
"Demo" (2004 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Mitt Hat 3. Worship This 4. Remembrance 5. Purgatory Eternal
1. Intro
2. Mitt Hat
luft som stinker av lögner fyller mina lungor
det är i bedragarnas fristad
sagostunder vars enda syfte är
att depravera, förvrida, manipulera
de är män i klänningar
alkoholister och pedofiler
känn min avsky och mitt hat
lögnare och clowner
vi skrattar er i ansiktet
bespara oss ert stinkande prat
i mitt ursinne greppar jag denna vedervärdiga man
som med sitt hyckleri förvrider folks sinnen
jag skär av hans strupe med en kniv
och med ett leende ser hur hans liv dör ut
i sin sista stund sträcker han ut sin hand
efter det kollekt som han girigt fått ihop
med psykotisk styrka håller han dem i sin barm
man får bända loss dem efter hans död
de är jordens plåga
förtryckare och konservativa
känn min avsky och mitt hat
lögnare och clowner
vi skrattar er i ansiktet
bespara oss ert stinkande prat
i hopp om bättre tider vänder jag mig om
bort från den dödes bloddrypande kropp
men vägen är fortfarande lång
till min efterlängtade perfektion
3. Worship This
our fellow kindred will unite against the light
marching with bestial force shedding religious blood
with determination and lust we wage unholy war
this is the time of reckoning, the doomish night
i touch your pale skin
decapitated limbs
Worship This
i look upon your frantic face
the shredded skin
Worship This
enchantment prevails among the legions
disciples of the horned lord, chant with me
unleash the dark souls which has been given you
showing no regret, no remorse
i touch your pale skin
decapitated limbs
Worship This
i look upon your frantic face
the shredded skin
Worship This
we condemn you, bringers of light
we'll slaughter your army at once
children will serve only as our wood
and the wives burnt with our brand
like an insect wrath is tunneling through my brain
i can't stand it - leave me with my victory
caress your rotten bones, there is nothing left
looking upon fields of death, i feel no grief
i touch your pale skin
decapitated limbs
Worship This
i look upon your frantic face
the shredded skin
Worship This
4. Remembrance
Ripped away from life, falling beneath the earth
The bane listens not to the mortals cries
Stretch out your arms, still there is no hope
His routine wont be disturbed
Taking the lives of the innocent
his ways cannot be figured
The cloaked reaper takes
whatever he desires
My sight is gray, my tired mind is numb
The mourning wont ever stop
Anger takes control
The Justice's just a mere illusion
If there was a god, he would not have killed her
If there was a god, it would have been different
Open your eyes, we're alone
God is dead, and so is she
The refusal to believe gets weaker
It is true, she's not here anymore
The pain is undescribable
I wont ever understand - death
-To my aunt Mona-Li, 26, R.I.P. 12032004-
5. Purgatory Eternal
Still waking up, am i still alive
Wondering how much more there is left
Slowly turning into a ghost,
desolate and oblivious,
colder and weaker
What is there to give or take
except for despair and pain
Disgruntled i walk the wheel of life
with myself as my only companion
A sudden thrust in middle of rest
Like a shower of knives
And as it pierces my very soul
the dream and sight fades away
I should be curious or frightened
but i am only glad
Releived over the end of the misery
that life has given me
But as i float away into nothingness
i feel a steel grip taking me
with the speed of light, down
deep into the Hellish domains
For what i did and did not
for eternity i shall burn
in the purgatory i made