
"De Profundis" (1995)
1. Silent Empire 2. An Act of Darkness 3. Blood of Kingu 4. Incarnation 5. Sothis 6. Revolt 7. Of Moon, Blood, Dream and Me 8. Vision and the Voice 9. Reborn in Flames
1. Silent Empire
We await the silent empire
The timeless domain of disinherited ones
We do believe in silence
All that is hidden and hushed serves our quest
The spaceless kingdom of ones that expect
The nameless worshippers of future to come
When the courier's sign glimmers in the dark
We rise our eyes in wait
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our hearts - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
We wish to disremember the defeated cause
Lost in the maze of the world
We restlessly seek way out and up
To evil towers, to another fall from grace into pride
There in the world they think they conspire
How pitiful seems their toil and plot
We drop out letters into waste bins in the streets
And gather to read the words of those who concoct
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our hearts - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
The empire, it is in us
The horn, there you can see
The message, this should come soon Trystero, the name we behold
We're from the outer empire
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our hearts - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
We await the silent empire
2. An Act of Darkness
An act of darkness is in us
Holy times and sacred season sites
Oh, black hole empty God
Let them devour their own light
An elevenfold cross eclipse
Symmetric fourness not to be found
Brightness protons vibrate outside
The 10th Aire very unGod
Blind larvae of moonlight souls
Trapped in the saliva of Times
Root their lairs in mucus of the void
A name of none and nothing
An elevenfold cross eclipse
Symmetric fourness not to be found
Brightness protons vibrate outside
The 10th Aire very unGod
A non-form of all-forms is
The paradox of the Highest Monads
Haughty Lords, Gehenna below
Govern those who govern
An elevenfold cross eclipse
Symmetric fourness not to be found
Brightness protons vibrate outside
The 10th Aire very unGod
3. Blood of Kingu
We - from the blood of the dead
We're burning with fury and hate
Bloody vengeance still growing in us
Waiting for mighty lords who'll praise again
Cry of the dreaming-dead
Still existing in my head
They are spawn of the lords
And venom of the evil gods
Through the caverns of the earth the creep
Still waiting for the right time
They revolt against the holiness
Leading me the mighty realm of madness
Primal lords
Eternal creatures of the earth
Moved before the upcoming revolt
Listen to your sickest dreams
Awakening of the fallen is written in us
Secular war
Among the giants of universe
And race of man created in hate
Lead your thoughts beyond the time
And wake up the ancestry of our entity
Distant worlds
Abominations unaffected
Waiting for the rebirth of the ancient race
All creatures of darkness arise
I open my mind for coming of the lords
4. Incarnation
A soul in blackness once enslaved
Reaching an outer dimension
To get my unrest slayed
Wisdom ideas in seven steps
I saw them flying, falling, dying
Immortal till the strength's come
Dipped in pains of disdain
Humbling themselves until dawns
An outer space, inconceivable
Forbidden regions for the mortal ones
You find out the mysterious way
And touch the beginning of time before the light
I saw them flying, falling, dying
Immortal till the strength's come
Dipped in pains of disdain
Humbling themselves until dawns
Magick triumphers whisper with drone
Of their victory, napping through the ages
A cipher of books of no return
To bring you near by their calm
Ritual dementia hour to be higher
Prenatal atavism exploding again
Phantasmagorial ones awakening
To lay their power onto me
I saw them flying, falling, dying
Immortal till the strength's come
Dipped in pains of disdain
I saw them falling down
5. Sothis
No more a thing I knew... transformed - transfigured
Transcended... in an endless progress cycle
DNA metamorphosis... of the dying cells
Into something that will last... last forever
Immortal... my soul... alone under...
