
"Poetic Wisdom" (2001 Best of/Compilation)
1. A Well Beside The River 2. Cancer Of The Heart 3. Something To Cling To 4. Worn Out Sole To Heel 5. Troublesometimes 6. I Dubious 7. Science Never Sleeps 8. History Lessens 9. Bombjour! 10. A Badtime Story
1. A Well Beside The River
A song i dedicate unto those who share my need
to give their all - and should they fall strive on til they succeed.
though my belly aches with hunger - weary limbs tremble and shiver
i'd rather go where waters flow - no well beside the river.
It's spur has driven some to Hell on an unbridled desire
no pain - no gain - the strongest chain's forged in the hottest fire
I pity you - who's eyes so blue have never known ambition
yet can spit your judgment at me like some crazed, despotic queen
This dull existence merely half-life - (a glazed comatose condition)
too scary to try - so born to die sat at your sewing machine
Discontentedly accepting all the world's prepared to give her
it's fate that she stagnates just like a well beside the river
Life's one almighty, ducking - school we've built with our own hands.
We can swim and burn or sink and drown
'cause either way we're damned.
I'm so proud to be the tupping fool - your foul, fantastic freak,
at least each moment I've spent on this earth was totally unique.
So little man with such big plans to stand upon the stage,
Why do you squabble in the dirt - you should be reaching for a star?
By far the greatest gift that I can give on making the front page,
it is: instead of punching faces why not practice your guitar.
More beauty has been composed than jealousy can tear and sliver.
Wilst troubled waters bubble -you're a well beside the river
Life's one almighty ,ducking - school we've built with our own hands.
We can swim and burn or sink and drown
'cause either way we're damned.
I'm so proud to be the tupping fool - your foul, fantastic freak,
at least each moment I've spent on this earth was totally unique.
There's a dirty job I've done for all my life without
time-off called being me.
Though the hours are long and my pay is poor - I can't resign it's
all I'm qualified to be!
Life's one almighty ,ducking - school we've built with our own hands.
We can swim and burn or sink and drown
'cause either way we're damned.
I'm so proud to be the tupping fool - your foul, fantastic freak,
at least each moment I've spent on this earth was totally unique.
Though my belly aches with hunger - weary limbs tremble and shiver,
I'd rather go where waters flow - no well beside the river.
2. Cancer Of The Heart
There's a simple diagnosis for this vicious symbiosis
feel the growth of rogue psychosis
we are the cause - we are the cure
Across each continent and nation
spread without discrimination,
we refuse our medication - yet inject the virus pure.
Father, mother, sister, brother. Everyone infects each other.
Insidious, incestuous love ?
(A feeling more akin to hate)
Vying constantly for power
and changing sides with every hour,
in homes built with machine-gun-towers,
(the sights trained on the garden-gate).
Seems we made our greatest error when we named it at the start
for though we called it "Human Nature" - it was Cancer of the heart
To show compassion makes you weak
so don't dare turn the other cheek,
Try hard to hide the fear you feel
with a heart of stone and nerves of steel
A naked-ape in the human zoo
you amaze me with the things you do
I watch your pride before the fall
and realise I don t belong at all.
WE try to leave the past behind us
racing onwards - blind and mindless
now the milk of human kindness won't serve for one cup of tea
We sate the hunger - quench the thirst
then lock our doors - expect the worst
be sure and always do to others first what they could do to thee !
It's the biggest contradiction - in terms language could impact
something neither humane or natural - just "Cancer of the heart"
To show compassion makes you weak,
so don't dare turn the other cheek.
Try hard to hide the fear you feel -
with a heart of stone and nerves of steel.
A naked-ape in the human-zoo.
you amaze mo with the things you do.
I watch your pride before the fall,
and realise I don't belong at all.
It's replicating culture sprawls when you see red as 'Rose-Bengal'
The anti-body's common sense - intolerance it's best defence.
