
"In Our Weakness" (2005 EP)
1. Kaipuu 2. Illusion 3. The Path 4. Heikko 5. No More
1. Kaipuu
2. Illusion
See the illusion
Feel its beauty
Life is like dancing on roses
On roses with thorns
Like the thorns on the head
Of the suffering Christ
Through His wounds we are healed
Through His blood we are free
We are free to keep going
Through this life of great pain and misery
I’ve seen so many perfect lives
I’ve seen so many perfect lies
Nothing ever falls apart
Still there must be a missing part
Everyone have things they hide
What are you holding back in pride?
None can walk through life unhurt
God knows all your hidden dirt and shame
Don't walk away
Life is like dancing on roses...
Will you turn your back at Him
Who has forgiven all your sins?
Walk through struggles all alone?
In the end you’ll stumble on the stone
There will be no other way
Just bow down at the cross and say:
Jesus, I give you my life
Alone I am too weak for this strife
Don't turn away
Life is like dancing on roses...
It’s meant to be – life ain’t easy – keep on going
He will be there – do not be afraid – keep on praying
See the illusion
Fade away
(Isaiah 53:4-5, Romans 3:23-24, Romans 5:8)
3. The Path
The time has come for you to choose
Evil seduction, heart's corruption or eternal bliss
The path that is laid before you
Is yours alone to either choose or abuse
The armies of heaven and hell
are marching around you, can't you tell?
Will you pick up your sword, join the good fight?
Or will you be cast out by the evil might?
He who was given all the power
Brings forth new meaning for your life
Break down your walls and prison tower
He will bring end to all your strife
You have been invited to join the immortals
Now you can receive your second chance
New life within, you no longer feel thin
Your powerful ally can not be deceived
Wretches of evil and forces of dim
Can not break past the one that lives within
He never sleeps, never ceases to watch
Over His children to the close of the age
He who was given all the power
Brings forth redemption in your life
Break down your walls and prison tower
Surrender to the son of life
(Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 5:13-17, John 14:6, Psalms 25:10)
4. Heikko
Words and music by Jere Veijalainen
Hyppää kyytiin tähän sivistyneeseen
Viisaan ihmisen elämäntapaan
Saat nauttia vallasta, saat nauttia voimasta
Kunhan muistat, että sinä olet kaikki kaikessa
Täydellinen onni sinulle luvataan:
Ole vain vahva, ole paras, uraasi rakenna
Ole kaunis, ole tavoiteltu
Muista trendejä seurata, menesty, älä muista välitä
Tämä oravanpyörä minut loppuun kuluttaa
En jaksa elämääni enää hallita
Saan olla heikko, sillä Hän on heikoissa vahva
Saan olla huono, sillä Hän on hyvä
Saan olla väsynyt, mutta Hän ei koskaan uuvu
Käsivarsillaan mua kantamaan
Sain kuulla sen, on parempi tie
Se on ilmainen, mutta vaatii kaiken ja antaa elämän
Käsiin Jumalan voin itseni antaa
Rikkinäisenä, sekavana, sellaisena kuin olen
Hän rakastaa, haavat parantaa
Hän antaa rauhan eikä koskaan hylkää omiaan
Omin voimin yrittämällä vain itseni uuvutan
Oi Herra opeta minut Sinuun luottamaan
Saan olla heikko...
Valitse rauha!
Valitse voima!
Valitse elämä!
Valitse Jeesus!
Saan olla heikko...
(2 Kor. 12:9-10, 1. Kor. 1:26-29, 1. Sam. 2:7-9)
5. No More
I feel my life drifting away
Like a lonely sunbeam in the rain
Once again I've stumbled and fallen
So disapointed in myself
I am weak and so broken
The pain I feel inside is too real
Can I get up, will I be saved?
Or has my life just been in vain?
I used to feel confident and strong
I didn't need anyone else
How could I have been so wrong?
I've been betrayed by my own self
I am weak...
The Lord sees our troubles and weakness
He lets us set our burdens on Him
He leads us from darkness into light
I give up my burdens
and hand them over to my Father
The weight that pulled me has been torn apart
On my own I will be
No more!
(1 Peter 5:6-7, Isaiah 42:6-7)