
"Tanellis" (2004 Demo)
1. Hollow 2. Salvation 3. Sennośæ 4. Too Late For Love 5. Pokolenia
1. Hollow
(tekst - Konrad Ciekot)
Touch me touch me more
Before I loose control
Before I loose it all
Trust, the lies
You gave me
Haunt me to fall
In anguish
Now I'm so hollow inside
My veins bled to dry
But still they cry
Wish to knew better
What's inside your heart
My eyes where blind
For the truth
I cannot close my eyes
Your face they recognize
Till night will say
The sorrow grows I feel
Thus iced heart
Won't feel, I fear you
Cry, cry my angel
Desires raging
Forever Alive
Want to touch your heart
So close to mine
Let tears release
The pain
2. Salvation
(tekst - Agata Zieliñska)
Flight of two dark souls
Longing for salvation
Flight of two dark souls
Wishing for the end
Falling down off life
They need redemption
Falling down oof pain
They cry for love
Flight of two dark souls
Screaming for salvation
Flight of two dark souls
Reaching for the light
Into a hole between life and death
Must ease their pain
Must save their belief
Into a hole between life and death
3. Sennośæ
(tekst - Justyna Krysiak)
Wszechobecny krzyk i szept
W sercu ogieñ, w oczach grzech
Otwieram oczy jestem w śnie
Le¿e w cieniu mrocznych zjaw
W myślach widz¹c obc¹ twarz
P³ynie ksiê¿yc we mgle
Szukam drogi w moim śnie
Wiecznośæ krzyczy s³owa z³e
Krocz¹ lêki w obc¹ dal
Nie odnajdê nigdy Ciê
D³onie b³¹dz¹ w pustce pe³ne zimnych ³ez
S³yszê oddech Twój, to g³uchy krzyk
Dzieñ budzi siê, ranny blask topi nasz lêk
Odnalaz³ mnie tylko Twój cieñ
4. Too Late For Love
To Late For Love
(tekst - Konrad Ciekot)
Like stars which glow at night
And die at dawn
Same fire burns in you
But today it fades
And as you're searching
The perfect key
Just when you find it
It turns out to be...
It is to late for love
Everything's fading
It is to late for dreams
Everything's dying
Just when the night falls
And stars - they rise
They start to shine again
For you and me
The key had faund you
Just like the first time
The fire burns again
And lightens the sky
It's not to late for love
Everything's changing
It's not to late for dreams
Everything's rising
It's not to late for love
Everything's changing
It's not to late for love
That's not the end the end
5. Pokolenia