
"A Conflict Scenario" (2001)
1. Entrance 2. Reptilian Triangle 3. Painting 4. Texture Shock 5. Evolutionary Masquerade 6. Cementing with Introspection 7. Pipeline Dialogue 8. Your own Palestine
1. Entrance
2. Reptilian Triangle
Reptilian Triangle
Waves of strength and angry rapture surge in scenarios
where harm or gain to reproduction grows
fight or flight response triggered by rules
by objects sculpted by death's own tools
like a cool blanket of cortical mass
checking burning primal coals
followed by fabled hope of depraved struggle's tolls
my objective faculty steers me for
an odd intrusive experiment of self-deplore
mental scenario - mirrors alpha glow
extroverted leaps - signal energies
carnivore caressed - prehensile limb expressed
emergency pathway
triune split
mid-region mediation,
upper override quit
flat skull caps indicative of agonistic schemes
seeking violent conflict through self-promoting genes
social primates, human children
organize in hierarchies
facial intimidations
hint emotional anarchy
these are remnants of chaos
rank diagnoses serve as keys
to peoples once living within
reptilian societies
tiny fists clenched,
tugging fearlessly
orange hair and scalp dangling freely
wake with wasted fuel from ideal scenes
scramble for seat in social Colosseum
3. Painting
Observers feel
for one victim
From two parties guilty
With cold repose
With inward hate
Some defend both
Some abstain
Try to pretend
The monster's intent
To silence with violence
and retch not from scent
Genuine glee
thrill of teenage mischief
grown men swarm
to rip at the hetacomb
for one hundred lost
is three the cost?
milled to brown mire
quenched their ire
with film and sound
paint this scene
which exploits your
culture's private memes
to taste a glimpse
of passions clandestine
simulate and go to
your own Palestine
4. Texture Shock
Texture Shock
Imprinting of solid crisp forms into soft clay
as culture is the architect of cognitive mazeway
walls and corridors simulate righteous edifice
foreign shapes categorized automatic dismiss
dyed tide. Divide
chaotic trees growing within black and yellow streets
...constitute subjective ocular geography
hopelessly conflicting
with constant radiating...
...white pillars supporting square colossal mountains proud
fragile youth bleeds into Saharan desert sands
her round face stretches. featureless body bends
twig-like fingers reach toward the gushing stream
blade between thighs
spout of liquid for miles
we welcome you woman
be free as light in your smiling eyes
these plains are yours
delight for endless times
history's cerebral mutant gods
burning orb screeches with distant violin
liquid loathing streams in through window sill
tied divide died
multiple tools for identical use offends the eye
with contemplation mind rejoices at higher and higher
digressions from its branded norm of home
nonsensical daily acts morph to purified pathways sewn
to refuse language. embrace noise
cognitively globalize
5. Evolutionary Masquerade
Evolutionary Masquerade
Emanation, outflow, overwhelming fuel
unperceived instrument grounding daily duel
stimuli of passions correspond to bleak,
antiquated features of prehistory
in present isolation from this distant state,
ardor serves as proof of violent masquerade
aside from random adaptations for like goal,
actual interaction strategies unfold
traces of untamed deeds felt
though our primate ancestors compelled
blood spent for blood
now inactive agony
vague remnants of desperate feats
cerebral bondage
vein - in colossal culture complex
strain - gene flow in drifting phase
emission of gray pressure
through abstract expression
evolutionary environment
cognitive homeland, tormenting descent
6. Cementing with Introspection
Cementing with Introspection
Analyzing fragments of my
bodily experience
lonely flights on windy bridges
noble quiet southern sun
melodies neatly mold onto
internalized curvature
wave, concave
sighed, solidified
probe, overload
tried, unsatisfied
Cave, sine-wave
Cried, specialized
Reach, others teach
Styled, self-actualized
tones are bookmarks in my neural library
pulling tastes of dusty passions
cataloguing manuscripts of same story
cementing with introspection
teeth grinding, clenched
toes, fingers bent
eyes inverting
stone shapes drying
preparation for - final thinking hour
to walk through finished halls of
galleries with art - dear to this slowing heart
and outwit chaos with silence
analyzing fragments of my
bodily experience
lonely flights on windy bridges
noble quiet southern sun
7. Pipeline Dialogue
8. Your own Palestine
Your Own Palestine
from world power to servant state
from self-sufficient to tied and raped
civilizations clashed one god prevailed
occupied by those your fathers hate
media provoking sight and sound
setting the stage as your haventown
internalized out-group hatreds swell
festering unsaid tribal quell
they wear greenish golden armor, you bear skin
theocracy aborts free life, wasting kin
mercenaries eject icy steel, last rites burn
dehumanized forms in bondage, its your turn
emblems of your scorn- what will you do now?
all wear the same face- what will you do now?
all share the same thoughts- what will you do now?
breach, equate
erupt, separate
rip, mutilate
breach, equate