
"Xeper / North" (2000 Single)
1. Xeper 2. North
1. Xeper
To know this Word is to know that the ultimate responsibility
for the evolution of your psyche is in your hands.
Xeper is the Word for freedom, ecstasy, fearful responsibility, and the root of all Magic
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to the worlds
Knowledge-not information-grants transformative power
There are as many left hand paths as there are us-stars
The extension of existence to a further level of Being
By powers of the Set that releases from thrall
I have come into being
I have come into being
Meaning can only come from the individual
In the moments of divine clairvoyance and intensification of Being
The utterance of the word which ripples through the fabric of the world
And gives insight and strength to those who want to become
I have come into being
I have come into being
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to realities
I have come into being
2. North
I cut myself and still hurt
Grey pain still reminds
There is no Kingdom, Power, Glory
For those who freeze their lives behind
Following the wrong god I have been
Lusting for knowledge of the cold
North is closing down on me
At high noon and here
Fever, the northern lights of soul
Keeps driving thoughts to the pole
The fields of silence from my soul
Chilled neon blood in my mouth
The black clock makes tours of time
As I spend my days between the stations
North is closing down on me
At high noon and here
North is of heart and mind
My life frozen at zero