
"Imperium Grotesque" (1999)
1. A Black Millennium Awakens 2. Wanterkeelt 3. Beholding The Glacial Empire 4. Farewell, Odyssey And The Macabre 5. Imperium Grotesque 6. Rise Of The Great Old One 7. Nativity Of Revenge 8. Retaliation 9. Shadows Of Fade 10. Outroduction
1. A Black Millennium Awakens
2. Wanterkeelt
Demonic shades of winter
Frozen splendour, cryptic chants
Cataclysms hail its arrival
Centuries rebegin ...
Sharpened winds of funeral haze
Nocturnal beauty comes forth
Dirges howl aghasting
Tombs open to unleash
New dimensions of eternal cold
Earthly shape is swallowed
Wicked are the tides
That remain silent
And when it will rain fire
That will freeze to ice
Then thy name is disclosed:
Eternal twilight closes in
Raptured by black vacuum
Winter solstice now shall hide
Bright crystals' glimmering
Dark species sigh in woe
As fog covers the mountainsides
And when it shall rain fire
That shall freeze to ice
Then thy name is disclosed:
3. Beholding The Glacial Empire
Lost in the depths of an icy-age
Poisoned chasms open wide
Releasing sulphuric mists
To caress the blackened portals
Of the gates to immortality
Hidden in the oath of the pentagram
Naked I stand on the bare mountain
And behold the vanishing sun
The sword slides along my wrists
... and the snow changes colour
" Oh Lord, out of my veins rivers shall flow
Of my flesh a castle shall be built
My heart shall be thy feast
And my eyes shall enlighten the firmament "
Amazed by the whispering wind
I am engulfed by my own blood
Demonlike screams escort my body
As it sinks deeper and deeper
The chasms close, my sword remains
Petrified, time drowns in silence
For I have passed the last gate
And will haunt through eternities
My eyes behold the earth
Awaiting the coming glacial epoch
4. Farewell, Odyssey And The Macabre
5. Imperium Grotesque
Deep within the abyss of desolation
Far beneath the sheltering sun
Etherized light lies thick
Over the kingdom of fire
I am the prince of chaos
The master of misrule
Streams of blood are the veins
Of my imperium grotesque
The mountains are my towers
Sombre vaults my battleground
Realm of sorrow and despair
Perversion supreme
Total war is what I lust for
Absolute mayhem I will seed
My armies have no mercy
My legions will defeat
The dusk of life is my dawn
I wear the crown of fire
With malicious spirit I reign
Over my imperium grotesque
Abnormal as I am I seduce you - I swear I will keep you secure
Follow me blind like dumb little mice - Follow me, Follow me!
Ahaha you trusted me - Now you are one with my flesh
My overwhelming silhouette - will fascinate again!
6. Rise Of The Great Old One
7. Nativity Of Revenge
8. Retaliation
Years of grief now have passed
The waiting ends here on the battlefield
Rabid our men prepare for the onslaught
A fiery red gleams in their eyes
Armours glimmer in beams of an icy sun
Coats of arms arise in the distance
In unison with the winds we assault
With a roar of thunder at our side
The plain is drowned in ecstatic cries
As the hordes collide
The front rows fall but legions follow up
Maces hit their targets with anger
The cavalry enters the warfare
Horses are slain and whimmer in agony
Swords slice through warm flesh and fibres
And pierce the hearts of our enemies
Hammers crush and blood spirts
Battleaxes slay the remains
The steaming battleground breathes death
To venge our damaged beliefs
And regain what once was ours
The enemy now lies crushed
Face down in its blood
Our victory is great, our victory is here
9. Shadows Of Fade
10. Outroduction