
"Futile" (2006 EP)
1. The Vast Sea of Suffering 2. My Breath Makes a Path Through the Dust 3. For a Willful Virgin 4. Revelation
1. The Vast Sea of Suffering
In desperation I have sunk
Failure is the weight that anchors me
To ungodly ways
In the murky depths is where I’m lodged
A rotting, ill-made vessel
Sentenced to the waves, stripped bare by the gale
Out there, above, the ships pass in the night
Far beyond the great sea, their destination lies
These rags of filth and webs of dark times
Let me sneer at understanding
Madness, winding about me in ribbons
Reason is devoured, like the ill-vessel to the waves
A wound deep in the bowels of a barren sea
This unholy cathedral of sickness...
2. My Breath Makes a Path Through the Dust
Mist embrace marble, step timidly
Evening shed, bled through fissured glass
Sapless leaves caress her marble sheet
Church bells, far-flung, ring
Within this coffin, she lays her head
A waning, ambered silhouette
Breathe whispers, my words trembling
Dust motes clutched in suspension
Remove her finery, bloodless skin
On her knees, in a posture of prayer
My breath flew, thrust-through, barbed thorns
Church bells, far-flung, ring
Collapsed on her back, once pinned in the dirt
Buggered whore, stare under her skirt
Tongue upon thigh, lick careless lust
My breath makes a path through the dust
Her habit hiked up, black, rotten and tattered
Flung over her head, fingers seize upon her neck
Foreplay embark, tongue pushing past
Whisper a path through her dust
Hushed lips I kissed, an open wound
Whilst teardrops cleave the worm’s acre
God’s faithful laid bare to lust
My breath makes a path through the dust
3. For a Willful Virgin
4. Revelation