
"Dolor" (2004 Demo)
1. Suicide Winds 2. Dirge 3. I Follow 4. Ea, Lord of the Depths (Burzum Cover) 5. Suicide Winds (Reprise)
1. Suicide Winds
2. Dirge
3. I Follow
Desolate path I follow, deepTo hearth of forest, it leads meTrodden my great ones before me, I honorSpirits and wolfcalls sorround me. I shiverSnow falls, forest of lifeWind of Aryan, breathe deepLand of ancient battlesTriumph of willTrees glisten with blood of fallenIn the black of night, battleravenSign of Sunwheel pierces my soulLife has now meaning to meUncestral quest, I follow, completeBrithright, Heritage, Duty to FatherSon will follow, prond, forever...
4. Ea, Lord of the Depths (Burzum Cover)
The Head is a Head of a SerpentFrom its Nostrils Mucus Trickles...The Ears Are those of a BasiliskHis Horns Are Twisted into three CurlsAHHHHHHHH EA, LORD OF THE DEPTHS!The Body is a Sun Fish, Full of StarsThe Base of His Feet Are ClawsHis Name Is Sassu WunnuA Sea Monster. A Form of EaAHHHHHHH EA, LORD OF THE.....DEPTHS!!!!!!
5. Suicide Winds (Reprise)