
"Night of the Apocalypse" (2004 DVD)
1. Intro 1 / Epitaph 2. Torch of War 3. Xepher 4. Carnal 5. Reign Forever World 6. Intro 2 / Breath of Centuries 7. Silent Empire 8. Black to the Blind 9. Intro 3 / Revelations of Black Moses 10. North 11. Nomad 12. Sothis 13. Raining Blood 14. Intro 15. Xepher 16. Epitaph 17. Cold Demon 18. Nomad 19. Wings 20. Vicious Circle 21. Sothis 22. Crucified Ones 23. Epitaph 24. Wings 25. Xepher 26. Carnal
1. Intro 1 / Epitaph
Blindness and fanaticism are those types of aberration
which always slowing down the development of humankind.
And nothing has changed on that score for today...
Watching out the flowing people
How you define the mob?
Miserable life of rats
Claiming the friends of God
The absence of intelligence
Means stupidity and blindness
For things which leaves and die
In the end
They want to crucify me
First throwing stones
I am sinking into the mire
Named human race
It doesn't matter how hard you're trying
This world is lost
Worms gives everything
Holy minx
Crowned paragon
All, that they praise
In the circles of time
It means nothing in the universe
Sawbones of souls
In the houses of God
Practice silence
Watching out the flowing people
How you define the mob?
lead: Peter
Miserable life of rats
And I am above thralldom
Thoughtfulness in expecting
The End...
2. Torch of War
Man has the right to love but also the right to hate. There is no love without hate.
As A.S. LaVey said: "The hunter must hunt. The moment he stops, he becomes the hunted."
This means war
Your weakness makes me sick
Eternal struggle
The iron will of life
Prayer to the father-war
Under the sign of hammer of Thor
In the storm of steel
Raise, raise the spirit
Of Eternal Warrior
Till Victory!
Rivers of blood of innocents
Surrounding my feet
Can You hear it?
The last whisper of Christ...
I am laying siege to Christians
Under the flag of hate
Under the flag of death's head
Eternal cycle of struggle
Between the nature and heaven
Trampling the lamb
With poker-faced
And ice in eyes
Dead bodies and stench of fear
Holy legions crushed
Hail Victory!
I am calling death
Mortals are nothing for me
Inverted tree of Elhaz
Is the sing of the clan
Rebels souls on the rebel land
Hot winds cast the damned
Into the pits of hell
Rivers of blood of innocents
Surrounding my feet
Now You can hear
The last cry of Christ!
3. Xepher
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to the worlds
Knowledge-not information-grants transformative power
There are as many left hand paths as there are us-stars
The extension of existence to a further level of Being
By powers of the Set that releases from thrall
I have come into being
I have come into being
Meaning can only come from the individual
In the moments of divine clairvoyance and intensification of Being
The utterance of the word which ripples through the fabric of the world
And gives insight and strength to those who want to become
I have come into being
I have come into being
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to realities
I have come into being
4. Carnal
I tasted the fever of Your existence
seems like cold grain to my mouth
I stand aside, I stay away
transmuting my quicksilver blood
KIA - that I may see
ZOS - that I may touch
insipid are the describing words
the self needs no vulgar praise
This worship has no supplications
my rite is to live and do
things naked, pure, of honest lust
the throbbing vortex feeds on it all
Sleep is the best of possible prayers
the winged eyes are blessed to see
downtrodden deception of every torment
transpierce hymens hy lust adores
Many images yet one raw flesh
animal steps I love to tread
an ideal point where Time is Space
memory giant sores this journey must heal
Lady of Mourning and her monsters
lay down the scythes for here I come
joyful and priapic my baby soul
a new-born one, ten million years old
5. Reign Forever World
The inevitable process of evolution, climbing on to the higher levels of development is today available only for the chosen. This is a true fruit of Christian pestilence but also a reflection of the eternal law of nature: the rulers need the mob.
Left hand vested in the symbol of Mars
Right hand vasted in the symbol of Sun
Standing Proud
We raise foreheads adorned with the symbol of Jupiter
The end of the Nazarene has come...
We evoke dominion
We bring this world to its knees
Dominating, masterful, self-assured
Invoking our wishes
Whirling in chaos
With yellow red and blue
We as chaos...
We evoke dominion
We as chaos assume control
We as chaos, we rule our lives
We bring this world to its knees
6. Intro 2 / Breath of Centuries
Black cities hidden in the dark,
Among the waters, beneath the seas,
Horrible thoughts destroy the minds,
Through the endless nights.
