
"Anthology" (1993 Best of/Compilation)
1. Warfare 2. Before the Time 3. Human Sacrifice 4. You Will Be Hated 5. Into the Abyss 6. You Can't Stop It 7. White Throne 8. Can't Get Out 9. Bishop Of Souls 10. Out of The Will 11. Countless Corpses 12. Mulligan's Stew 13. Instruments of Death
1. Warfare
"Our Father which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
For ever and ever
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
Take the sword and prayer, understand the cause
The brothers in Adam, you're to call
Into the priesthood, warning all
Fight as a Lion
What are we in: Warfare
Onslaught against hell-bent deception
Through apologetics, confrontation
We're calling you, who will come
Show your fist, that you are one of us
What are we in: Warfare
The weapons are not of the flesh
God given doctrine, not dogmatic mess
Some battles won, some battles lost
But we've got the war and that's what counts
It's about redemption
What are we in: Warfare!
2. Before the Time
Follow Me, let the dead bury their own dead
Have not fear, I Am here, this is what He said
When He had come unto the other side
They cried out, gripped in fear knowing the time line
Swept away, by the terror that a man should have
Learn from demon forces this lesson and
You will be, if you see, one among the wise
In the age, we are in just before the time
When I say "see" I mean to change
Based on the facts, you re-arrange
Just what you do, who for, and why
Learn from the pig's before the time
The demons recognized Jesus on sight
They screamed in fear and shook in fright
Confused in their madness, it's pigs they choose
The snakes of confusion, ala Lucifuge
Here is why you should change, and not delay
Check it out, they understood the whole thing
Torment is for the ones who reject God's sign
The resurrection, and for the lie
You've got the time to make the change
That is, you've got right now today
To live and serve, the Holy King
You do not know what a day may bring
The time is coming, there'll be no delays
God has stretched out His hand that you might be saved
No reason is good enough to wait
Repent to God, don't hesitate!
The torment is coming, just a matter of dying
The peace in Christ's here and I'm not lying
Salvation God offers and you can't pay a dime
That's the gig, this is it, but there's one more line
The time is coming
3. Human Sacrifice
Diety's blood, spilled for you
For indeed Christ was our passover
Hanging on a bloodied cross
A bloodied cross
Human sacrifice
Human sacrifice
Father forgive them for they know not what they do
Peter denied three times
They draw near to me with their mouth but their hearts
Are far from me
Human sacrifice
Human sacrifice
Do not be afraid for He is risen
All authority has been given to Him
Worship Him, and only Him
Jesus Christ, the Almighty
He was your human sacrifice
Jesus said, this is the blood of the new covenant
Shed for the remission of sins
That it might be fulfilled
Which was spoken by the prophets
4. You Will Be Hated
Nation will raise against nation
Earthquakes, pestilence and disease
These are just the beginnings of sorrows
Take heed that no one deceives you
Multitudes of people begin to bind in a frame of mind
They come to hate you because you stand for the truth of Christ
Remember the full counsel, recall just what Christ said
You'll be hated for my names sake, endure to the end
Do not be discouraged when they talk their rope
By prayer seek interseccion, for they hang themselves on the gallows pole
And You will be hated...
You'll be hated
You will be hated
And You will be hated...
