
"The Focusing Blur" (2004)
1. Prologue Dialogue-The Reason 2. The Essence 3. The Thesis's Seasons 4. Matrix Odyssey 5. Star Puzzled 6. A Sphere In A Sphere ? (To Infinity) 7. A Microscopical Macrocosm 8. Blindsight Complexity 9. Dark Matter Mystery (Blackbody Spectrum) 10. Curtains 11. Artifacts Of Chaos 12. Epilogue Metalogue-Sharpen Your Mind Tools
1. Prologue Dialogue-The Reason
Our evolving existence
Is the wording of our endless strife
I'm built by you, but you live only through me
A paradox that I still escape
2. The Essence
An extension of the theories
Gravitates across the seas
Changing the accepted terms,
But still it only confirms
That it is as equal close (or far)
To an atom as it's to a star
We know that signals trigger nerves,
But what starts the signal's curves?
That's in charge of every thought,
From that source our conscious is taught
That it is as equal close (or far)
To an atom as it's to a star
So, is knowledge a friend or a foe?
'Cause you don't suffer from what you don't know
But in arguments we hunt the reasons
That explains the Thesis's seasons
Chaos, order and complexity,
That challenges our intellectuality
For things that lie in the asymmetric hole,
For too long, we've given the Devil that role
We're the parameter that draws
The map of the existing laws
To break those laws isn't a crime,
It solved Newton's conflict with "time"
Into the arena Einstein stepped
And widened the universal concept
He opened a new detecting phase,
But Dark Matter is still a maze
Analysis with a microscope
Only tenses the polymathic rope
In that focus we eagerly stir,
But the focus seems more like a blur
"Our quest of the highest theory,
Is controlled by that theory,
So the way we think
Is the closest link?
An expedition through different views
Gives us richly faceted clues,
Let us focus on some of the elements
That's a source for endless experiments"
3. The Thesis's Seasons
[Experiencing order:]
Through sonorous lands my senses float
Mesmerized by an harmonious note
Which are leaping from a string within
I'm holding the tuner; I'm controlling the pin
The cycle of symmetry, a continuous episode
Recital of its method, our way to confirm the code
It is reflected in the schemes that we rune,
Like the twelve-tone system that builds this tune
[Watching complexity:]
Chaos and order, two branches on the creation tree
Twins of opposites, but balancing the pendulum
Like children swinging the seesaw in glee
Unknowing about malice, destruction and odium
Arranged in patterns, in a nexus ooze
A complicated network of primary views
Micro and macro cosmos flexibility,
An ingenious interplay through elemental sophistry
[Approaching chaos:]
Constantly, havoc comes falling down
In the structural circus, a morbid clown
Still it's needed to progress the creation,
The reflux of materials comes through devastation
Like an untuned singer in the angel choir,
A mad prophet that serves the eating fire,
Its transforming sequence is on repeat,
First subverted, then complete
But many times they say,
"mens agitat molem"
So we have to figure out our origin,
To undress our future
4. Matrix Odyssey
"With whom shall I have this dialogue?
The mad, the noble, the wit?
The past lurks under layers of fog,
Evolution's hall is unlit
Thoughts and visions confuse,
Mental wounds start to grow
But the questions never reduce
About the anonymous cosmic shadow"
This demon keeps my conscious awake
From sleep, rest and the calm
Disillusioned I rinse my ache
In the ocean's whispering psalm
The ocean theory covers Earth,
But I seek what has entire control
What nature introduced the genesis birth?
Known Deities? I curse 'em all
I've set my sails for this odyssey
To locate its mystic exile
A crusade through the mind's liberty,
Not a journey in nautical miles
A voyage in science and fate
To disrobe the acceleration from zero
To dive into it and investigate,
Terrifies even the bravest hero
In the corridors of time we're sons,
Entrapped in lonely spaces
But star dusted electrons
Are my kinsmen, just with odd faces
Still fantasies unveil their sloids,
When patience turns to fear
To examine the darkest, coldest voids
For the hiding engineer
But our past is still our present
If we can't the knowledge rift over-span
An eternal transformation is what the matrix represents,
Like the child is father to the man
"Some hide their confusion behind a religious mask,
Like puppet thespians in "God's" masquerade
'Cause the blur grows for every time we ask,
What generates the spherical parade?"
