
"Sounds of Pain" (2005)
1. Lost 2. Surrendered to the Decadence 3. Eternal Beauty of the Trees 4. Sounds of Pain... 5. Niche 6. Depresión 7. La Vaga Esperanza de Ser 8. Uaral
1. Lost
2. Surrendered to the Decadence
3. Eternal Beauty of the Trees
The pretended smile of the lewdness that he lives on me,
no longer in case alone he makes alike
upon never to smile of the trees...
Dawn: he falls to your feet a tear out of every star...
The night: he falls to your feet the unhappiness and the no love...
The great problem to breathe,
he is to want the impossible,
making possible only
another sigh that he propagates you to lashes the pain
4. Sounds of Pain...
The oversight forgets, as the leaves upon trunk.
The rain humidifies I have a meal when I cry dead calm.
Home: I give melancholy.
Room: of alloyed grief.
Tender the silence airs soft shouts and whines.
The footprints blanket ignores to feel,
alive with the sounds of the pain,
I die to want to live.
Solitude you insert yourself insane you rain me in the eyes,
you open me the veins and I bleed internal. Another time…
Home: I give melancholy.
Room: of alloyed grief.
5. Niche
Kissing the Mountain range,
the prairies daughter
of the Buitreras and Guaiquillo.
The drains veins of the orchards on the
cultivated field were opened.
Wide quiet dying earth the seeds of Uaral
germinated from you entrains,
poised like leaves by the yolks of the branches.
Ironic beautiful land resigned,
You hare inherited me your more intimate song.
I am firewood of you,
A living torture,
I am mist among the Poplars.
Side never slope never drink
6. Depresión
La antigua calma que inunda mi rostro,
me ha dejado postrado bajo la lluvia…
Negándome a las sonrisas del sol,
en soledad hasta saciar,
charcos de cristal adornaron las raíces de la tristeza…
Que tal vez hoy escriben por mí…
7. La Vaga Esperanza de Ser
8. Uaral