
"Raw Meat Experience" (2003)
1. Dinner For One 2. Self Hatred Call 3. At Enmity With This World 4. Demons 5. One Behind You 6. Raw Meat Experience 7. Buried Alive 8. Ceremonial War 9. Civilized 10. I Hate My Cunt 11. The Extraordinary Unexciting Adventures of Mr. Schischinski 12. Neurotic (live) 13. Necromantic (live)
1. Dinner For One
2. Self Hatred Call
Sadistic JoyBuns Through Your VeinsBut In Your EyesThe Pain RemainsMy Order IsGo On And Killtake The ChainsawEnjoy The ThrillMy Evil VoiceInside Your MindYour Hands They HearAnd Follow BlindPure InsanityTrue NightmareDissected CorpsesEverywhereTrapped In YourselfDespaired SoulVoilent MurderI Have ControlYour Outrage GuidedBy My hateTo Be My SlaveThis Is Your FateMy Evil VoiceInside Your MindYour Hands They HearAnd Follow BlindMy Order IsGo On And KillTake The ChainsawEnjoy The ThrillDepression PainSelf Hatred CallIn BloodrageAgainst Your selfYou FallDismemberingYour BodyGuided By My HateTo Die For My FunNow Is Your FatePure InsanityTrue NightmareDissected CorpsesEverywhere
3. At Enmity With This World
Look At This WorldIt Is DyingHumanityDestroys ItselfBombing ShootingFighting LieingWar For MoneyIs The GameAt EnmityWith The SysthemHatred At The WorldTryo To Run AwayFrom ThisBut There Is No EscaoeNo EscapeDrenched In BloodThe People CryingDrenched In Bloodtheir Leaders HandsThe OneIn Cold Massgraves LieingThe OthersGet A MonumentThe Last Days Have Come Now All Life Is GoneThe Last DaysHave Come NowAll Life Is GoneThe Final SalvationThe Forming Of A NewCreation
4. Demons
We Bring FearAnd DesperationSee The ShadowsOf DegenerationFear the PresenceOf Pure AggressionOur TrailIs AnnihilationWith Angels TonguesCapture Your SoulYou Don't PerceiveOur Darksome HateYou Do BeliveAll Of Our LiesAnd I'm AfraidYou'll Have To DieJust Like The Darken SkyDemonsWe're Becoming Up AriseDemonsWe See The FearDemonsIn Your EyesAARRRGHHHThe Only thingIs Your InstinctThat Tells YouTo BewareJust Like The Darken SkyDemonsWe're Becoming Up AriseDemonsWe See The FearDemonsIn Your EyesWe Bring FearAnd DesperationSee The ShadowsOf DegenerationFear the PresenceOf Pure AggressionOur TrailIs AnnihilationAHRRGGHHBLHARRGHHWe Hate You AllYEAHRGH
5. One Behind You
Feel The GazeOn Your NeckFeel The BladeRunning Up Your BackDon't You MoveTurn AroundDon't You RunDon't You Make A SoundNo Escape From My LifeReality Takes Me DownNo Escape From My LifeReality Takes Me AwayReality Takes Me KnifeReality Takes Me DownNo Escape From My KnifeReality Takes Me AwayLife Could Mean A KnifeIn The Bloody FistOf The One Behind You
6. Raw Meat Experience
7. Buried Alive
8. Ceremonial War
9. Civilized
10. I Hate My Cunt
11. The Extraordinary Unexciting Adventures of Mr. Schischinski
12. Neurotic (live)
13. Necromantic (live)