
"Dittohead" (1994 Single)
1. Dittohead 2. Serenity and Murder 3. Divine Intervention
1. Dittohead
This fucking country's lost its grip
Subconscious hold begins to slip
The scales of justice tend to tip
The legal system has no spine
It's corroding from inside
Slap your hand you'll do no time
Reality on vacation
All across a blinded nation
Mentality under sedation
Anyone can be set free
On a technicality
Explain the law again to me
Here in 1994
Things are different than before
Violence is what we adore
Invitation to the game
Guns and blades and media fame
Every day more of the same
Murder, mayhem, anarchy
Now are all done legally
Mastermind your killing spree
Unafraid of punishment
With a passive government
There's nothing for you to regret
Nothing to regret
Unimposing policy
No enforcing ministry
Gaping with judicial flaws
Watching a fading nation crawl
(Lead: Hanneman)
Clashing with the public's frame
I'm the one that's place in fame
Legislature sets the stage
Social slaves caught in my rage
(Lead: King)
Administrative anarchy there's nothing
You can do to me
The world around you drifting to a
Continental tomb you see
Violence is my passion
I will never be contained
Living with aggression and its
Everlasting reign
2. Serenity and Murder
Let me take you down without a sound
Dead before you hit the ground
Blood washes my hand can't understand
Sterilizing my pain
Washed away with crimson tide
By my hand I keep testing time
Quench the fire that drives my soul
Soothing me as death takes hold
(Lead: Hanneman)
Peaceful and serene slowly bleeding
Eyes once bright are now fading
Pallid ashen face against my skin
Staring blindly at some distant place
Washed away by crimson tide
By my hand I keep testing time
Straight flesh lace adorns your neck
Spilling your blood all over my flesh
(Lead: King)
Quench the fire that drives my soul
Soothing me as death takes hold
Divine godsend enveloping me
Spiritual ecstasy sets me free
3. Divine Intervention
In a web like hell
How did "I reach this place
Why are they haunting me
I cannot look at God's face
Brilliant light
Trying to run
Want to scream but cannot speak
I cannot look at God's face
(Lead: King)
Blind my eyes I can't see
What is being done to me
In my mind only pain
All the memories are drained
Deathless torture
Void with no mercy
Black shroud binds those who see
Naked before you I stand
Shattered shrine of flesh and bone
God's piercing through my soul
(Lead: King)
(Lead: Hanneman)
Segments of my life
Morbid pieces of reality
Twisted personality
Many faces yet faceless
Familiar things give way to strange
No mercy no reason but pain
Subconscious control
Threshold of pain unfolds
Transfixed martyr saving race
Who am I to judge thy grace
In a web like hell
How did I reach this place
Why are they haunting me
I cannot look at God's face