
"Armageddon" (2002 Best of/Compilation)
1. Dark Age 2. The Wrath 3. Blood of Kingu 4. Revolt 5. Reborn in Flames 6. An Act of Darkness 7. Fear of Napalm (Terrorizer cover) 8. Dethroned Emperor (Celtic Frost cover) 9. Carnal 10. Foetus God 11. Distant Dream 12. Crucified Ones (live) 13. Omen (Intro) (live) 14. Hell Awaits (Slayer cover) (live) 15. Creatures of Light and Darkness 16. Breath of Centuries 17. Vicious Circle (demo version) 18. Red Passage (live) 19. Black Sabbath (live) 20. Wings
1. Dark Age
Strange visions dreams my mind,
When I'm walking through the night,
Each time I see the visage of the moon,
Dead cities amongst the sands,
Under the black abyss of seas,
Does madness seize my soul?
The elder race,
From beyond the stars,
Eternal watchers,
Of sphere of no return,
Seven seals,
Of seven mighty gates,
That come true within me.
Here's the key by which I can summon the forgotten world,
Unnatural desire of the knowledge of the gods,
Lust eating up the brain wherein there isn't fear yet,
I break the sleep of spectral friends,
Tear open the unseen, ghostly screen,
I make free for all ways for demons now,
And ruin the tombs of sacred souls....
An epileptic trance is entering my body,
to break all control rule of this mind
A boiling brain addicted to madness,
In which every night is like a horror dream.
Shudder in the dark breath,
Old evil blowing icily from the dark,
Wrapped in a shroud of mystery,
Faint voices from beyond the spaces,
Sample a dark universe,
domain of the strange aces,
With the angry gods,
Best forgotten and left undiscovered.
You know, of course,
I'll be back from the dead,
Blessing the blackness in glory,
Of billions of years,
On collapsed stars,
In rituals of the ancient race!
2. The Wrath
Temple of hate a place accursed by the Gods
the walls all in blood of tormented to death
putrid face of Demon gutting sacrifice in light of full moon
come in! eternal flame will brand your soul
Demon's eye in bloodred sky
you will suffer, you have to die
prophecy of certain death
no escape - you're a victim of the unholy wrath
Screams from depths of mind
cry of mutilated souls
tyrant drops from scratched wounds of God
Virus of hatred invades the brains of tyrants
throwing into fire they create the endless violence
priests of war, creatures of the crime
merciless dictators, the lords of human fright
Bloody judgement
endless judgement
slowly agony will be your atonement
living in fear - dying in pain
no escape - you are the sacrifice
3. Blood of Kingu
[And was not Man created from the blood of Kingu, commander of the hordes of]
[the Ancient Ones? Does not Man possess in his spirit the seed of rebellion]
[against the Elder Gods? And the blood of Man is the blood of vengeance. And]
[the blood of Man is the Spirit of vengeance. And the power of Man is the power]
[of the Ancient Ones. And this is the Covenant. ]
[Of the Forgotten Generations of Man - taken from "The Magan Text"]
We - from the blood of the dead
We're burning with fury and hate
Bloody vengeance still growing in us
Waiting for mighty lords who'll praise again
Cry of the dreaming-dead
Still existing in my head
They are spawn of the lords
And venom of the evil gods
Through the caverns of the earth the creep
Still waiting for the right time
They revolt against the holiness
Leading me the mighty realm of madness
Primal lords
Eternal creatures of the earth
Moved before the upcoming revolt
Listen to your sickest dreams
Awakening of the fallen is written in us
Secular war
Among the giants of universe
And race of man created in hate
Lead your thoughts beyond the time
And wake up the ancestry of our entity
Distant worlds
Abominations unaffected
Waiting for the rebirth of the ancient race
All creatures of darkness arise
I open my mind for coming of the lords
4. Revolt
The mighty lord of universe
That moves the stars above
Hearken and remember
Your spawn of race of men
... Here is the key
IA - to set the madness free
Ruler of the underworld
Who came from blackened stars
I hear you in my dreams
Your voice is calling me again
I am the lord of darkness
The power and the knowledge of the gods
Before me was made nothing that was made
I am the ancient race
I feel forgotten world
Where only madness dwells
And all the creatures
Hail the name of Kingu
I am the lord of hell
No man may seek my resting place
Before me was made nothing that was made
I am the father of the race
Forbidden caverns in the ground filled with the evil spawn
Still waiting for the prophesied revival
And when collapsed stars come into sight
They'll rise up to rule the Earth again
'cause they're rulers of the world
Lunatic screams inside your mind tear your souls apart
You're the chosen one to join your primal being
The ultimate revolt like transformation of the form
Will bring to ruin the Nazarene's empire
'cause you are rulers of the world
5. Reborn in Flames
Comes the time of fear and pain
The human race is bleeding away!