Microscopic minds can't diagnose the cause before
the symptom shrows.
A grave threat to the rational health -
(be your own physician - heal thyself!).
Seems the biggest contradiction-in-terms language could impart,
something neither humane or natural -just'Cancer Of The Heart'
To show compassion makes you weak,
so don't dare turn the other Cheek.
Try hard to hide the fear you feel -
with a heart of stone and nerves of steel.
A naked-ape in the human-zoo.
you amaze me with the things you do.
I watch your pride before the fall,
and realise l don't belong at all.
3. Something To Cling To
Sometimes life feels like an ocean,
cruel and far too cold to mention.
Though you raise a great commotion - still no-one pays you attention
There's no sail on the horizon,
when the shark-fins gather near,
you watch your chances of surviving scuppered -
(sink, then disappear),
All I need, all you need, all we need, is something to cling to.
(Watch your chances disappear when the shark-fins gather near),
All I need, all you need, all we need, is something to cling to.
As your 'fair-weather-friends' stand waving,
from the comfort of their yacht,
(it's strange how when you needed saving
they conveniently forgot).
The countless times you've stopped them sinking,
fought to keep their lives afloat,
and hauled them upwards, (without thinking).
to the safety of your boat.
AIl I need, all you need, all we need, is something to cling to
(Fight to keep your life afloat - far from the safety of your boat)
All I need, all you need, all we need, is something to cling to
So tired and numb - your limbs now weaken
and you slowly start to wonder;
Should I not admit I`m beaten,
let these waters drag me under?
Feel a peace and calm descending,
ceasing fears, and cares, and crying.
Knowing that your life is ending,
reconcile yourself to dying.
Then as if from out of nowhere.
(and just when you least expected).
floats a single piece of driftwood - by some unseen force directed
It's a gift life often brings you.
when you thought all hope long gone.
sometimes a single dream to cling to.
gives you strength to carry on.
It seems the wisest words that I know,
(three which some dead scholar wrote)
are simply these: - "Dum spiro spero"
All I need. all you need, all we need, is something to cling to,
(The wisest words man ever wrote are simply "While I breathe I hope").
All i need, all you need, all we need, is something to cling to.
4. Worn Out Sole To Heel
It's a mountain that we all must climb,
In giant leaps or one step at a time.
I saw a fat, old money lender - shoes of silk and ermine,
Laughing as they stambled on blistered feet rough shod.
He never helped the poor and weak - viewed them all as vermin,
So when he fell they passed him by and struggled up to god.
Each of us must walk a different track -
No sign to guide us and no turning back.
Humanity in motion - it's the pilgrimage eternal.
Most are blind - But i suspect what rare few know is real.
"You carry me, i'll carry you" this simple childish notion.
A cable car to Shangrai-La,
Your worn up soul to heal.
The soldier boy is marching proud (with military precision)
Kicking others from the path - so keen to reach the peak.
Never will he get there with this tactical decision -
He spends so much time fighting that each footstep takes a week.
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero,
Persta et obdura - omnia vincit amor!
My money's on the holy man - just clad in sack and sandals
Heard a small child crying there - so turned around and stopped.
Like a beacon now he shines (bright as a million candles)
Alone upon the summit when the selfish have all dropped.
It's no contest - but we still race there
Like the saintly tortoise and the godless hare.
Humanity in motion - it's the pilgrimage eternal.
Most are blind - But i suspect what rare few know is real.
"You carry me, i'll carry you" this simple childish notion.
A cable car to Shangrai - La,
Your worn up soul to heal.
You're worn up sole to heal,
Your worn up soul too ...
Heal your worn up soul.
5. Troublesometimes
High above the sleeping city streets where we've all grown
A silent evil Slithers through the dawn.
Blissful in our ignorance - God how could we have known
Today would be the day we learn to mourn?
The Shades of old dictators rise,
Impassive eyes - cold hearted.
Watch their 'wunderkinder' try to finish what they started.
