
"Massive Genocide , Collective Suicide... Hurting Katharsis" (2003)
1. Massive genocide, collective suicide... hurting katharsis 2. The genisis' eye 3. Burn with me 4. Heathen roots 5. Old summoners anouncement 6. Bottomless 7. Weird mournersstaring at me 8. Omitted regrets 9. Okjark 10. Ipar haize hotz zuriak 11. A view at the Edge
1. Massive genocide, collective suicide... hurting katharsis
2. The genisis' eye
3. Burn with me
4. Heathen roots
5. Old summoners anouncement
6. Bottomless
How many times I've been a desperate prisoner
Inside the gloomy walls of my tortured mind
Seeing the pale flame of a blessed dawn
My only reward for my coward character
How many times the depressed and watching moon
Has been the sole and so distant witness
Of my continous nonsense and degeneration
Expecting my fall that will be soon
Flowing all around unconsciously
Me the victim of an accepted rapture
That makes this long and hurting yearning
A new and deeper kind of estrangement
I have noticed the weeping loneliness
And the displeased sensation of slumber
Grieving me so violent and perfidiously
Flowing all around unconsciously
I am asleep and stoned in this free fall
Another place appears now below
But won't be my definitive destiny
I know there are a distant and lower sites
Here in the large depths of emptiness
I wear the dress of the agonic sorrow
I walk with the disqueting sensation
Of my certain descend bottomless
Awaiting quiet my forthcoming entrance
To offer me a displeasent new home
Where I will exist dismissed and viciously
7. Weird mournersstaring at me
8. Omitted regrets
I have so many images in my brain
Always with me, always there
Although I wanted to left them all
They finally became my own blame
Can't anybody what I saw
Can't share what I lived
Can't show what I thought
Can't bear what my mind caught
As long as I keep the hurting silence
The sorrow lies with my soul
As long as I lockup my memories
They turn into my omitted regrets
The walls of my mind painted
With images that nobody sees
And in the deepest part of my mind
The painful reminds standing there
As I notice thet I am dammaged
By these pai, continous memories
As I notice It's own punishment
They turn into my omitted regrets
9. Okjark
The enthusiastic crowd
Joined and marching
With the same ideal,
The same conviction
They proclaim their denied and
Expected freedom
Fight the unjust and
Neverending opression
Maybe we aren't able
To rememember them
Maybe we have forgotten
Their common ideal
Blinded like we are
Thinking that we don't suffer
The same trial
Enslaved, punished,
Starving, hopeless
For us the violence
Is only gateway
At least a chance to be
The owners of ourselves
Released and furious
Now today is our day
Following truly, faithfully
An illusory ideal
Beeeing free, beeing brothers
Sharing our lifes
Manifesting our power
Showing this evanesvent way to the others
Our aim was Okjarb, the equality, the justice
Against the wealthy and cruel people
Our fault not to follow it to the end
10. Ipar haize hotz zuriak
Ipar haize hotz zriak
Garbitzen gaitu eta indartzen guan,
E guzkialdeko haize lehor horiak dakarki gun ar gia
Ulertzeko gai izan gaitezen udaberrian,
He go haize bero gorriak damaigun bizia
Zorion bertokoa dakigun udan
Itzalaldeko haize heze urdinak bere euriz
Eta garaziaz ernaldurik udazkenean
hau haizeon erdian zutik
hau haizeok lau aldeetatik astindurik
Haz gauite zenbeheko lurretik
Goiko izarrez goiti
Hazi bereteki azaleko larrutik
Barruko bihotzeraino
Gizon handia da mundua
Eta mundua txikia, gizona
Mundua gizonarentzat egina da
Baina ez gizona munduarentazat
Gizonaren bihotzak ezinon hsierarik
Inon et bukaerarik
Ez du aski lurrik lurrean
Ez aski terurik teruetan
11. A view at the Edge