You don't know what's to come,
While I'm chanting incantations,
Stay away and don't play with This,
You'll never understand.
Buried in the frozen seas,
Tombs of forgotten Gods,
Who came forth from blackened stars,
A breath of centuries here.
A different, inconceivable cult,
Shreds of the eternal, endless Circle,
Gates to Hell for chosen ones,
Awake from morality.
You don't know what's to come,
While I'm chanting incantations,
Stay away and don't play with This,
You'll never understand,
And you never understood.
This is not death - which can eternal lie,
But with the strange eons - even Death may die,
Words written long ago - in sacred book of Might,
The lethal, omnious powers - eclipsing all the light.
The breaking, unseen ice - a deadly fates anger,
Nightmarish ghosts - spectra and souls,
The burning fire brands - in every open mind,
And eyes shattered - of timid fools.
Madness is a strange blessing,
If you understand nothing,
That's better to be dead,
When the gods soon descend.
Awaiting in horrific peace,
The Master of All is dozing,
His time hasn't yet come,
His hour remains unknown.
You don't know what's to come,
While I'm chanting incantations,
Stay away and don't play with This,
You'll never understand,
7. Silent Empire
We await the silent empire
The timeless domain of disinherited ones
We do believe in silence
All that is hidden and hushed serves our quest
The spaceless kingdom of ones that expect
The nameless worshippers of future to come
When the courier's sign glimmers in the dark
We rise our eyes in wait
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our hearts - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
We wish to disremember the defeated cause
Lost in the maze of the world
We restlessly seek way out and up
To evil towers, to another fall from grace into pride
There in the world they think they conspire
How pitiful seems their toil and plot
We drop out letters into waste bins in the streets
And gather to read the words of those who concoct
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our hearts - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
The empire, it is in us
The horn, there you can see
The message, this should come soon Trystero, the name we behold
We're from the outer empire
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our hearts - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
We await the silent empire
8. Black to the Blind
Back to the blind is She Above
and black to the blind we seem to be
god-fearing sheep will never perceive
the embodiment of the Lust divine
Nothingness thickens and bends down
a new creation taking its primal breath
this world's eternity vacuum unfolds
dissolution of things stiff and dead
Black to the blind
Starry transocean of Goddess' womb
pleasure landscapes and drops of pain
from vulva furnace in gracious trance
dark theology explained in light
Trample the temple of gods aborted
body denial, servil renouncement
turn your eyes inward and chant
unto the Gate of self-borne None
Black to the blind
Heresy of the most superior kind to all of you I preach clearly now let no rapture be out of reach death is easy, life means ecstasy
Black to the blind seems She Above
blue and gold is seen to the seeing
intoxicate the inner expressions
to keep the eyes aware and vigilant
Black to the blind is She Above
and black to the blind we seem to be
god-fearing sheep will never perceive
the embodiment of the Lust divine
Trample the temple of gods aborted
body denial, servile renouncement
turn your eyes inward and chant
unto the Gate of self-borne None
Black to the blind
9. Intro 3 / Revelations of Black Moses
I see three peaks: one for Hell, one for heaven, one for Grand Mystery
In Hell three lakes: of burning tar, of vermin and of ice- all brimming with sinners
And Devils larger then Daemons with horns made of fire
Then I see heaven on the second mountain
The city of gold and honey with saints...
All joyful and towering in their glory
There I see two pious and innocent youths snatched suddenly
From amidst their host by flying Devils and carried to Hell
While Uzza, one of Four guardians of Egypt and angels pay no heed to this rape
The Aeons go past and the plagues get unleashed
The city of good is under siege
Black Moses is my name
And these are the visions
From Egypt's guardian seraph...
The heaven is on fire and Salomon's magic nets give no protection
St. Peter's shot and jesus with his brothers are slaughtered with no mercy
Their blood into dust without meaning of rebirth
And I see the gates to god tumbling down
And him being dragged before Abaddon's gold throne
Where the Grand Whore Barbelo's daughter wields a double-edged axe
And I see the blade fall down upon the head of lord in heaven
And Darkness falls upon the end of history
While I drink the milk of the Black Goddess and cry over the mankind
Black Moses is my name...