For Christ's sake hated
Unjustly hated
Many come claiming to be Christ
Furious when you call their hand
They're chanels to the hell gate
Leeching serpents - in castles of sand
And many as check not the word get trapped into their web
And like with the dark black widow, looks like love but it is death
Those who practice evil, yes, they hate the light
And you are the light of the world and they hate you alright
For you know the will of God and seek His will to do
Go now in force strong in His might, remember two by two
Just don't forget
Don't be surprised
You will be hated
By those who love a lie
Don't take for granted
The hearts towards our kind
Messiah told us
We'd be despised
But we live, they die
5. Into the Abyss
Blessed is he who reads
And hears the words of the Prophecy
And keeps the things that are written in it
For the time is near
Every eye will see him coming
All the tribes of the earth will mourn
They will realize what happened
This is real and we weren't wrong
The devil he goes
Into the abyss
The Destroyer will also be destroyed
With satan in Judgement that is Eternal
And for a thousand years we reign
Before the final crushing of his head
For this purpose, the Son of God
Was manifested to destroy the works
Of the adversary who hates your soul
He speaks lies to you, but don't believe him
The devil he goes
Into the abyss
Don't you know, we know the end
So why don't you come with winners
If now you deny the son
He will deny you in the judgement
Jesus Christ, He is almighty
The conquering Lion of Judah
All powerful, the Holy one
Even his Angel is stronger than satan
The devil he goes
Into the abyss
6. You Can't Stop It
From the dust, where you've come from to the dust you will return
From there to the judgement seat, enter the kingdom, or to burn
This is not some story line, from Greek mythology
As deceptive hypocrite fallen angels, would have you to believe
We have the fact's, in light that truly darkness has descended
Ignorant shallow, no scholarship, a ship that's sunk and yet defended
I just don't understand the point, they mock, yet it's they who are in deep water
While drowning in the act, death with a proud face, satans slaughter
I call to you my friend, please come to understand
Our days are numbered, and there is a masterplan
You can serve God, just repent and you will see
As the destruction comes, you'll praise, instead of in horror scream
Cause, you can't stop it, no won't stop it
I see it all around, the darkness that pervades
Mans mind illusion - as though he could evade
Accountability, to the sovereign Lord who reigns
Against Christ, none can stand, so now stand with the saints
Repent cause, you can't stop it, no, wont stop it
Warning upon warning, I'll cry out, now and again
Like Noah, for those many years, we're just messengers who have been sent
I don't care if you think that it's redundant, like Noah, I'll warn too!
The same message, day after day, enter the ark, or the terror will engulf you
And to the twisted thoughts of so called brethren, who slam the name
Of our Lord Jesus Christ, by slamming us, get sane
You appear the Idiot, to any rational human
And if Judas you not be, repent and give us a hand, because
You Can't stop it
7. White Throne
Mid, post, pre-tribulation that will not matter here
Pre, post or a-millenal, the stand will fall to tears
To cause division for the things that will not obtain
The righteousness of God, imputed by His name
THere will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
At the great White Throne
So now's the time to die
To turn the grace of God into licentiousness
To teach false doctrine based upon presupposition myths
Therefor repent or this is what you'll get
Torment forever in the eternal fire pit (lake)
Are you listening (not just hearing) to what I say?
8. Can't Get Out
I'm not addicted I'm over my head in freebase affection
I load a bowl, light the pipe suck it as it sucks my life
This is a war of attrition taking my life as I seek a decision
I smoked my check, smoked my car, when I smoked my house have I gone too far
I've got a friend you see, he's my dealer
I smoked his coke, smoked his crack, he said it's time that I paid him back
I've got a problem I've got no dinero
If I sold some coke would he let me go, if I paid him back would he front me
some more
Can't get out
I smoked away my frustrations
Can't Get out
I took them out on my wife
Can't Get out
I even tried to smoke her too
Can't Get out
But she wouldn't fit in the pipe
Can't Get out
I really can't get out
Can't Get out
So I went to a Doctor
Can't Get out
He said he'd help me for sure
Can't Get out
Give me $200 bucks a night
Can't Get out
In 8 weeks you'll be cured
Can't Get out
I've really got to get out
Can't Get out
Then I opened my Bible
Let me out
And it opened my mind
Let me out
2 Timothy 4:18
Let me out
I'm gonna give it to Christ
Let me out
Jesus Let me out
Let me out
He Let me out
9. Bishop Of Souls
Alleluiah, God - you are worthy of all praise
Righteousness and honor are your's all the day
As for me, words can't express what my spirit knows as grace
Your mercy, how it strengthens me, in mercy I exist
What am I that you should mind, yet you've redeemed us by your hand
And who can challenge you in battle, they're crushed to dust on your command
You are the shepherd and also our High Priest
The life and the resurrection, the one who slays the beast
I see - what you've done
I'll tell - everyone
Your way - it is right
I'll Praise - You tonight
I'll be - not ashamed
Your word - I'll proclaim
You are - Lord Most High
You are the...
