
"Dormant Strains" (2000 EP)
1. Meme Epidemics 2. Evolutionary Masquerade 3. Cortical Reproductive Abstractions 4. Branne Cvicene: Defensive Drilling
1. Meme Epidemics
permeating multi-linear transfer active
corporal selection aimlessly fluid
transfer of symbol wealth mimicking light
negative emblems freely enter feigning viria
system structure devastation
shock to mental integration
enfeebled minds solely seek group cohesion
shield extinction
immunity obsolete
viral icon interaction
banners flying high, allegiance to the sky
tincture variation triggers passion cry
inner circle worship self idolatry
out group acting units: organic debris
reproductive isolation accidental
minimal material deviation
infection skewing standard apprehension
magnifying superficial miscellany
accidental material miscellany
magnifying apprehension isolation
differentiated epidemics
occupying solitary territory
physique welfare of soil obligatory
malignant symbol actor mobilization
skeletal rubble no more fused
a web of knotted limbs produced
2. Evolutionary Masquerade
Emanation, outflow, overwhelming fuel
unperceived instrument grounding daily duel
stimuli of passions correspond to bleak,
antiquated features of prehistory
in present isolation from this distant state,
ardour serves as proof of violent masquerade
aside from random adaptations for like goal,
actual interaction strategies unfold
traces of untamed deeds felt
though our primate ancestors compelled
blood spent for blood
now inactive agony
vague remnants of desperate feats
cerebral bondage
vein - in colossal culture complex
strain - gene flow in drifting phase
emission of Gray pressure
through abstract expression
evolutionary environment
cognitive homeland, tormenting descent
3. Cortical Reproductive Abstractions
inability for objective view of the whole
composition of atom stimuli
arduous task to distance self from flashes of old
looming landscapes linger in subdued mind
unsurpassed connection of flesh and sense
chemical balance of neural patterns
once such lenses overtake mindset mimes
cruel primal phase
present carnal obsessions
youthful restrainment
violent deviance of natural processes
amber gluttony
fake sensual plates
spawn of cerebral freedom
vital progeny system
some serving as doorways
of atypical gene flow toward the pool
earlier stages of neural growth
dimorphism played key role
in success
canines corporal outgrowth
now faint once cardinal
hammer for access
primal mindset mimes such phase
once cruel lenses overtake
further present traces
protein size, tone
tearing promotes entry
carnal cultivation
succored victory
typical transmission
earlier stages of newural growth
dimorphism played key role
in success
canines corporal outgrowth
now faint once cardinal
hammer for access
cranial expansion, tool manipulation
habilis, erectus possiby began
application of surrogate strategies
reproductive abstractions
4. Branne Cvicene: Defensive Drilling
shatered eyes, pure gleaming minds
with carefree joy young beings flee
from complex lethal enterprise
construct of neural maturity
columns of pale green heads
gray snouts and broken glass
filtering floating death
puppet lordship, electorate trance
into nature, fresh spirits dance
spirited limbs interact
senses dulled with warfare artifact
tree tops shedding crimson dress
mannequin loathing close caress
spirited limbs in close caress
senses dulled with crimson dress
guardian of free - allow blood to glow
besmirch purity - let bleak air flow
instruct mask to molt - let hatch the shell
filters not just air - life as well
clairvoyance clear - vassals would be
expose their lungs - set them free
sirens shriek - with distant light
nevermore weak - set them so flight
guardian of free - allow blood to glow
besmirch purity - let bleak air flow
instruct mask to molt - let hatch the shell
filters not just air - life as well
columns of pale green heads
gray snouts floating death