5. Star Puzzled
["God does not play dice with the universe" - Albert Einstein]
If you glance into nebular haze
Toward the light of a galactic emperor
An excursion through an advanced maze,
Following the intensity of a burning superior
The rays travel where man would find immediate death,
Yearly, daily, hourly, and in the stillness of a breath
Seeing the unseen,
Meeting matter without sheen
Eight minutes of experiences not understandable
In a puzzling journey of particle suction
I would sell my soul if it were possible
To ride the sun's frequent eruptions
When the sunspot process peaks so fast
The magnetic stellar dice is cast
Oscillation in the dualism,
Light and darkness polytheism
Reaching to know, high and below
Learning calculations made by the magnanimous
Using the magnitude parallax as the cosmic tool
Ignored by the narrow-minded as ridiculous,
But even Newton was called a fool!
"What once was watched from Gallilei's observatory?
Still falls under the same category
But my wonderings will not rest
Until the insight is burning in my chest"
So many pieces to put in place,
So many riddles to solve in this extended maze
"I'm sitting at the sunset transfixed by the idea
That our cosmos may be just one out of many planes
Like all the raindrops at the end build a sea
But that's hardly what you think of when it rains"
6. A Sphere In A Sphere ? (To Infinity)
["we are imprisoned in unbounded space" - W.H. Auden]
An alternation of progress and reaction,
Envelop the surroundings of man
Wavelengths build its sparkling attraction,
Is it an accident or a plan?
Creation models, one by one
Don't dare to look closely at the signs
But why should one fear, the things that are dun?
It's just what Nature itself designs
TRACING the substances in age and distance,
SCANNING the extensive universe
FOLLOWING the grammar of the known existence, but
EXPLORING the possibility of a vaster multiverse
Maybe it's time to solve the enigma,
To let philosophy have its toll
To gaze beyond the factor of sigma,
The constructions may resemble a Russian doll
From molecules to giant stars
The steps increase without intervention
Let your mind slip through the earthly bars,
'Cause the stars are the molecules in the next dimension?
Every thought's a compressed dream,
That lives in the hidden planes
Myriads of spheres in its luminosity's beam,
But still the complex connection sustains
7. A Microscopical Macrocosm
Sensory impulses commanding us
Still we're aware of its centre
Structuring thoughts from a blurry muss
With the analogy of electricity to enter
I've painted a world in the dark,
With elegant patterns and connections
This cosmic genesis' lightning arc,
Shapes my body's complexion
A microscopical macrocosm,
Of distant mountains and inner plasm,
All the elements are eloquenced by infinity
A microscopical macrocosm,
I and Me float through its chasms,
Filtering the universe through a living internity
Thousands of pathway's directory,
Lie dormant in this unexplored animator
In its lobe rests our closest galaxy
Reading, visions from the spiral generator
Atoms composed into a condition
Of thinking and intuition
"Sometimes the blind have the perfect protection,
More honestly they describe the sky
We should look in every direction,
Beyond the experiences of the corrupt eye"
8. Blindsight Complexity
The optical nerve screened off since birth,
Alone where the proximity of darkness reposed
By undiscovered mysteries, as concealed in dirt
The quiescent eye got exposed
The physical range of vision lost,
Between iris and synapses the link is broken
But the presence of mind over-crossed
The barriers that stood like fluency token
Reading pictures through the aura's energy,
A sensor for visual thinking and analysis
From that exterior compass into interior synergy
A merging of spirit and mind into synthesis
Pictorial impulses trigger the mechanism,
A mental blending of their entrance
Soul-born impressions end the blindsight`s schism,
And expands the human competence
Functions in the hidden eye,
A window to intuitive perception
The visions become stars in the soul's sky
And lights the immense conception
