
"Metalowa Husarya (The Last Hussars of Metal)" (2004 EP)
1. Metalowa Husarya (The Last Hussars of Metal) 2. Heavy Metal Riders 3. Revenger 4. Warrior's Heart 5. Ogien Zniszczenia (Flame of Destruction)
1. Metalowa Husarya (The Last Hussars of Metal)
music: Sorcerer
lyrics: Kel`Thuz
ZWR 1:
Bogowie, co dali�cie nam Sekret Stalowej Potêgi
Serca waszych wojowników Dum¹ s¹ wype³nione
Honor Pó³nocy to nasza �wiêta Wiara
A dni pod³ych zdrajców dawno ju¿ policzone!
Wype³nia siê Przeznaczenie
Nasze rumaki w bitwê rw¹
Z³o zmia¿d¿y M³ota Uderzenie
Impet ataku razi niczym Grom
Galopem pêdzi w bitwê Metalowa Husaria
By na swych kopiach roznie�æ wra¿e t³umy sk³êbione
Na drodze ku Zwyciêstwu ostaæ siê wróg nie mo¿e
Pluskwy o s³abych sercach zostan¹ wnet zmia¿d¿one
ZWR 2:
Hordy plugawych bestii padaj¹ pod toporami
Odciête ich p³askie g³owy poj¹ Ziemiê krwi strumieniem
To zemsta jest okrutna za haniebn¹ �mieræ naszych Braci
Dzi� wype³nimy wrogów serca strachem i cierpieniem!
Wype³nia siê Przeznaczenie
Nasze rumaki w bitwê rw¹
Z³o zmia¿d¿y M³ota Uderzenie
Impet ataku razi niczym Grom
Galopem pêdzi w bitwê Metalowa Husaria
By na swych kopiach roznie�æ wra¿e t³umy sk³êbione
Na drodze ku Zwyciêstwu ostaæ siê wróg nie mo¿e
Pluskwy o s³abych sercach zostan¹ wnet zmia¿d¿one
[lead: Michal]
[solo: Repulsor]
[lead: Michal & Repulsor]
Wype³nia siê Przeznaczenie
Nasze rumaki w bitwê rw¹
Z³o zmia¿d¿y M³ota Uderzenie
Impet ataku razi niczym Grom
Galopem pêdzi w bitwê Metalowa Husaria
By na swych kopiach roznie�æ wra¿e t³umy sk³êbione
Na drodze ku Zwyciêstwu ostaæ siê wróg nie mo¿e
Pluskwy o s³abych sercach zostan¹ wnet zmia¿d¿one
2. Heavy Metal Riders
music: M. Strzelecki & Sorcerer
lyrics: Kel`Thuz & M. Strzelecki
Every day is like a battle
With the people who got weakness in their hearts
Every day they sell themselves
The losers and the liars
All their pride has gone away
They will crash like glass
When we strike �em once again
Will of Power has fulfilled us all
Time of our fight has just begun
Here We all believe in Heavy Metal
It is our religion and the goal to fight
Don�t believe the words that Metal died
Cos we�ve got the Power and the Might
Raise the hammer of Thor ! Hear the losers cry !
Heavy Metal Riders rule the night !
I recognize only tradition
I refute all decadent trends
Sign of the Hammer�s gleaming on my shield
I�m the knight of my land
Many posers I have slain
And I really felt what taste's the Victory !
Will of Power has fulfilled us all
Time of our fight has just begun
Here We all believe in Heavy Metal
It is our religion and the goal to fight
Don�t believe the words that Metal died
Cos we�ve got the power and the might
Raise the hammer of Thor ! Hear the losers cry !
Heavy Metal Riders rule the night !
[solo: Michal]
[solo: Repulsor]
Will of Power has fulfilled us all
Time of our fight has just begun
Here We all believe in Heavy Metal
It is our religion and the goal to fight
Don�t believe the words that Metal died
Cos we�ve got the power and the might
Raise the hammer of Thor ! Hear the losers cry !
Heavy Metal Riders rule the night !
3. Revenger
lyrics: Kel`Thuz
music: Kel`Thuz, Repulsor & Sorcerer
I've been roaming woods and hills of my dearest Land - Iron Land!
Where the spirits of the dead, mighty warriors sleep - they guide my hand
Seeing all that evil, which now has found its home - in our homes!
I've felt something must be done to reverse this trend - crack its bones!