10. North
I cut myself and still hurt
Grey pain still reminds
There is no Kingdom, Power, Glory
For those who freeze their lives behind
Following the wrong god I have been
Lusting for knowledge of the cold
North is closing down on me
At high noon and here
Fever, the northern lights of soul
Keeps driving thoughts to the pole
The fields of silence from my soul
Chilled neon blood in my mouth
The black clock makes tours of time
As I spend my days between the stations
North is closing down on me
At high noon and here
North is of heart and mind
My life frozen at zero
11. Nomad
Another land, another see
The road that never ceases
To lie ahead and beckon still
Though legs and feet are weary
Another woman, another man
The lust that never ceases
To fill the greed for pain and revel
Though body yield for fatigue
Another me, yet still the same
Another me, yet you will know me
Another me, yet I have never left
Another me to find the way back home
Another grail, another god
The quest that never ceases
To quench the yearning for the Aleph
Though mind and soul are tired
Another life, another death
The circle that never breaks
To stop this journey set for me
By no-one but myself
12. Sothis
No more a thing I knew... transformed - transfigured
transcended... in an endless progress cycle
DNA metamorphosis... of the dying cells
into something that will last... last forever
immortal... my soul... alone under...
the cracking skies... on trembling Earth
closing the eye... of blinding Sun
WHO AM I? - a question... alredy answered
I am who I am... no less, no more
destined to be... never to extinct
remaining after... everything dies
remaining... a Dog Star's Son... beyond the Sun
for ever... and more
13. Raining Blood
Trapped in purgatory
A lifeless object, alive
Awaiting reprisal
Death will be their acquisition
The sky is turning red
Return to power draws near
Fall into me, the sky's crimson tears
Abolish the rules made of stone
Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past
Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above
Awaiting the hour of reprisal
Your time slips away
Raining blood
From a lacerated sky
Bleeding its horror
Creating my structure
Now I shall reign in blood!
14. Intro
15. Xepher
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to the worlds
Knowledge-not information-grants transformative power
There are as many left hand paths as there are us-stars
The extension of existence to a further level of Being
By powers of the Set that releases from thrall
I have come into being
I have come into being
Meaning can only come from the individual
In the moments of divine clairvoyance and intensification of Being
The utterance of the word which ripples through the fabric of the world
And gives insight and strength to those who want to become
I have come into being
I have come into being
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to realities
I have come into being
16. Epitaph
Blindness and fanaticism are those types of aberration
which always slowing down the development of humankind.
And nothing has changed on that score for today...
Watching out the flowing people
How you define the mob?
Miserable life of rats
Claiming the friends of God
The absence of intelligence
Means stupidity and blindness
For things which leaves and die
In the end
They want to crucify me
First throwing stones
I am sinking into the mire
Named human race
It doesn't matter how hard you're trying
This world is lost
Worms gives everything
Holy minx
Crowned paragon
All, that they praise
In the circles of time
It means nothing in the universe
Sawbones of souls
In the houses of God
Practice silence
Watching out the flowing people
How you define the mob?
lead: Peter
Miserable life of rats
And I am above thralldom
Thoughtfulness in expecting
The End...
17. Cold Demon
Created by Humanity ...against Humanity.
Cold crawling Death
Crushing mighty roar
Deadly touch of fire
Merciless invaders
Hudge lurking hunters
Demons made of steel and flesh
Grinders spitting with fire
Attacking with power and speed
Cold crawling Death
Demons made of steel and flesh
18. Nomad
Another land, another see
The road that never ceases
To lie ahead and beckon still
Though legs and feet are weary
Another woman, another man
The lust that never ceases
To fill the greed for pain and revel
Though body yield for fatigue
Another me, yet still the same
Another me, yet you will know me
Another me, yet I have never left
Another me to find the way back home
Another grail, another god
The quest that never ceases
To quench the yearning for the Aleph
Though mind and soul are tired
Another life, another death
The circle that never breaks
To stop this journey set for me
By no-one but myself
19. Wings
There have never been gods and devils,
but there were people who were turned
into them by others and trapped in divine incarnations.
No act of spawning was my birth
There is no darkness after my dawn
I don't commander chthonian gods
That call for hatred, tears and pain
I just don't know why I have a pair of wings
You come to me and ask for help
You urge me to unleash my wrath
You cry and yell and bag and pray
You chant some words I don't understand
Is it 'cause I have a pair of wings?
The rites are drawn to celebrate
The fall that never happened
Over and over you kill the same god
Whose name I don't even know
Would you do the same
If I shed my pair of wings?
20. Vicious Circle
Necromancer, the rites of dementia,
See what the death looks like,
Souls from the limbo, coming with eternal flames,
Arrive in circles of trembling hands.
