
"Reality on High Heels" (2002 Demo)
1. Headstone 2. Reality on High Heels 3. From Fauna to Shunned Flora 4. Neverlasting Love
1. Headstone
Mothers holy vessel
Cleans youths corny tomb
Keep your mouth thin
Smell the stench of paradise
Even vicar says it stands like
Final last erection
Oh arms you see were fed to starve
And running down my spine
As a questionmark
Daybreak in the walley of Leng
Is an embodied pain
I'm going blindeyes to way
I wont remember
Nothing clings on me better
Than entrails that ooze out awaken
Out for a smoke
Nothing fits my headstone better
Than inverted commas
Is in between them the serpenthorn
Of unicorn
2. Reality on High Heels
Pleasure to see an American
Join me for a drink
One last sip of culture away
You're gonna dive like a condor to a corpse
Now feel the height
Abels blood in circles
Godspeed to us all
Cheers, you will never find
The fire that holds bones together
Parched skin, thousand pills in a day
We'll fly high
Over all fences
Yes levitate
Pale at heavens door
With dry mouth
Do not try to peace me no
Glowing palace skeletal might
Death is beginning end of lies
Going through huge array of time
Glowing palace skeletal might
Death is beginning end is just
Reality on high heels
3. From Fauna to Shunned Flora
What if he came back
Came back as a plant
Would you let him in
Let him inside your heart
When green field
Comes off like a lid to reveal
All leprous roots
Touched by this spirit tender
Exhale in flowers of gentle breath
So violet
You are obviously alive
Risen from
The green field
That came off like a lid
Sometimes we all need
A little push
From fauna to shunned flora
Eternal labour
When serpent raises its ugly head
You must pay the price
4. Neverlasting Love
Love is mean
I will give to thee
While still lasting
As we plunge into
Infinite wickedness
You can not see my weary eyes
Closure of Aryan eyes
Show me violence
That in many ways is perfect
Black dog is barking
While moon full and bright
Go into my soul now
It's my alibi
That the mirror hates us both
Equally so
Picture is forming
Out of nakedness
To hide stingers
To confess
Neverlasting love
Black swastika is rising