
"Infamous Revelations" (2002)
1. Beloved Darkness 2. Final Chapter 3. Angel del Abismo 4. Empty 5. The Storm's About to Break (or It Already Has) 6. La Ultima Brisa del Verano 7. Born to Darkness II 8. Un Lugar Solitario Para Morir 9. Dead Heaven's Lord 10. The River of Melancholy 11. The Kiss of Fire 12. An Infamous Revelation in Two Parts 13. Beloved Darkness (Reprise)
1. Beloved Darkness
2. Final Chapter
Days are pregnant with penance and pregnant with fire
And blood shall run like wine, Agony eternal
As the turn of the millennium Shows the ravages of time
Preying of the offspring Of this wretched ill mankind
Hunger, Death, Plague & War Are all emancipated
Striking every lineage No one spared no more
With reason ages lost And harmony frustrated
The gates of hell on earth Are open wide claiming their own
One look at the sky is enough The burning blood red sky
To realize your worst Nightmare has come true
The scarlet whore in league With the rulers of the world
Cast it's last spell pushing All of them to war
Wake up child and feel the pain For your nightmare shall remain
The unfolded truth , the vision Rooted deep in your soul
Face the heat and hail the fire That turns you into this pyre
That bright cloud of radiation Enveloping you
Hombre de oriente contra hombre de occidente
Luchando en una guerra sin cuartel
La paz se quiebra sobre el mundo decadente
Un nuevo orden esta por nacer
El reloj se detiene es el tiempo señalado
Hay guerra bajo el cielo carmesí
La luna sangra, el sol apagado
El cielo caerá sobre ti.
3. Angel del Abismo
A las puertas de infierno
Te preguntas por que estas aquí
Despreciado por el cielo y su bondad
En la noche sin final
Con soberbia caes del cielo
La promesa de un nuevo jardín
Se te escurre entre los dedos se te va
Y se burlara de ti
En el abismo caerás
El suelo se abre bajo tus pies
La batalla perderás
A los ojos de la noche
Vislumbrando la esperanza
En un mar de neblina
El fuego te ha abrazado
Príncipe del mal
Y estas aquí desvaneciéndote
En lava y fuego por la negra eternidad
La burla de una fe insignificante
Rayando en tibia vanidad
Seducido por la noche
aun te encuentras desnudo ante tu dios
tumbado ante tu orgullo llorarás
Nunca te abriste a ti mismo
Un buen camino
Vivir en la muerte es ahora tu destino
Realidad oscura decadente
Merodeando solo como el viento
4. Empty
A silent scream tries to reach out Through this dry throat
For this body is dead alive
Echoing in rusty ribs , only dust and bones
Muted by time cause I am empty
Filled only with the pain inflicted By your cold back
And frozen thorns of moonlight
In the cruel domain of a forsaken heart
My cries are empty.
Every night is the night that I lost you
And all days seem like the day you let me die
and only twilight opened its cold arms to me
from your thousand faces it healed my sight
but yet I dreamt of you again
the wrong flower no for me
good love gone bad
and rotten as an apple from the inside
and cold are the shadows I inhabit
as cutting ice cold breeze
and so full of pain
for the shine of your smile doesn't shine on me
And I wait! / Waiting for you
And I die! / Dying for you
For I find no point in living
I find no point in living
And I wait! / Waiting for you
And I die! / Dying for you
Yet I live / and stay empty
Then you finally look at me
With those fiery glowing eyes
Of your maidenhood
eager to be broken
And I could sink my pain
In all the flowers in this world
But still I would not have you
So I'll stay empty
5. The Storm's About to Break (or It Already Has)
6. La Ultima Brisa del Verano
Y siento el frío abrazo de la muerte
Desnudo ante tu beldad cadavérica
Y mis sueños mas húmedos emergen
Teñidos de tu lápiz labial negro
Y tus garras amorosas desgarran mi piel
Buscando palpar mi corazón inerte
Tus bellas alas negras abanican mi rostro
Y mi alma se desliza de mi cuerpo al verte
Silenciosa como siempre reclamas mi sueño
Y el fuego de tus ojos ilumina la noche
Tu sudor y tus gemidos bañan mi cordura
Mi sangre y tu dulzura esclavos de la muerte
Las lluvias de Agosto te reciben en mi lecho
Y oscuros nubarrones rozan tus caderas
El fuego de tu vientre oculto entre tus piernas
Me hechiza y me seduce
Me libra de mis penas
Ella empieza a andar
Y viene a mí en todo su esplendor
Entre sus brazos doy la espalda a mi dolor
Y mi agonía termina en ella
El sudor frío y tus besos recorren mi espalda
Y mi sangre y mis lágrimas heladas por tu aliento
Tus gélidos labios me arrancan la vida
Y juntos cruzamos el ultimo umbral
Ven amor acompáñame a sentir
La ultima brisa del verano
Ven amor acompáñame a vivir
La ultima brisa del verano
7. Born to Darkness II
Fue Cuando Empecé a Soñar,
Que la Oscuridad me Llenó.
Fue Buscando A Dios Que La Encontré
Y Yo fui en Ella, Y Ella, en Nosotros.
