
"El Gato de la Slam" (1996)
1. Back to you 2. Commitment 3. Before God 4. S.S.C. 5. Mercy and Grace 6. Red River (One Bad Pig Cover) 7. Nothing 8. Drop the Puck 9. (Secret/Hidden Track)
1. Back to you
You knew the way you knew the truth
You knew the life that manyhave
Remember the time rememberthe place
Remember the feelings you oncehad
When all the laughter hid allthe pain
You gave your life but yourefrained
To let it go you held it inyour love
Was slowly choked away
Can you feel it coming backto you
I saw the looks and condemningwords
Spoken by the ones who claimedHis name
It drove you back to a secludedworld
You got so sick of playingthe game
For everyone who's quick tojudge is
Another ten with outstretchedarms
To pick you up to be a friendto love
You just for who you are
And now it's time to let itgo
Release the past that hurtyou so
Return to peace return to joy
Let His presence fill yoursoul
Throw off the yoke that burdenedyou
Your days of bitterness arethrough
You're gaining ground you'regaining strength
The fire's coming back to you
2. Commitment
You gave me your word but Iguess I was wrong to assume
That your promise would lastmore than one afternoon
It's so easy to talk yet sohard to come through
And so foolish of me to puttrust in you
Your lack of commitment issomething that scars so deep
And the faith I once had inyou I can't keep
I've been burned to the pointwhere I just can't feel
And I've got to find someonewho'll be real
Commitment is so hard for youto make
Commitment is so easy for youto break
Can't you see the pain yourcausing me
With your lack of love andsincerity
When all else had failed Godreminded me to look to Him
For commitment that lasts He'sthe unfailing friend
And His will is for me to forgiveand forget
And remember the value of commitment
3. Before God
Leaning on their strength
Screaming as they sink
Chasing empty dreams
Breaking at the seams
Greying the black and white
Failing of their sight
Leaving truth behind
Grieving loss of mind
See them falling down
Paving the road ahead
Saving the walking dead
Crying for their pain
His dying was not in vain
4. S.S.C.
Get out that Sunday suit andwear the vest
Today's the day that God seesya
You gotta look your best
Put on the tie and tie it upstraight
Now hurry off to Sunday Schooland don't be late
You are Sunday School cool
You got Sunday School cool
You're cool
You're so cool, you're so cool
Make your grand entrance makeall the heads turn
Sit down by your buddies, yougot a lesson to learn
Whoops forgot your Bible, lostsome points there
But you don't use it anywayso why should you care
5. Mercy and Grace
I can remember the times thatI failed
All the times that I turnedaway
All the hatred and pain heldinside
I can remember the time thatI prayed
You took my sin and You threwit from east to west
The things I remember You willforget
I cried out for something that'sreal
Is there something out therethat's true
Out of all of the things thatI tried
God I‘d never thought It'dbe You
You took my hand and You showedme a different path
And gave me Your Spirit andspared Your wrath
I can't begin to comprehendYour mercy and Your grace
The one true Friend beyondthe end
Can't wait to see Your face
6. Red River (One Bad Pig Cover)
Bad boy, bad boy, wanting someattention
Looking for some action, can'tget no satisfaction
I am bad boy searching formy place
Falling on my face, cryingout for grace
Take me down, take me downto Red River
Oh I need to start again
Take me down, wash me cleanin Red River
Cover me in crimson - I needRed River
I know, I know, I made a bigmistake
I don't deserve a break, Hislove will never shake
I cry, you cry, cry out forsalvation
Hear this revelation, thereain't no condemnation
Dripping from that tree, flowingdown Skull Mountain
Into that bloody sea
Cover you, Red River coverme
7. Nothing
Things you try to sell me
You speak with a forked tongue
The path of least resistance
You try to force upon
Unsuspecting people
Living on your word
Sitting high upon your throne
You will be undone
You're proving nothing
Your words are useless
You're proving nothing
Soon will come the hour
The portion of things to come
Day of final judgement
You've got nowhere to run
As in the days of Noah
No one listened for the flood
Every man upon his knee
Worship the risen One
The time is fast approaching
So listen to these words
Reject the fatal poison
Of men who never learn
They seek your searching soul
They're waiting for the kill
My God above will crush theirbones
Deception will be stilled
8. Drop the Puck
I'm walking down the corridor,I smell the ice again
The rink is mine I'm feelingfine now let the game begin
I'm in the face off circletoo long, zebra's out of luck
I knock him with my twig andsay hey man just drop the puck
Drop the puck
We want more
Drop the puck
He shoots he scores
Cross check in the corner glovesdrop now it's fist to face
Tossed into the sin bin butI'll put punk in his place
Race across the blue line passone-timer's in the net
Siren's roaring now I'm scoringain't my last goal yet
All tied up it's 2 on 1, apoke check knocks it loose
I steal it for a breakawaygot goalie by the noose
Slapshot through the five-holebiscuit flies right through the chump
Dogpile on me victory it'stime to kiss the cup
9. (Secret/Hidden Track)