Explore the lining of sensibility
To understand the spirit's anatomy
Your inner space's imagery
Is vaster than astronomy
See the inflections in the normal
Just as a signature of the paranormal
And the once so illogical consequence, will become logical
9. Dark Matter Mystery (Blackbody Spectrum)
"Matter creates a play, persistent and keen,
Where the night have opened its curtain
Harmonic pictures on the sky's enormous screen
With a contra positioned twin hiding within"
Faster, twice as fast than the gravitation equation permits,
Is the rotation of the celestial spheres
But if Einstein's calculation to this failure admits,
We wouldn't even know about the calculation's fears,
That the: gas clouds in galaxy clusters have a too little mission,
While wearing dark halos of matter
They would need four times of their gravity erudition
To silence our question's patter, (about the)
Dark matter mystery,
Blackbody spectrum,
An interstellar medium
We're tracing lost energy
That's swallowed by an unplanetary tum
At the worlds bivium
Like a shadow to the starfeild's determinism,
The invisible twin follows its pace
Comprehensible monism changed to indefinable pluralism
Is it super-symmetry's surrounding face? (in a)
Dark matter mystery,
Blackbody spectrum,
An interstellar medium
We're tracing lost energy
That's swallowed by an unplanetary tum
At the worlds bivium
Are we wrong in our definition of mass and weight?
Or, is a subatomic particle playing hide and seek?
'Cause light is missing to pronounce cosmos' fate,
While, mass discrepancy drains through a major leak
Brown and white dwarfs two candidates,
Black holes and neutron stars two others
But through multitudes of observation of their states,
We know that gravitational leansing hide their mothers (it's a)
Dark matter mystery,
Blackbody spectrum,
An interstellar medium
We're tracing lost energy
That's swallowed by an unplanetary tum
At the worlds bivium
"Like Bell, I connect my senses to the vast
Stellar mirror, where signals bounces from clast to clast"
10. Curtains
The curtains never fall - they only rise
At the cosmic theatre
standing ovations came at the 15 billion-mark"
Blurs and vague impressions aside -
the engineer, the director
had the galaxies disposed, and then exposed
for the explorers who never took an answer for an answer
A matter of time - not space
How far linearity has permitted us to see
Outwards means backwards in a universe so vast
Stretched in time, see it commence
- a set of celestial fragments
at immeasurable expanses
How far a flicker can force itself
Through dimness, through fields of emission
The shine slowly turning red
A burgundy sense of distance
An overturned curtain call
- the velvety draperies eternally rising
into infinite blurs of timelessness
for an audience correctly dressed in
extravagant suits of flaming curiosity
The witnesses and surveyors of celestial enchantment
Hunted by distance and time
The curtain reluctantly withdraws
A prelude to the swirling drama:
creation - formation - design
or deduction - destruction - collapse
- all depending on the angle
11. Artifacts Of Chaos
12. Epilogue Metalogue-Sharpen Your Mind Tools
Our evolving existence
Is the wording of our endless strife
But what about my assistance?
Of granting you these questions of life
I'm built by you, but you live only through me
A paradox that I still escape
But, it's by that clue that your thinking can be
The reader of my numerous shapes
So, sharpen your mind tools,
your grammar of logics refines
And sharpens your mind tools,
Cause the thinking of thinking evolves your thinking
Mind tools,
Reasoning dug forth from inner mines
With sharpened mind tools
Your awareness is kept from sinking,
Into sleep
But the principle of awareness stretches
In our nerves, longer than the ecavator
I'm your sensible nerve that fetches
Your views. Your thoughts resonator
So, sharpen your mind tools,
your grammar of logics refines
And sharpens your mind tools,
Cause the thinking of thinking evolves your thinking
Mind tools,
Reasoning dug forth from inner mines
With sharpened mind tools
Your awareness is kept from sinking,
Into sleep