
"Surreal Incisions from the Subconscious Eyrie of Perdition" (1999)
1. Behind the Veil 2. Spheres of Spectral Light 3. The Seventh Gate of Dreaming
1. Behind the Veil
2. Spheres of Spectral Light
As I prepare for the transgression into the infinite vastness of the unknown I feel an icy chill sweep over my supine and dreaming form. The fear of becoming lost forever in the void's imensity grips my vulnerable soul with true mortal terror. By the the pale light of the waxing moon I am bathed in ancient luminous rays, that cast their eerie glow upon the portal of utter blackness, which has materialised before my minds eye and now hangs suspended in the freezing night air enshrouded in deep emerald mist. I seek this night to pass beyond the boundries of reality to experience the ineffable amid forgotten dimensions of the invisible realm. And now, I feel the subtle internal shifting of my spirit as it disconnects itself from the prison of the flesh and gasp in silent awe at the sensation of euphoric ecstasy it induces. My flight into the inconceivable has begun.
PART I- The Ascension
Surreal incisions scythe their warped psychotic path deep within my mind in the dream that is not a dream, tearing through the fabric of my cocoon of mortal ignorance tightly spun since birth I knew more intrauterine, than amid this cosmic womb and now I feel myself slipping away into a vast luminous morass of chaotic nightmare where dreams and reality merge with thought in a seething maelstrom of utter insanity that reigns supreme in constant flux. Watching from outside, pernicious malignant minds Internally I writhe, pierced by inner light in this insane realm no-one hears my screams, awaken me Watching from outside, pernicious malignant minds. Watching from inside, ancient reptilian eyes Coverting my human spirit, concupiscent in its ambition to posses my consiousness, my fears it's nourishment Rapacious primal entity, utterly despising me In constant terror of their presence, silently I pray for the dawn Awaken in synastetic madness, thoughts are a tangible substance Expanding and contracting in relation to vibration of emotion Impossible to fathom languishing in detatched observation This is my purgatory spiritual ruin so surreal, indecipherable Waiting to be fixed into position, my perception How can I then function in normal awareness, knowing its all an illusion Time has ceased to be, I am undone upon awakening This enlightenment is a nightmare without end Exquisite suffering increasing exponentially Unendureable yet still I breathe Can you feel their presence haunt you, succubi descend Watching in the darkness they seek you in their dreams There is no defence against them, once awarness pierces the veil of ignorance
PART II- Forgotten dimensions of the invisible realm
As I transcend, this realm of earth and flesh They reach within, into my untapped depths delve I cannot awaken from this metaphysical plane Where human reason becomes meaningless There is no escape, they take you in your dreams Across gulfs of time, at the mercy of the unseen When I return, I feel my conciousness has expanded I feel your mind impinging upon mine Yet you deny, this existence I know you hear, I know you hear my thoughts Wake up you fools, the time has come To acknowledge your mind's, telepathic awareness Internally I writhe, pierced by Inner Light In this insane realm no one hears my screams Awaken me Watching from outside, pernicious malignent mind Paroxysms of rippling perastaltic agony Coursing through every fibre of my being Glowing spheres of luminous spectral light envelope me Dark energy pulsating hypnotically Merging with this surreal infinity Soaring in the dream that is not a dream Have I crossed over, or succumbed to true insanity?
3. The Seventh Gate of Dreaming