Es Así Como me Guía.
Ella me Sueña, y por Eso Vivo.
Y Cuando Duermo,
me Invita a Vivir Con Ella.
Pero Luego, Amanece,
Y Se Resguarda en Mi.
Y Es Esa Oscuridad Interior.
La que me Protege, de La Luz...
8. Un Lugar Solitario Para Morir
Mi alma busca un lugar amplio y solitario
cubierto de estéril arena y los esqueletos de sueños no cumplidos .
Y solo la luna y su plateado resplandor verán mi orgullo quebrantado
El pasto se alimentara de mis entrañas y bichos rastreros mis cuencas
Eternos son mis días y frías mis noches
Cadenas oxidadas de amargura atan mis pesados pies de plomo a ti
Así que busco un lugar amplio y solitario en donde sembrar la miseria
que oprime mi negro corazón
Y el gélido viento será mi testigo y el calor de tu aliento reclama
mi desgracia para ti
Y las olas espumantes pulirán mis huesos del ultimo recuerdo de tu amor...
9. Dead Heaven's Lord
In Twilight tragedies bewitched
Love expanded itself from thy doom
Disrupted passion that enables your heart
To calm the heat of your soul deep inside
Inmortal feelings adored, the wisdom of the grave
And all the love of your dry heart, so rotten
That you carry stitched to your chest
And attached to your soul, To your very soul
Darkened places to dig and to tear
Orgasmic devotions, agony to share
No pleasures from earth, no refuse from the dead
The pulse of the worm, surrounding your flesh
The sweetness of the stench, the fluids, the dirt
Caressing your sanity, from deep in your brain
Skillful fingers that search in the dark
For the tight and cold abyss to ritually cross
No pleas, no cries, no moans in the ground
From that tenant who inherited a dead heaven's land
(Which is now full of flies)
Sorrowful prayers of the mourners
The misty air that circles your breath
The Stiffness that's surrounding
Believers in waiting in your temple of sex
Your time is out, your body is dead and all your lust
Is a dark gift that in decay belongs to me
So let my love be your epitaph
Forget the lies the choir sang tonight
Skillful Fingers that search in the dark
Like an Incubus prowling you hunt in the night
Silent graveyard mute witness of love
Cause the cries of the dead are as silent as God
(And just as cold)
Numbed sight of an Angel in disguise of Death
Caged heat in a coffin of putrid velvet
The deceitful caress of your impaled beloved
Are the forthcoming sings of your life's last spasm
10. The River of Melancholy
For the river of melancholy
Never stops its raging waters
only to never reach the sea
trying to carve an angel out of dirt
and the sad clock
always on its way
will drag every wretched second on my soul
so how does it fill
to stand there and stare
in to the complete darkness
only to see your self
standing there
standing back...
11. The Kiss of Fire
I know, my only friend
I know you´re eager to lay me to sleep
With a hot kiss to my brow
We´ve gone so log together
You and I
Walking hand in hand
Casting aside and down
All who opposed us
All those miles, those days ago
We´ve been like one
As now we stand, cornered at the end
Man-made machine
Or machine-made man
I wonder who´s to tell
Haunted by untimely love
On the run together
Under rainy weather
Or dry throats filled with dust
There´s no way out, no turning back
Tormented life, the highway ends here
They have far more fire in their hands than me
They also have those turning lights
Driving me mad
But they don´t have the guts
No, babe, they don´t have
The strong heart
They don´t have you, pretty girl
With your ivory hips
And your kisses of fire
Finally, you must take care of me
As only you know, lay me to sleep
The bloody wedding of lead and flesh
In a blazing embrace
That hurts to the bone.
12. An Infamous Revelation in Two Parts
The we stood and watched this world demise
Impassive, eternal
We stomped and walked over dead hordes
That didn´t stand the fight
The talking monkeys dared us
Unaware of their own mortality
And unmindful pride
Down the path of hell on earth
Under a crimson sky
Unholy mass in hatred
Hate their own lives
Unworthy of the air they breathe
The land they step on
And they´ve befouled
Then towards their doom they proudly marched
Fighting against odds
Army of unbelievers
Hate their own lives
Flowing from their grail of tears and lies
A mothers grief, an unborn´s cry
While heathens fell and died
Reversal of divinity
Seeds laid on sterile ground
Sali the seas of lust and madness
Love nowhere to be found
Subversion of intelligence
We raise the sword of genocide
Arise, realize
the blindfold in your eyes
The scars bled from the achings of the feeble
Into our mighty sacred pain
The agony domain
The blood of the martyrs
That was spilled to redeem our sins
Is now lying on soiled ground
Upon a maggot infested casket
The scars bled from the pumping of the nails
Into the holy hands and feet
The agony domained
Can´t stop the pain
Of becoming god
Of becoming sand
Father, god why have you forsaken me
The Nazarene was crying out loud
When the agony domained
He couldn´t stand the pain
To die like a man
And when the clouded sky sight
Began to fade
Father forgive them
They don´t know what they´ve done
And as darkness finally engulfes us with joy
In your hands I lay
My spirit to rest
13. Beloved Darkness (Reprise)