No inferno but also no heavens,
No god on his golden throne,
Promised Eden turned into desert,
Empty space and dead remains.
Spectral mouth tells hopeless truth,
In unknown words massacring the mind,
There is nothing after life,
What we can imagine now and here.
Infinitely full of posthumous nothing,
Greed for immorality,
Is only despair now,
Caught in the waiting for nowhere,
Selling the souls for oblivions price,
_I must be immortal".
Nocturnal stagnancy as I burn my candles,
Sanity now dozes and waits for a day,
Nightmares in their real dimensions,
No hope now...
Soon I will die...
No inferno but also no heavens,
No god on his golden throne,
Promised Eden turned into desert,
Empty space and dead remains.
21. Sothis
No more a thing I knew... transformed - transfigured
transcended... in an endless progress cycle
DNA metamorphosis... of the dying cells
into something that will last... last forever
immortal... my soul... alone under...
the cracking skies... on trembling Earth
closing the eye... of blinding Sun
WHO AM I? - a question... alredy answered
I am who I am... no less, no more
destined to be... never to extinct
remaining after... everything dies
remaining... a Dog Star's Son... beyond the Sun
for ever... and more
22. Crucified Ones
Mortal crosses standing in the row,
Seem to reach up to the burning sky,
Damned souls grouping on the dark,
Going round the stretched arms.
Bodies, faces,
Unnaturally bended in pain,
Lifeless eyes staring at the space,
Persecution of the dying has begun.
Here's the place of alteration,
Where life turns into other form,
Dark ritual of demons procreation,
Hear the cries - of the crucified ones.
Throbbing fleshes in the rhythm of thunder,
Blasphemy in light of raving bolts,
Nailed hands greeting angry gods,
Coming fourth to feast in blood.
Bodies, faces,
Unnaturally changed in lust,
Purple fluids streams on the wood,
Like tears of dying cross....
Here's the place of the alteration,
Where gods turn into temporal form,
Dark ritual of demons procreation,
Come on! Leave your life and join the dead in hell.
Masters of forgotten arts,
Deign to look at your servant,
Acceptance my greatest sacrifice,
Send revenge on bastard's seed!
O come to me!
I beg thee, open wide the gates,
All fiends of fiends,
From the deep sleep of dark abyss arrive!
Pazuzu, the evil one,
Lord, who feeds on angels cries!
Bless the damned, curse the blessed, crucify them.
23. Epitaph
Blindness and fanaticism are those types of aberration
which always slowing down the development of humankind.
And nothing has changed on that score for today...
Watching out the flowing people
How you define the mob?
Miserable life of rats
Claiming the friends of God
The absence of intelligence
Means stupidity and blindness
For things which leaves and die
In the end
They want to crucify me
First throwing stones
I am sinking into the mire
Named human race
It doesn't matter how hard you're trying
This world is lost
Worms gives everything
Holy minx
Crowned paragon
All, that they praise
In the circles of time
It means nothing in the universe
Sawbones of souls
In the houses of God
Practice silence
Watching out the flowing people
How you define the mob?
lead: Peter
Miserable life of rats
And I am above thralldom
Thoughtfulness in expecting
The End...
24. Wings
There have never been gods and devils,
but there were people who were turned
into them by others and trapped in divine incarnations.
No act of spawning was my birth
There is no darkness after my dawn
I don't commander chthonian gods
That call for hatred, tears and pain
I just don't know why I have a pair of wings
You come to me and ask for help
You urge me to unleash my wrath
You cry and yell and bag and pray
You chant some words I don't understand
Is it 'cause I have a pair of wings?
The rites are drawn to celebrate
The fall that never happened
Over and over you kill the same god
Whose name I don't even know
Would you do the same
If I shed my pair of wings?
25. Xepher
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to the worlds
Knowledge-not information-grants transformative power
There are as many left hand paths as there are us-stars
The extension of existence to a further level of Being
By powers of the Set that releases from thrall
I have come into being
I have come into being
Meaning can only come from the individual
In the moments of divine clairvoyance and intensification of Being
The utterance of the word which ripples through the fabric of the world
And gives insight and strength to those who want to become
I have come into being
I have come into being
A scarab beetle which toils through its phases
From an egg through a larva to the protector of the dawning Sun
Out of the Unmanifest into the Matrix of Manifestation
One word which opens the gates to realities
I have come into being
26. Carnal