,
Live or die!
Stay along, fighting along,
Die with fire!
From on night to the night,
Eternal journey.
Where death and still in chill.
4. Shined By Tinsel
Shined by tinsel,
Whipped by men's anger
Shine my eyes!
Wooden Cross
Is Gold by why
Golden Age in a mores!
My burning skin
My flaming skin
In fire...
My madding brain
My boiling blood
At heavens...
My sinned soul
My voice are growl
I'm bleeding...
My closed doors
Your knife in me
I'm saved...
O! My Son!
Was borne under star,
Are you ready for your suffering
Die in self-strolling!
Die in joy of fool!
Force your power!
To conducter by your slaves!
5. At Anger
Looked back, night silence,
Old Moon by punishing glance.
I'm fueling the anguish eternal,
I'm fueling the melancholic flame.
Step to the step, careful steps.
You'll come for a sad flame,
Will open the veins of the secre desires,
Will spill them by wine on the sufferings.
In this fiery of the passion,
Words of the flame, words of the pain
Will burn and will free my soul
From the illusions, from the grief!
6. The Philosophy Of Loneliness
In full lone lines
I'm cost above this night,
In full silence the words and spaces whip.
I'm feel their time, I'm feel their destiny.
In my eyes rage and mercilessness
On my tusks a poison of centuries.
Mine soul was burned at darkness
And my bode is petrified.
Night and chill stores my reason
The philosophy of mores pleases me
Lonelines and thoughts my satelites
On all times.
I'm state along.
My eyes are dies.
Mores of empires,
Destiny of peoples.
All it's nothing, before your breathing,
7. World Of Weakers
Words of world
So deeper lies, so insignificant,
Words of priests
Kill peoples flesh, they bit by pity.
World of weaker
pull soul out, to might of a sorrow.
They flesh are die,
And only sweet mysteries.
It's my War, It's my Way, It's my Fate -
To be agains to forever.
It's my War, It's my Way, It's my Set -
To born the stronger's world.
A man not man,
Fiery of nature - havens punish.
A sky not sky,
Burning Sun - Jisuses punish.
Death on Cross
For weaker luck, for stronger shame.
No fight, but slaves
and compromise for all desires!
Fight with weaker
Is worthy deed, as natures low.
For stroner's race
Clean up from any weak!
8. Otrok Chernyh Vod
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