
"Reincremated" (1990 Demo)
1. Human Waste 2. Involuntary Slaughter 3. Reincremation
1. Human Waste
Death corrodes all hope meant for the mindless ones.
Crippled by the treachery imbedded by me.
Lead into the caverns of the evil ones.
Bleeding through that echos your screams.
Sink into my pits of hate.
Ashes of the dead recremate.
God has turned his back on you, we leave no human waste.
Summon now my wings of hate suffocate.
Christened by hate, face now crippled by emotions.
Abandonment of your god has caused insanity.
Unstable minds snap as you begin to rip yourself apart.
Nailed to the bones that once structured your dear family.
The crucifiers march to begin the closing of the sky.
Left in a void that is to be, left here to die in this world.
Now is a game, to be dead the restitution.
2. Involuntary Slaughter
Nocturnal demon of hate
Searching for his next prey
Predator with no remorse
Cannibalistic killing machine
Attacking with demise, something to realize
Stripped of your life, you'll see, that it's too late
To save your fate, trembling of what's to come
He'll testify, then crucify, as you die in vain
Eyes torn from their sockets
Talons piercing the flesh
Epidermic layers torn from my chest
Fear logged in your larynx
Screams of torment trapped inside
As you are left, left to die
Bodies lie on the ground
Victims of his killing spree
Left here to die, to signify his wrath of abolishment
Corpses that lie, intensify the way that you die
Rotting flesh prevails, blood begins to hail from the sky above
Masses of remains left here to lay before his alter
3. Reincremation
Cremate the human race
The population has been reduced
A world condemned to horrid death
And the blood of others heeds their savior
An artificial homocide
The strong and feeble, all will die
Nothing left to say
Warmongers have to pay
Bodies rise up from the ground
Twice as twisted as before
Turning the life that we know how
To the one with knowledge but no laws
Legal butchery will destroy this so called structure
We want the ones with life
Let's begin the mass cremation
Genetic bonds are broken
Flesh ripped and torn
Look what's become of you
Will you ever meet your maker?
No, you'll suffer wil demise
To the ones with knowledge
Primitive actions will suffice
Tied down to the altar, we begin the sacrifice
Rancid death completes self-immolation
Your organs re-designed
Your brain's been under siege since you died
False life has taken over