The cracking skies... on trembling Earth
Closing the eye... of blinding Sun
WHO AM I? - a question... already answered
I am who I am... no less, no more
Destined to be... never to extinct
Remaining after... everything dies
Remaining... a Dog Star's Son... beyond the Sun
For ever... and more
6. Revolt
The mighty lord of universe
That moves the stars above
Hearken and remember
Your spawn of race of men
... Here is the key
IA - to set the madness free
Ruler of the underworld
Who came from blackened stars
I hear you in my dreams
Your voice is calling me again
I am the lord of darkness
The power and the knowledge of the gods
Before me was made nothing that was made
I am the ancient race
I feel forgotten world
Where only madness dwells
And all the creatures
Hail the name of Kingu
I am the lord of hell
No man may seek my resting place
Before me was made nothing that was made
I am the father of the race
Forbidden caverns in the ground filled with the evil spawn
Still waiting for the prophesied revival
And when collapsed stars come into sight
They'll rise up to rule the Earth again
'cause they're rulers of the world
Lunatic screams inside your mind tear your souls apart
You're the chosen one to join your primal being
The ultimate revolt like transformation of the form
Will bring to ruin the Nazarene's empire
'cause you are rulers of the world
7. Of Moon, Blood, Dream and Me
Inseminating the cunts of dozing whores
Testing the fruits of forbidden bid
Making their dreams the sperm-wet seas
Not an incubi of your infantile knowledge
Much more than you're to understand
Much more than you will ever kill
Of moon, blood, dream and me...
Making the vaginas tense as the coldness touches
To leave the female race satisfied 'til death
Hurrying taste the feel
Of woman's lips clenched in sucking the juices
From Nephilim's beings, impatient as Hell itself
Really much more than you can understand
My children of Moon, you are
Rise to join me at the night
With head down I penetrate
Their minds before I go too deep
SUcking your lives from the chakras
Defenceless in the nightly daze
Only a few will feel my semen
The freezing jewels real as flesh
My children of Moon they are
WIll rise soon to join their father
Astral shapes with sin written into every more
And with love to me, who gave them wombs
Of women naked, in sleep too deep
To sense their weight and breath on hair
While the spectres sink between the legs
Of belles dreaming their sickest dreams
My children of Moon you are
Join me!
Making the vaginas tense as the coldness touches
To leave the female face satisfied 'til death
Hurrying taste the feel of
Woman's lips clenched in sucking the juices
From Nehpilim's beings, impatient as Hell itself
Really much more than you can understand
My children of Moon you are
Rise to join your father
Your're children of me!
8. Vision and the Voice
Raising my head to yell my life out
Standing naked, strained as a dying worm
With body of light gleaming with my disquiet
With myriads of stars not-to-be-seen
Here to cry the glassy anguish
Of souls dwelling in darkness that fell
My throat is DAATH, the seal is breaking
ZONAI screaming the vows of frozen winds
Of shapes winged - we should be left behind
We, lightnings turned into pillars
Torn into shreds, in stillborn screams
Trembling with woes of fiery cycles
PAZ - to be as they
Yea, I say, to be as they
An oath and order to be heard
A sigil and cypher to be seen
And that's the truth, you will taste it
Aetheric dimensions of cocoon sleepers
Waters, Earthes and Fyres not given to us
Mumbling the calls of Aires alone
Laying the tablets carved in flesh
9. Reborn in Flames
Comes the time of fear and pain
The human race is bleeding away!
The earth covered by ashes and flesh
Dying in terrible decay
Freezing winds freezing it all
What fire hasn't burnt
Blackened blood flooding the graves
Messiah will never return!
Unholy words of ancient prophecy
Now come true - the dead rise from hell...
Toxic storms attack from the sky
Spreading the light of deadly pleasure
Nuclear mutants buried alive
In blasting dust of dying world
Atomic falls putrefy human brains
The living dead creep in bloody bog
The lord of hate was awaken by death
Before you die, can see the end!
All will burn in his breath
His eyes paralyze every life
The demons wheel above his head
Like vultures seeking the flesh
All will burn in his breath
His eyes paralyze every life
All demons transformed into grubs
To make the globe a stinking rot
Born to destroy the holy ghost to the end
Now finished wars of God
His name is the Exterminator
Covering the earth with vaporous rot
The real messiah reborn in flames
Creator was the hell
He's killer of the world of the living
The dead worship his majesty
Comes the time of wrath and death
Heaven has turned blood-red fire
Crucified souls vomiting the blood
In embrace of mortal desire
Freezing winds that froze that all
What fire has already burnt
Blackened blood flooding the corpses
Messiah will never return!
No return!!!