[lead - Repulsor]
From the Sky mighty Thunder has shown
All its Power which our souls possess
Boiling Blood and the urge to strike
The commandment to fight the damned!
These were words of highest Truth, ones I always knew - from my Blood!
Strenght and Honour of the Steel, they're eternally True - Warrior's Heart!
Now we're marching with the Horde, leather, chains and spikes - Lightning strikes!
Shields and axes shining bright, all deceivers die - on our pikes!
[lead - Repulsor]
From the Sky mighty Thunder has shown
All its Power which our souls possess
Boiling Blood and the urge to strike
The commandment to fight the damned!
[solo - Micha³]
[solo - Repulsor]
From the Sky mighty Thunder has shown
All its Power which our souls possess
Boiling Blood and the urge to strike
The commandment to fight... and HAIL!!!
4. Warrior's Heart
music: M. Strzelecki, Repulsor & Sorcerer
lyrics: M. Strzelecki
Like forgotten order of the Knights
Like monks of Metal faith
I'm the one of those who will baptize the world
By the double-edged sword
I follow the call of the wild!
I give a shout - it fills the sky!
Heart of the Warrior lives in You
Together We defend the Truth!
Never lose the Metal Faith
A new day will rise again!
I was born from Thunder, Fire and the Anger
Look at my Army now!
Dazzling like a lightning, burning like the Sun
Truth and Metal be my guide!
I follow the call of the wild!
I give a shout - it fills the sky!
Heart of the Warrior lives in You
Together We defend the Truth!
Never lose the Metal Faith
A new day will rise again!
[lead - Micha³ & Repulsor]
[solo - Micha³]
I follow the call of the wild!
I give a shout - it fills the sky!
Heart of the Warrior lives in You
Together We defend the Truth!
Never lose the Metal Faith
A new day will rise again!
5. Ogien Zniszczenia (Flame of Destruction)
music: Kel`Thuz & Sorcerer
lyrics: Kel`Thuz
Ogieñ zniszczenia tkn¹³ m¹ ziemiê
Wszyscy Bracia zginêli dzi� w boju
Nie dane mi siê z nimi w �mierci po³¹czyæ
Pomszczenia wo³a ich krew
Ostatni z rodu, mój syn le¿y martwy
Nie doczeka³ czasu, gdy miecz móg³by wznie�æ
I jego �mieræ zostanie pomszczona
S³yszcie mój bitewny zew!
Krzy¿owi zbójcy, Krwawej Zemsty Prawem
Mój miecz napoi siê posok¹ waszych cia³!
Patrzcie Bogowie, oto wasz waleczny syn
Za prochy Ojców w tej ziemi on gna
Grzmij Piorunie, uka¿ sw¹ Potêgê
Ostatni z Synów S³oñca dzier¿y Stal
Nie ujdzie ¿aden z morderców ludu
Co na tej ziemi od pocz¹tku trwa³!
Grzmij Piorunie, hen z mojej stanicy
Niechaj poznaj¹, jaka tkwi w nas Moc
Karmiê ostrze krwi¹ plugawych gadów
Ich s³abe krzyki wnet poch³onie noc!
Czyny straszliwe to moje dzie³o
S³abe istoty nazywaj¹ to z³em
Lecz Prawo Zemsty jest mi przypisane
I znów uderza mój Miecz!
Nie wierzê s³owom w twarz mi rzucanym
¯a³osne k³amstwa nie os³abi¹ ju¿ mnie
Przelana krew u�wiêci me czyny
Wytnê plugastwo dzi� precz!
[solo: Michal]
[solo: Repulsor]
[lead: Michal & Repulsor]
Przysiêgam na �wiête S³oñce
Na jego promienny Blask
Zmia¿d¿ê wrogów tysi¹ce
Zakoñczy³ siê dzi� ich czas
Bogowie wska¿¹ mi Drogê
Gdzie zatriumfuje ma Stal
Zemsty dokonam, a wtedy skonam
By imiê me mog³o trwaæ!
[solo: Michal]
Zowê siê Ogniem Zniszczenia
P³omieniem Zemsty, który trawi �wiat
Si³¹, co wyrywa chwasty
Grabi¹ce nasz¹ ziemiê od tysiêcy lat!
P³onê Ogniem Zniszczenia
P³omieniem Zemsty, co siê bêdzie tli³
W sercach tych, co dopiero nadejd¹
Zbudzeni g³osem swej Stalowej Krwii!!!