The earth covered by ashes and flesh
Dying in terrible decay
Freezing winds freezing it all
What fire hasn't burnt
Blackened blood flooding the graves
Messiah will never return!
Unholy words of ancient prophecy
Now come true - the dead rise from hell...
Toxic storms attack from the sky
Spreading the light of deadly pleasure
Nuclear mutants buried alive
In blasting dust of dying world
Atomic falls putrefy human brains
The living dead creep in bloody bog
The lord of hate was awaken by death
Before you die, can see the end!
All will burn in his breath
His eyes paralyze every life
The demons wheel above his head
Like vultures seeking the flesh
All will burn in his breath
His eyes paralyze every life
All demons transformed into grubs
To make the globe a stinking rot
Born to destroy the holy ghost to the end
Now finished wars of God
His name is the Exterminator
Covering the earth with vaporous rot
The real messiah reborn in flames
Creator was the hell
He's killer of the world of the living
The dead worship his majesty
Comes the time of wrath and death
Heaven has turned blood-red fire
Crucified souls vomiting the blood
In embrace of mortal desire
Freezing winds that froze that all
What fire has already burnt
Blackened blood flooding the corpses
Messiah will never return!
No return!!!
6. An Act of Darkness
An act of darkness is in us
Holy times and sacred season sites
Oh, black hole empty God
Let them devour their own light
An elevenfold cross eclipse
Symmetric fourness not to be found
Brightness protons vibrate outside
The 10th Aire very unGod
Blind larvae of moonlight souls
Trapped in the saliva of Times
Root their lairs in mucus of the void
A name of none and nothing
An elevenfold cross eclipse
Symmetric fourness not to be found
Brightness protons vibrate outside
The 10th Aire very unGod
A non-form of all-forms is
The paradox of the Highest Monads
Haughty Lords, Gehenna below
Govern those who govern
An elevenfold cross eclipse
Symmetric fourness not to be found
Brightness protons vibrate outside
The 10th Aire very unGod
7. Fear of Napalm (Terrorizer cover)
From the sky
You'll see it fall
Nowhere else
left to hide
People screaming
Burn to ash
Fear of dying
Guess who's lost
Pray to live
No more hope
Day of doom
Scorching flesh
Lost control
Bust to war
Outbreak hate
8. Dethroned Emperor (Celtic Frost cover)
See the portal, gate to madness
Locked forever in a veil of shame
Deny extraction - thirst for disgrace
Watch his break - the emperor's killed
Light of the day - shadow from beyond
Scaffold of steel - the throne has gone
Dethroned emperor
(The) foot of the stairs, dimension in might
The king sits, (his) eyes are glass
Growing of the small - the laughter's fall
Can you deny - remaining cries?
Descent of the lords - into te trap
Existence and hate - unseen gate
9. Carnal
[And was not Man created from the blood of Kingu, commander of the hordes of]
[the Ancient Ones? Does not Man possess in his spirit the seed of rebellion]
[against the Elder Gods? And the blood of Man is the blood of vengeance. And]
[the blood of Man is the Spirit of vengeance. And the power of Man is the power]
[of the Ancient Ones. And this is the Covenant. ]
[Of the Forgotten Generations of Man - taken from "The Magan Text"]
We - from the blood of the dead
We're burning with fury and hate
Bloody vengeance still growing in us
Waiting for mighty lords who'll praise again
Cry of the dreaming-dead
Still existing in my head
They are spawn of the lords
And venom of the evil gods
Through the caverns of the earth the creep
Still waiting for the right time
They revolt against the holiness
Leading me the mighty realm of madness
Primal lords
Eternal creatures of the earth
Moved before the upcoming revolt
Listen to your sickest dreams
Awakening of the fallen is written in us
Secular war
Among the giants of universe
And race of man created in hate
Lead your thoughts beyond the time
And wake up the ancestry of our entity
Distant worlds
Abominations unaffected
Waiting for the rebirth of the ancient race
All creatures of darkness arise
I open my mind for coming of the lords
10. Foetus God
["For the high point their teology consists of these two things: hissing at]
[demons and skething the cross on their foreheads."]
