
"Die Essenz" (1994 EP)
1. Untapped Horizons 2. In Earth (The Spirit of Nature) 3. Star Chamber 4. Fruit of The Doom
1. Untapped Horizons
Rhymes of forgotten times, rhymes that belong to the realm of fantasy will show us the way. Use the power of space itself and banish the litany of hate. And a land will rise to your view, to reflect your untapped horizons.
Rise up, the seed's reborn, could you belive, can you believe? Poetry of bloody thorns, ancient times, ritual rhymes. Deep secrets of inner life, the presence of mind, the essence behind. The masterkey to open eyes, surreal parts, genuine parts.
I am your mind illusion, I'm the other part. The broken images symbolize the start. The times of retribution are over, never again. Search fo your inner man.
Verstärkter Lebensdrang, unaufhaltsam zehrt der Bann. Durch reine Geisteskraft entwichen aus dem Seelenschacht. Vor Zeiten Elegie mutiert zur Lebenssymphonie. Für ewig eingraviert als rares Privileg symbolisiert.
Was einst nur Traum, vielleicht nie wahrgenommen, was tief da schlief verborgen, doch bereit. Was einst nur Traum gebärdend sich zusehens als gut gesonnen, Augenblicke grau verbucht in der Vergangenheit.
I remember yesterday, the moments of my vanity, but I myself am future dreams, the days belong to eternity... In Harmonie.
Rhymes of forgotten times, rhymes that belong to the realm of fantasy will show us the way... Remember.
2. In Earth (The Spirit of Nature)
Voll Reue sehnt der Greise sich den Duft des Lebens missend. Die Tore jung in jener Zeit verstanden sich allwissend. Nun fröhnen sie der Agonie der Lebensweisheit satt. Was einst geschah nun fruchtet sie die ignorante Saat.
One day in exile and I'd die for you prophecies of a dying world - In Earth
Den Augen stehen Verblendungen dem Frevel ward gesühnt. Memorien das letzte Gut auf Widerstand bemüht. Der Dauerzustand Apathie nimmt Einzug und entleert. Das traurigste Werk welch Ironie, Memorien an In Earth.
3. Star Chamber
I remember a legend a legacy from the past. Now I'm standing in the ruins and ask myself is this the end. Bless my soul I know who's to blame the answer is found, written in a candle's flame. The many voices are indistinct and the pictures are blurred. Bless my soul I know who's to blame the answer is found, written in a candle's flame.
Dismiss you inhibions forget what they taught. Take the future in your hand and cross the opaque fog.
And I believe in the times of fortune and the times of peace. And I believe in the age of happiness where no one knows any grief.
Shadows surround me the journey starts. The unknown power sucks me into the dark. The almighty goddess of the past awaits. Look forward to all eternity feel the glow of immortality. The lord of revelation shall awake.
4. Fruit of The Doom