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"Human Race" (2003 Demo)

1. Black Crow
2. Human Race
3. Rebirth

1. Black Crow

The old man walks in the woods
His way is long, his hart is pure
Stick in hand, hidden under his cape, he travels the tracks
Trees, paths and gullies are his daily universe
Streams, lakes and snow-capped mountains are his visions

Nobody can see him, only the spirit of nature can hear him
He walked all his life, the signs of time show on his face

He, who once was a man, curses what he was, curses what they became
He goes on to forget, to forgive them
The mountain is silent and majestic
Its snow-capped top outgrows the trees

The day dawns, the glowing sun reflects on the whiteness of snow
The moon arises, illuminating the path through the old everlasting trees

Only the sound of wind can disrupt the calm of an inert universe
That has been brought to life by its movements
Its hissing through the trees sounds like a call to him
At the bend in the path, he disappears into the fog
Since nature is his fate and he may never have existed

Nobody can see him, only the spirit of nature can hear him
He walked all his life, the signs of time show on his face

He is time, he is wind, he is nature, he is the spirit of earth and heaven.

I�m nothingness, I�m creation
The earth is mine, your spirit is mine

2. Human Race

Eviscerate the human race
Take your sword and cut the throw of man
Eat their flesh, drink theire blood
Rape their wife and kill the children
Burn the church of theire stupid god

Human race shall not exist
Human race is a desonor of this existence

Demons shall come back on earth
They have to burn everything
Return living like in the old times in the mountains
In the forest, near the rivers of blood
Before destructing all that man has creat

This is black metal reign
This is black metal war

3. Rebirth

Le sang coule de sa tete, de son corps, de ses yeux
Couchée sur la table de torture, elle n'arrive plus à hurler,
Le caveau est sombre, les ombres dessinées par la lueur des bougies s'agitent frénétiquement
La lame glisse sur son ventre, traçant une croix de satan

Le rituel est fait pour toi Abrahel
Tu reviendras sur terre pour faire règne le désordre et le chaos au nom de ton père.
Les rivières de sang couleront à nouveau et le mal resurgira sur la terre des hommes
Bientôt toutes les âmes seront déchues et preverties et la luxure sera rétablie

La lame s'enfonce dans sa chair, effleure ses os, la souffrance à disparue
Les incantations résonnent dans sa tete, les ombres tournoient dans la piece
Le corps allongé commence à pourrir, à se décomposer au milieu du vent tournoyant sous les voutes
Et lorsque tout fût redevenu poussiere, les entrailles de la bete apparurent sur la table des toutures

Le rituel est fait pour toi Abrahel
Tu reviendras sur terre pour faire règne le désordre et le chaos au nom de ton père.
Les rivières de sang couleront à nouveau et le mal resurgira sur la terre des hommes
Bientôt toutes les âmes seront déchues et preverties et la luxure sera rétablie

Ce sacrifice est le tiens�et le miens�souffrance�désespoir�chaos
Tu es revenu parmi nous, notre regne va pouvoir commencer


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