The morning sky had barely yielded to the sun's caress,
When from the hills came 'Yellow Wasps' in swarm.
Zvornik wakes - discovers what a devil of a mess,
A fragile peace can look when it's been torn.
Now we stand like broken statues 'midst the wreckage of our homes,
Try to recognize our children by the ragsupon their bones.
Out of the 'Cold War' into the ceasefire flame!
Opened wounds - unsettled scores,
An ancient hate - new icons.
The front line starts at our back doors
'Cause bygones won't be bygones.
Cleanse the bloodline - start the cull,
Nazi roulette - six chambers full
Fail to read the warning signs,
Find yourself in Troublesometimes
While common sense had turned it's back
A shadow crossed our nation,
Can mourning mothers veiled in black sing songs of liberation?
Out of the 'Cold War' into the ceasefire flame!
Opened wounds - unsettled scores,
An ancient hate - new icons.
The front line starts at our back doors
'Cause bygones won't be bygones.
Through a mask of tears and cinder -
Watch your cornfields burn like tinder.
Fail to read the warning signs,
Find yourself in Troublesometimes
6. I Dubious
I am the king of all that I survey
beware my son it could be yours one day.
Hier transparent to a dynasty -
dog - emperor of woe and misery.
It sent me mad but now it makes me furious
I'm shadowed by a doubt - I dubious.
Too many handshakes - not enough sincerity.
Promises of glass break - spilling poisoned trechery.
I'm a founding member of the Pessimist Society,
I talk to my reflection 'cause I trust it not to lie to me.
Jesus loved Judas - Judas kissed Jesus.
Ceasar loved Brutus - Brutus killed Ceasar.
I am the king of all that I survey
beware my son it could be yours one day.
Hier transparent to a dynasty -
dog - emperor of woe and misery.
It sent me mad but now it makes me furious
I'm shadowed by a doubt - I dubious.
Playing noughts and zeros - on my Boolean table.
We're warts and all heroes of this true - life fable.
I'm the entertainer at the Bunkcupt Club reunion,
if there's a church of failure - I'll kneel and take communion.
Wed to Delilah - shorn in my sleep.
Sentenced by Pilate - and nailed up to weep.
I am the king of all that I survey
beware my son it could be yours one day.
Hier transparent to a dynasty -
dog - emperor of woe and misery.
It sent me mad but now it makes me furious
I'm shadowed by a doubt - I dubious.
7. Science Never Sleeps
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
They cover their stupidity by calling it "stupology",
rearrange your world without one word of apology,
Make a man-made-soul so small it fits inside your pocket,
when you die they'll shoot it up to heaven in a rocket.
We've made tommorows world - a Nirvana for the damned.
We've made tommorows world - Mother Earth on Fatherland?
We've made tommorows world - we're the cause and the effect.
We've made tommorows world - could George Orwell be correct?
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human ameebae that helplessly float
in a final solution - suspend in hope.
Let me show you something hideous,
insidious, creeping and libidinous.
The worst laid plans of men with mice,
wielding scaples - laboratory sacrifice.
Great for the economy - destroying our ecology.
Unscrupulous, malicious - yet chemically delicious.
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human ameebae that helplessly float
in a final solution - suspend in hope.
Will we shiver in dark centuries of cryogenic winter,
or be vapourized to ashes when atoms start to splinter?
A case of heads or tails - it's their coin so they can choose,
breed creatures born with two of either so they cannot lose.
We've made tommorows world - a Nirvana for the damned.
We've made tommorows world - Mother Earth on Fatherland?
We've made tommorows world - we're the cause and the effect.
We've made tommorows world - could George Orwell be correct?
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human ameebae that helplessly float
in a final solution - suspend in hope.
8. History Lessens
Look what you get for following leaders,
who lead from the rear - where are they now?
Look what you get for following leaders,
who lead from the rear - where are they...
Where are they now?
What did we learn in history lessons?