[Flavius Claudius Julianus (332-363)]
[Roman Caesar (Julian the Apostate) (361-363)]
["What are the fruits of Chrisianity? Bigotry, superstition and persecution."]
[James Madison (1751-1836)]
[US fourth President (1809-1817)]
Foetus god descends in silence
a bastard deity for us to believe
blasphemy of gen collage
in backward sombre involution
Foetus god abortion of the Diine
latent rape of wet, lewd womb
man-made myth to blunt in mind
the vilest offence of five senses
Undone miracles never to come
invalid rise of slave thought
the only light its dawn can shed
is from burnt wisdom and shimmering greed
Thine is not the Kingdom
no trace of strength I see
no Mercy to expect
a seed of claws upon your lips
As pure wit turns into effusions
we, snakes of Truth, ex and devour
gods manifested in twisted images
astrally hunted in shadow and soul
Sweet holy shiftless godsend meat
I bet you listen to this psalm of me
Sweet holy shiftless godsend meat
I bet you listen to this psalm of me
little by little, one by one
the thorns become the real crown
Thine is not the Kingdom
no trace of strength I see
no Mercy to expect
a seed of claws upon your lips
11. Distant Dream
["... to Know, means possessing Wisdom, to use Wisdom, means Art., but using]
[Art, means danger and sometimes warnings come too late..."]
Oh, blessed be the Grand Watchers
Who are not from a Race of Man
But from beyond the times of the Gods
Lurking forever about the barriers
Thou who are the One in Three and Three in One
With the names that set a soul ablaze
Thy Sword of Flames
I have never heard your voices so close
Unknowable, unspeakable chants
Torn into the billion pieces
Enslaved in crypts upon the stars
Rites not to be spoken
Harbingers of chasmal light
Forever kept alive
Upon the wizard's seal
- The conjuration of the fire
I call thee fierce Dog here, before me
SHTAH! Appear! Conjuration!
Carven signs engraved upon the bow!
Behold the worthless formula
Seeking ever to hold the Ancient Powers
Now devoured is thy mind
Such are laws of the grey stone star...
12. Crucified Ones (live)
Mortal crosses standing in the row,
Seem to reach up to the burning sky,
Damned souls grouping on the dark,
Going round the stretched arms.
Bodies, faces,
Unnaturally bended in pain,
Lifeless eyes staring at the space,
Persecution of the dying has begun.
Here's the place of alteration,
Where life turns into other form,
Dark ritual of demons procreation,
Hear the cries - of the crucified ones.
Throbbing fleshes in the rhythm of thunder,
Blasphemy in light of raving bolts,
Nailed hands greeting angry gods,
Coming fourth to feast in blood.
Bodies, faces,
Unnaturally changed in lust,
Purple fluids streams on the wood,
Like tears of dying cross....
Here's the place of the alteration,
Where gods turn into temporal form,
Dark ritual of demons procreation,
Come on! Leave your life and join the dead in hell.
Masters of forgotten arts,
Deign to look at your servant,
Acceptance my greatest sacrifice,
Send revenge on bastard's seed!
O come to me!
I beg thee, open wide the gates,
All fiends of fiends,
From the deep sleep of dark abyss arrive!
Pazuzu, the evil one,
Lord, who feeds on angels cries!
Bless the damned, curse the blessed, crucify them.
13. Omen (Intro) (live)
14. Hell Awaits (Slayer cover) (live)
Existing on damnation's edge
The priest had never known
To witness such a violent show
Of power overthrown
Angels fighting aimlessly
Still dying by the sword
Our legions killing all in sight
To get the one called Lord
The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you see
There's no price to pay just follow me
I can take your lost soul from the grave
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved
Crucify the so called Lord
He soon shall fall to me
Your souls are damned your God has fell
To slave for me eternally
Hell awaits...
The Reaper guard's the darkened Gates
That Satan calls his home
Demons feed the furnace where
The Dead are free to roam
Lonely children of the night
There's seven ways to go
Each leading to the burning hole
The Lucifer controls
Priests of Hades seek the sacred star
Satan sees the answer lies not far
Zombies screaming souls cry out to you
Satanic laws prevail your life is through
Pray to the moon... when it is round
Death with you shall then abound
What you seek... for can't be found
In sea or sky or underground
Now I have you deep inside my everlasting grasp
The seven bloody Gates of Hell
Is where you'll live your last
Warriors from Hell's Domain
Will bring you to your Death
The flames of Hades burning strong
Your soul shall never rest
The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you see
There's no price to pay just follow me
I can take your lost soul from the grave
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved
Sacrifice the lives of all I know they
Soon shall die
Their souls are damned to rot in Hell
and keep the fire growing deep inside
Hell awaits...