Bishop of Souls
The King of Kings, if I were a king - I'd give you my crown
Not worthy of the honor all mankind should bow down
As I've said it once before, all will bow anyway
But this ones from your servant, Lord be honored - this I pray
You are he who judges the earth, we rejoice when we see the vengeance
Brought down on the evil wicked who refuse repentance
We are going to praise the eradication of sin
They'll pour the bowls and vials, tread the winepress - Angels sent
10. Out of The Will
There I was, a Prophet of God
I didn't want to go explain to them Gods mercy
I had my reasons
I said, hey man have you got a ticket to Tarshish
That was the first mistake
I was spending my money on something God didn't want me to
It all boils down to disobedience you know
All that God had asked of me, was that I warn them all to flee
To flee from the Wrath to Come, but I wouldn't, man I was dumb
What if it had not been done for me, and I went off to flee
To Tarshish to leave them dead, and what I thought inside my head was
God can't find me now
And then it came, a gnarly storm
I knew it was God
I told the sailors, throw me over
And they said What?
I thought, man if it were Christians they probably wouldn't hesitate
And they said, No man, were going to help you out
And I said, hey man, it's God, throw me over
Into death I went, God's mercy alone could save my neck
I'll tell you man, I don't deserve it, that is Grace, you'd better learn it
Dead but on the third day, resurrected, a sign, catch it man
But on the way, into the death, this is what I prayed and said
God please find me now
Mercy and Grace
This is what God wants from you and me
Love acceptance and forgiveness
As he did for us, you see I was dead
Mercy and Grace
He's a God of second chances
Don't be out of the will
11. Countless Corpses
In "Out of the will" we looked at the mercifulness of God
And here we have the second half, for those who repent not
In Nahum, after Jonah had long since then come and gone
Assyria, had turned it's back on our Almighty God
When God speaks, He does not lie, and this is what He's said
If you heed not His warning, here's what you will get instead
Furious in Vengeance, in the whirlwind and the storm
He will pour His wrath out, and you'll wish you'd not been born
Countless Corpses
Woe unto the city of blood - Full of lies and robbery
The multitude of Godlessness, the mistress of sorceries
Behold Jah is against you, and you will not see escape
Corpses 'll be piled high, and resurrected to the lake
As for the message of the band, I've stated, time and again
The warning is so that you will turn, join us and yes, repent
Give allegiance to the storm Lord now, who still waters with a word
He is the Christ, messiah, Jesus of Nazareth of whom you've heard
There'll be countless corpses
The purpose of the message is that you might realize
There's two side to the coin when it comes to Justice in God's eyes
The saints of God are His, because this is what repentance brings
Now you call the 800 line and ask just what that means
Nahum pronunced judgement, and though we're in the age of grace
This age will not go on forever, you therefore should make haste
To call us and find out just what the correlation is
Between The Book of Nahum and Revelation, mind blowing as it is
They'll be corpses, countless corpses
12. Mulligan's Stew
Friday night is coming so you're saving all your money
Cause you need to buy some buds and some beer
You won't be doin nothing cause you spent up all your money
So you smoke until you choke and drink your beer all alone
You drank up all your beer and you're feeling fine
You look up at the clock, it's only quarter till nine
So you woof a bunch of munchies cause there's nothing to do
But when you find they don't mix, you're chunkin' mulligans stew
Now you're moving up
Smoking major league base balls
Your price is getting higher each hit
The night keeps getting longer, a couple hits will make you stronger
So ya smoke another 8-ball and get deeper in debt
You've got this young blonde
Who's as thin as a dime
She's inhaling all your blow and leaving nothing behind
As your debt keeps coming with the rising sun
When you look for what you want you know that she'll be gone
(You got it)
Jesus Christ is coming
So we've got to get ready
For broad is the road to death
Jesus hasn't come to call the righteous (but the sinners)
For all have fallen short of the glory of God
13. Instruments of Death
Given the time to repent they fail to reply
To the just and Holy one they now await to die
God's enemies will lick the dust, a fact they fully deny
He holds them in derision, in vain they rage against the Christ
Instruments of death
They set their face against His way, inward they are destruction
Mock insults they do hurl, they care not for the instruction
They's answer for their every word unless they turn to Him
He wait's for them in mercy before the slaying begins
He bends the bow and also prepares the instruments of death
He'll use in the final war, give up before it begins
Instruments of death
They set their face against His way, inward they are destruction
Mock insults they do hurl, they care not for the instruction
God is a just judge, angry with the wicked every day
If you do not turn back you will face the day
When you stand before Him in a fear you can't conceive
He beckons you to check the facts so that you will believe
We ask not that you take some blind leap in the dark
Our faith is based on fact, God doesn't miss the mark
The fact is that He still cares enough to tell you once again
Come into the fold, join the force of God, not to die but to live