How to sit quiet at the back of a class
with so many things open to questions,
it's too late to cry - there's no one to ask.
Life's an education - a multiple equation,
everybody finds their own solution in the end.
"To be or not to be" is a very lengthy question,
has somebody please got a sharpened pencil they can lend?
What did we learn in history lessons?
How to sit quiet at the back of a class
with so many things open to questions,
it's too late to cry - there's no one to ask.
Marching in time down a production line,
what did that teach you about life in the dole queue?
The Law of Relativity - (life's relative misery).
The Law of Probability - (it's probably contrived).
Newton's Law of Gravity - (we face a grave reality).
The Law that runs the jungle - (only the strong survive).
Look what you get for following leaders,
who lead from the rear - where are they now?
The path of least resistance - a bland text book existence,
don't expect to find the answers printed at the back.
The only sound advice that's carried me through life -
when the cards are stacked against you - play the joker in the pack.
What did we learn in history lessons?
How to sit quiet at the back of a class
with so many things open to questions,
it's too late to cry - there's no one to ask.
Marching in time down a production line,
what did that teach you about life in the dole queue?
9. Bombjour!
Hello, bombjour!
Good morning (good morning).
The obvious drawback in building a bomb,
is the needing somewhere (or someone) to test it on.
What happened to European Community?
Consciences with diplomatic immunity.
Find a new toy that's more safe than the atom -
the face of a clown with Napoleon's hat on.
Did you really mean it ? - you've got to be joking,
too late to say sorry (the gun barrel's smoking).
Our hope for the future is clear understanding,
but you're still afraid that the Martians are landing.
The 'Reds' neath our beds appear far more attractive
than waking up dead in the radioactive debris.
Frere Jacques Chirac dormez-vous?
You said it's quite harmless - well I beg your pardon,
why didn't you try it in your own back garden?
Whatever became of would peace and goodwill?
Don't sharpen the blade if you don't mean to kill.
Your knowledge has limits (your folly's unending),
are you insane - or just good at pretending to be?
10. A Badtime Story
Look what I got for Valentine's Day:
Lady Luck came along, took my dreams away,
And the tears hurt more than a broken nose -
I bled from the thorns of a barbed-wire rose.
I know that I'm supposed to pray
Thanking God for each new day.
Would it disturb his master plan
To one day be a happy man?
I've tried to be positive, tried to be nice.
I've turned the other cheek so I'd get hurt twice.
I've forced a smile, I've dropped my guard
I've seized the day but it bit me hard.
Life's too short, but long enough to gain
The cap and gown of misery, suffering and pain.
No need to read my diary to see what lies before me -
Just another chapter in my Badtime Story.
The end of love and laughter
now we're happy never after.
My next birthday will, I fear
Be much the same as every year.
Inside the wrapping there
Are a few more wrinkles and a little less hair.
Another Autumn leaf is turning,
One more soul for candle-burning.
Hid beneath the sham and glitter
I taste a cake that's stale and bitter.
I've tried to be positive, tried to be nice.
I've turned the other cheek so I'd get hurt twice.
I've forced a smile, I've dropped my guard
I've seized the day but it bit me hard.
Life's too short, but long enough to gain
The cap and gown of misery, suffering and pain.
No need to read my diary to see what lies before me -
Just another chapter in my Badtime Story.
On my Christmas card last year it said:
"So sorry, Santa Claus is dead.
Crawl into the oven when you've had enough
'Cos it keeps sitting here quietly waiting to be stuffed."
What a festive way to go
Here beneath the mistletoe,
With open eyes and an open wrist
To vanish from your Christmas list.
I've tried to be positive, tried to be nice.
I've turned the other cheek so I'd get hurt twice.
I've forced a smile, I've dropped my guard
I've seized the day but it bit me hard.
Life's too short, but long enough to gain
The cap and gown of misery, suffering and pain.
No need to read my diary to see what lies before me -
Just another chapter in my Badtime Story.