
"Metal Blade Demos" (2001 Demo)
1. Fantasy From Pain 2. The Last Fantasy of Christ 3. She Never Noticed Me
1. Fantasy From Pain
Night breeze stiffens my muscles, trees bend in the street light
Leaves rustle by ominously, a chill quakes through my mind
Though tear drenched eye I witness, this innocents demise
The heavy hand of her father, her virginal flesh defiled
My hand moves to my scrotum, not wanting to enjoy
But the pulsating heat of my passion, I can feel on my inner thigh
Peering through the bushes, to the dimly lit room inside
Desecration of a young girl, makes me wish she was my bride
Now I must venture further, into this shrine of pain
To satisfy my suffering, and end this creatures demise.
Now its my turn, I make my way into
this foul environment
His dick slips out, in utter dismay
his gaze meets with mine
My actions swift, as I push him to the floor
this man will have to die
His daughter panting, crouched in terror
they both await my next move....
Reflecting on my actions, I understand what must now happen
Concentrating my weight into my knee, I drop upon his face
My erection is persistent, so I turn and peer downwards
Laying in a pool of vaginal fluid, I approach my victim
Regret! Sorrow!
Sadness! Aching for my death....
The pulsing flesh under me, I can't fulfill my urges
Stepping out of myself and letting the hate control
Quivering in such ecstasy, my thoughts now wander
Into a void, another plane, a heightened state of mind
Driven into this negativity and exploring
Surprisingly she cannot feel my hands around her neck, or my death sinking into her....
Her Jesus embraces touching, her breast tenderly
with a light push he enters, her swollen lips
But looming in the back of her mind
the knowledge that her Jesus is dead
2. The Last Fantasy of Christ
His head drops gently upon simple rolled cloth
His meek conditions depress
Reflecting upon the days events
How much time he's lost
Healing the sick, Raising the dead, Being a savior
His words create belief
Through a vast wasteland to spread belief
"when will they understand?"
From city to city to spread God's word
A man can live only so long....
He sighs drifting off into sleep
So many to touch deeply,
In his mind he is right....chosen one!
His dream foretells of his kingdom-die!
His picture on walls of bedrooms-almighty Christ!
He will be martyred in their eyes-he smiles!
People will die forever in-his name!
"Even if you did exist, you'll never know what happened to us, you died before it even began..."
But next he sees what will send him into sadness
Depressed, angered, insane....this young girl with a lust
for his blood and his cock, gazing sexually at him
He knows his point is lost on whores and on the rest
No need for him to live, maybe death would even help....
3. She Never Noticed Me
"Sitting alone, staring blankly at the floor, my thoughts turn to her...."
What to say? (she is so beautiful, she'd never want me)
Who is she? (she says nothing to no one perpetually)
-Back of the room, her face in a book, her skirt riding high on her thigh
Number one student, top of the class, she exists to no one but me....
What to say? (she is so beautiful, she'd never want me)
Who is she? (she says nothing to no one perpetually)
What to say? (she is so beautiful, she'd never want me)
Who is she? (she says nothing to no one perpetually)
I sometimes notice the bruise on her face, or the swollen lip
And most often I gaze at the cross which hangs between her breasts....
'So soft and gentle...so beautiful..."
I dream of her....Playing out scenes in my mind...
I dream of her....Kissing me gently, caressing...
I must kill her....She doesn't want me, she'll die...
I must kill her....She can have no one but me! (Here I come!!)
Venturing into the street....
I know where she lives....
I know where her bedroom is....
I know everything about her...
She'll see- I'll show her
She'll see- I'll show her
-Her light is off, but her bedroom door is open, I can see her...
Legs spread, I can hear her moans through the window....
"But there's something wrong," ....she gazes at a picture of Jesus....
Watching her in that room, I am in love with her....