
"Wake Up in the Night of Walpurgis" (2005)
1. Intro : The Invocation of Crawling Chaos 2. The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Youngs 3. Blasphemous Cult from Yuggoth 4. Prophecy of Al-Azif 5. Esoteric Order of Dagon 6. Nyarlathotep 7. Azathoth Have Mercy ! 8. De Vermis Mysteriis 9. Reanimated from Beyond Spheres and Time
1. Intro : The Invocation of Crawling Chaos
2. The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Youngs
...Is the lord of the woods even to
And the gifts of the men of the leng
So from the well of night to
The gulf of space and from
The gulf of space to the wells of night
…Go out among men and find the way thereof
That he in the gulf may know
To Nyarlathotep, mighty messenger
Must all things be told
The Goat with a Thousand Young
The Goat with a Thousand Young
The Goat with a Thousand Young
Ia! Shub-Niggurath!
The Black Goat of the Woods
Nyarlathotep, great messenger
Bringer of strange joy
To Yuggoth through the void
Father of Million Favoured Ones
Stalker among!
The Goat with a Thousand Young
The Goat with a Thousand Young
3. Blasphemous Cult from Yuggoth
At the very rim of solar system
Flying Fungi, membraneos wings
Mighty Ones on Yuggoth
Great tiers of terraced towers
Built of black stone
Black rivers of pith flow
Under cyclopean bridges
Mighty cities on Yuggoth
Great tiers of terraced towers
Crustaceous bodies, crustaceous bodies
March inside this Earth!
Fungi from Yuggoth
Moonless night and a shokin smell
They talk with a buzzing voice
Covered with multitudes of verse
Short antennae instead head
Flying in space flying inside
The sun shines no bringer
In this strange Earth
The Fungi has come
Flying through the eternal ether
Dominate this Earth, exterminate this race!
4. Prophecy of Al-Azif
Nor is to be through
That man is either
The Oldest
Or the last of earths masters
Or that the common
Bulk of life and substance walks alone
The Old Ones were the Old Ones are
Not in the space we know
But between them
They walk serene and primal
Undimensioned and to us useen…
Yog-Sothoth knows the gate
Yog-Sothoth is the gate
Yog-Sothoth is the key
And the guardian of the gate
Past, present, future
All are one in Yog-Sothoth
Bulk of life and substance walks alone
They wait patient and potent
For here shall they reign again
5. Esoteric Order of Dagon
With oath of Dagon, We will never die!
Back to the Mother Hydra
And Father Dagon
In the Night of Walpurgis
Sacrifice to the deep Ones
In the Devil Reef
Bulging eyes that never close
And head of fish the deep Ones
Could never be destroyed
6. Nyarlathotep
And it was then that Nyarlathotep
Came out from Egypt
Who he was, none could tell
But he was of the old natives blood
And looked like
A Pharaon the fellahin knelt
When they saw him yet could not why say
He said he had
Risen up out of the blackness
Of twenty-seven centuries
And that he had heard messages
From places not on this planet
Of twenty-seven centuries
And that he had heard messages
Into the lands come Nyarlathotep
The great messenger
The have a thousand form
And where Nyarlathotep went
Rest vanished; for the small hours
Were rent with the screams
Of a nightmare
Nyarlathotep with a thousand form
7. Azathoth Have Mercy !
Lights still out must be five minutes now
Everything depends on lightning
Yaddith grant it will… Keep up!
Some influence
Seems beating through it
Rain and thunder and wind defend…
The thing is taking hold of my mind…
Trouble with memory
I see things I never knew before
Other worlds and others galaxies… Dark…
The lightning seems dark and the darkness
Seems light…
It cannot be the real hill and church
That I see in the pith-darkness
Must be retinal
Impression left by flashes, heaven grant
The Italians are
Out with their candles
If the lightning stops!
What am I afraid of?
The thing is taking hold of my mind…
Lights still out must be five minutes now
Everything depends on lightning
Yaddith grant it will… Keep up
Some influence seems beating through it
Rain and thunder and wind defend…
8. De Vermis Mysteriis
Tibi, Magnum Innominandum
Signa stellarum nigrarum
Et bufaniformis Sadoquae SIGILLUM...
I have seen the dark universe
Yawning where the dark planets roll
Without I am
Where they roll in their horror unheeded
Without knowledge or luster or name
Tibi, Magnum Innominandum
Signa stellarum nigrarum
Et bufaniformis Sadoquae Sigillum...
9. Reanimated from Beyond Spheres and Time
As Boreallus said, a philosopher may,
With essential saltes of human dust,
Call up shape of any dead
Ancestour from dust
Where into his bodie has been incinerated
Without any criminal necromancy
And of the seed of old shall one be
Born who shall look back
One shall be in years to come that
Shall look back and use what saltes
The III salme in the Liber-Damnatus
Hold the clavicle
Sun in V house, Saturne in trine
Drawn the pentagram of fire
And say the ninth thrice
To him who shall come after