
"Nothing and Death" (2002)
1. Capitalist Perversion 2. R.I.P. Mankind 3. Sickly Dogmas 4. The Earth's Dance 5. Massive Infection 6. Evil Ution 7. Legal Atrocity 8. Save.Our.Souls
1. Capitalist Perversion
creatures addicted to might their insane will practicing the
crowd's despair
masturbate yourself watching the others pain!?
perfume yourself with the others blood!?
coward cleric protected by his submissive dog's army that kills those
who have no more strength to fight
billions appart of their justice!!
billions appart of their truth!!
2. R.I.P. Mankind
living in a world of a real hipocrisy
surviving in a world of a false democracy
looking at a time bomb of the human race apocalypse - we will explode!!
self-destructive mechanism bringing failure to an end!
we are the people of demographic explosion
we are the people of death promotion
sowing cataclysms to the future
as the primitive societies we will disappear!
3. Sickly Dogmas
sickly dogmas have been used as justice oder
condemn mankind to the bloddy banket of exploitation
slavery flag colonizes misery and despair realizing on earth the terror
in the name of progress
cathechizing under brutality order your cristened with blood all those
whose freedom you couldn't tolerate
imprerial savagery!!
4. The Earth's Dance
passive war against the brutal true reality is leading the mankind to
the next holocaust!
under evolution's propaganda prostitutes of technology rapes the earth
with insane tests!
justice is like a weak body needing cure!!
there is no god salvation that will save us from ( the ) earth's dance
of vengeance!
silence will come and in a fear mankind will feel alone
5. Massive Infection
false speech of prosperity
diffusion of misery
fake emotion for the helpless
humiliation of dignity!
philosophies of war
suffocating the reaction
obssession for a fallen power
evolution of nothing!!
sterile need exportation
globalizing the chaos!
modern perversion spreading
ilusion and freakness
genocide of the natural beings
procriation of death
6. Evil Ution
the massacre has been watched by all..
progress of a curious indiference turns reality a macabre fantasy
as a trophy brutality is raised to the top
the people have been slaughtered by the shadows tha are on command
self-appointed leades are slaves of dangerous forces!
the attempt of peace was done but
the pacts have destroyed them
no chances to return - nothing will stop the chains of reaction!!
there is fight on each cell!
billions desperate screaming in one voice!!
7. Legal Atrocity
huge excluded mass supporting the small freak specie that claims their
false superiority
despotic monarchy bleeding their purulent influence turning
indigestible lies into rules
guides of despair reduce existence reason to this blind capitalist
and billions die without the chance of being born - insane pride for
human suffering!!
8. Save.Our.Souls