15. Creatures of Light and Darkness
A man chosen to trace down a god
In the world between two houses
The cycle unwinds so slowly
The middle worlds laid to waste
The things that cries in the night
Defeated by the prince who was a thousand
All gods could not withhold the nameless
The terror that lurks outside
Creatures of light and darkness
Are born in great numbers
Creatures of light and darkness
May die and rise again
For the want of control
They can set all worlds afire
The hammer that smashes suns
Its work cannot be undone
Horus hermes trismagistos
The calls of the universal panthenon
Realities fold and submerge
When gods combat against their own blood
On my lips the name of the god
Whose face no one remembers
Eternal feud of those of the unlight
Set the destroyer, the lord of chaos stomps down
Creatures of light and darkness
Are born in great numbers
Creatures of light and darkness
May die and rise again
They're creatures of light and darkness
They're creatures of light and darkness
They're creatures of light and darkness
They'll die but shall rise again
16. Breath of Centuries
Black cities hidden in the dark
Among the waters, beneath the seas
Horrible thoughts destroy the minds
Through the endless nights
You don't know what's to come
While I'm chanting incantations
Stay away and don't play
With This, you'll never understand
Buried in the frozen seas
Tombs of forgotten Gods
Who came forth from blackened stars
A breath of centuries here
A different, inconceivable cult
Shreds of the eternal, endless Circle
Gates to Hell for chosen ones
Awaked from mortality
You don't know what's to come
While I'm chanting incantations
Stay away and don't play
With This, you'll never understand
and you never understood
This is not death - which can eternal lie
But with the strange eons - even Death may die
Words written long ago - in sacred book of Might
The lethal, omnious powers - eclipsing all the light
The breaking, unseen ice - a deadly fate's anger
Nightmarish ghosts - spectra and souls
The burning fire-brands - in every open mind
And eyes shattered - of timid fools
Madness is so strange blessing
If you nothing understand
That's better to be dead
When the Gods soon descend
Awaiting in horrific peace
The Master of All is dozing
His time yet hasn't come
His hour remains unknown
You don't know what's to come
While I'm chanting incantations
Stay away and don't play
With This, you'll never understand
17. Vicious Circle (demo version)
Necromancy, the rites of dementia
See what the death looks like
Souls from the limbo, coming with eternal flames
Arrive into circle of trembling hands
No inferno but also no heavens
No god on his golden throne
Promised Eden turned into desert
Empty space and dead remains
Spectral mouth tells hopeless truth
In unknown words massacring the mind
There is nothing after life
What we can imagine now and here
Infinity full of posthumous nothing
Greed of immorality
Is only despair now
Caught in the waiting for nowhere
Selling the souls for oblivion's price
"I must be immortal"
Nocturnal stagnacy as I burn my candles
Sanity now dozes and waits for a day
Nightly mares in their real dimensions
No hope now...
Soon I will die...
No inferno but also no heavens
No god on his golden throne
Promised Eden turned into desert
Empty space and dead remains
18. Red Passage (live)
A dive up with head down
moth-winged Angel's shriek
excretion condensed
diginity disrespect
The Crown of Manhood
means nothing here
not for the sheep they pray
they bless the buther's knife
A chant of turbid light
sombre consolation
caryr me, oh Hydra Mother
to gods of festering wounds
The Crown of Manhood
means nothing here
not for the sheep they pray
they bless the buther's knife
A chant of turbid light
sombre consolation
carry me, of Hydra Mother
to gods of festering wounds
19. Black Sabbath (live)
What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I'm the chosen one
Oh nooooo!
Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desire
Satan's sitting there, he's smiling
Watches those flames get higher and higher
Oh no, no, please help me!
Is it the end my friend?
Satan's coming 'round the bend
People running 'cause they're scared
The people better go and beware!
No, no, please no!
20. Wings
There have never been gods and devils,
but there were people who were turned
into them by others and trapped in divine incarnations.
No act of spawning was my birth
There is no darkness after my dawn
I don't commander chthonian gods
That call for hatred, tears and pain
I just don't know why I have a pair of wings
You come to me and ask for help
You urge me to unleash my wrath
You cry and yell and bag and pray
You chant some words I don't understand
Is it 'cause I have a pair of wings?
The rites are drawn to celebrate
The fall that never happened
Over and over you kill the same god
Whose name I don't even know
Would you do the same
If I shed my pair of wings?